5) Explanations

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Okay so last night I felt so faint after finishing my studies and watching Disney so I headed to bed really early. I woke up this morning pretty sure everything that had happened was in fact, a crazily realistic dream. I pulled myself out of bed, took my phone off charge and checked to see if I had any messages. I had 2! I've never been one to be addicted to my phone because no one ever texts me? This was certainly surprising!

Text Message: From Florence Kennedy

Hey girllll, what you doing today? Me, Cam, Atticus and Matt are going to head out shopping, they wanna grab some gifts and stuff for their familys before they run out of money to spend! Wanna join? Matt wont stop talking about you, I gave him your number by the way? Hope thats okay. xxxxx

Text Message: From Unknown Number

Hey Cassie, It's Matt. Florence gave me your number. I'm just wondering if you're coming out with us today, would be nice to see you again. Also, did you watch the premiere I mentioned last night? If you did, I'm sure you have some questions, lol. Matt xx

Okay. Let me just clear my head. I quickly saved Matt's number to my phone, feeling full of pride as if I had an A-List celebrity on there. I ignored both their texts as I had to figure things out, my head hurt because I assured myself everything that happened last night was a dream? I grabbed my macbook and shoved it onto my bed, I pulled up google and started frantically typing. The page couldn't load quick enough, I tapped my fingers on my laptop as I was so impatient at finding out what is going on. The page finally loaded and there it was. On the main page of Disneys website there was a large banner which read ' My Babysitters a Vampire, Season 2' this was the show with the wonderful theme song. I googled that too and let it play in the background. I clicked the link to the profile all about My Babysitters a Vampire. It read:

My Babysitter's a Vampire is a Canadian television series, based on the television film of the same name. The show is currently airing it's second season. The show follows Ethan Morgan (Matthew Knight) who learns that his babysitter Sarah (Vanessa Morgan) is a vampire. The show also features Ethan's bestfriend Benny Weir (Atticus Mitchell) and a fellow vampire friend Rory (Cameron Kennedy) 

I still couldn't believe what I was reading. No one in the world could all have the same names, and all be friends, surely? My theory that Florence's cousin and his two friends were actually famous tv stars was proven correct when I scrolled down. Numerous pictures of all the cast together made me feel so strange, happy but sad. Why did Florence tell me? I thought we were bestfriends? Maybe she doesn't know??? I know Matt mentioned he met Atticus and Cameron at his job, I thought he meant a saturday job at a local store! Not a famous actor! How can he act so casual about this? Everything seemed different all of a sudden, I couldn't believe yesterday I was casually hanging out with famous tv stars. Oh my god.

My mum offered me lunch but I refused, I still felt really sick after realising all of this. I was still sat on my laptop researching all of this, but I had eventually got dressed for the day and come downstairs. I realised I hadn't text either Flo or Matt back so I hastily texted them both a reply.

Text Message: To Florence Kennedy

omg Flo I have so much to talk to you about? This is INSANE! Sorry can't make shopping today, I'll come round this afternoon when you're back??? xxxxxx

Text Message: To Matthew Knight

I now know you're last name after googling you (sorry, it had to be done) Anyway Mr Matthew Knight, you have soooo much explaining to do! Cass xx

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