4) The Walk Home

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It's always awkward walking somewhere with someone you hardly know, so to save the awkward silences I checked my phone.

Text Message:  From Florence Kennedy.

Hey Cass, sorry I didn't say a proper goodbye I'm just so excited seeing cam etc. Have fun walking home with Matt, omg!!!! What if he kisses you???? ;) x

I quickly replied to her crazy message.

Text Message: From Cassie Smith

Flo, it's cool I had a great night anyway! Have fun tonight aswell. ER ARE YOU CRAZY? We've just met. He's definitely my type, perfect. But I bet he has a gf, no kisses for Cassie!! :( x

Can you imagine if that happened. I would go crazy, but I am being silly, we've just met and he most probably has a girlfriend! We continued walking and I realised how rude I must look just texting. I began to strike up conversation. 

'So how long have you and Cameron known eachother?' I asked.

'Ah, well we've worked together for a while, we're really great friends. Same with me and Atticus.' 

Wow. I didn't even realise Cameron had a job! That's so strange, I just assumed he was at college or university or something. I wonder where he worked? In a shopping centre? or a super market or something? We continued to chat away, it was so easy speaking to him. I felt as if I had known him forever! We were just about home now and started to slow down just outside my house.

'So you up to anything else tonight Cass?' Asked Matthew.

'Hmm, probably just do some homework and watch tv with my little sister' I replied

'Aw that sounds adorable, have fun! I heard there are some great premiere's on tonight on Disney channel' He said with a strange look in his eye.

I was automatically confused. Why did he mention Disney channel? Ok so I watch it all the time, but how did he know? Maybe Flo mentioned something, she is always making me laugh about my addiction to Disney! But still, what a strange sentance. 

I hugged Matt goodbye. Just a friendly hug. Nothing more! I headed inside and shouted up to my parents who were upstairs watching tv. My sister was in the front room watching Disney. What a shocker! I took my shoes off, grabbed my books and sat down on the sofa next to my sister, Josie. I started finishing off my Chemistry homework that has been set over the holidays and made a start on my History project. I loved Disney channel, but I only ever had time to watch it in the mornings before school. I never saw the programmes on in the evenings as I always had my head in a book or two. I continued with my homework and studying while Josie sang along to numerous catchy theme tunes. I heard something about a premiere on tv tonight of season two of a very popular night time Disney show. I wonder if Matt was talking about that one? I couldn't be bothered to even lift my head up to look, I had too much to study. The premiere started and I heard another really catchy song. This was different though, this was actually a good song. Something about a girl next door? 

I zoned out a little while Josie was watching this programme and I studied. As I finished I started listening to the programme. A girl was speaking to another girl about something along the lines of a Rainbow Factory, whatever that was? This didn't exactly sound like a great tv show. But I decided to watch anyway. The next voice I heard sounded so familiar it scared me a little. A male voice shouted 'PRANKSY!!!" I immediately looked up and I felt sick. Not sick that it was disgusting, sick because my stomach had just flipped. I could not believe my eyes. The camera on the tv show zoomed out to show a brown haired boy wearing khaki trousers sat down with a laptop placed on his knees. He was looking down at the laptop so I didn't recognise his face. He suddenly looked up and replied to 'pranksy' and that was the final straw. I could not believe what I was seeing, suddenly everything Matt said made sense. It was absolutely crazy, but It made sense.

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