10) Truth Or Dare

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I was looking forward to the week to come. I had been staying at Florence's for a couple days or so now. We had spent most of it lounging around in our pyjamas with the boys, whilst they played video games. Me and Matthew were still happy as ever. Today was 2 weeks before they would be leaving to go back to Canada. I couldn't help but feel that pang of sadness in my heart, realising I wouldn't be seeing Matthew for a while. But I figured we'd still text and call, or skype. I headed downstairs bright and early ready for the day ahead. I was wearing an outfit especially picked by Matthew, and my favourite bracelet of course. I skipped down the stairs happily, and started making breakfast for everyone. No one else was up, I'd left Matthew in bed. We were sharing a bed now that we're well, a couple. It feels so strange saying that. But the small room was being used to store everybodies luggage! The boys had gigantic suitcases with them! Back to me making breakfast. Anyway, I dished up some eggs, bacon, tomatos, toast and oatmeal, everyone could pick and choose. I heard people awakening to the smell of the food cooking, and one by one people ventured down the stairs.

"These eggs are delicious Cass!!!" Exclaimed Cameron after eating not three, but four of them!

"It's a special recipe! I'll never tell!' I said, while tapping my finger onto my lips.

Today we were headed to London Zoo. Cam, Atticus and Matt had all put together their spending money to take us out on a trip there. I loved the zoo, even if I was 50, I'd still love going there. While we were there the boys exclaimed about how different it was in England compared to Canada and how much fun they were having. I felt to proud walking around hand in hand with my completely perfect boyfriend. The day dragged on, and after seeing around 50 animals, eating 2 picnics, nearly falling asleep a few times and walking around all day in the blistering heat we decided to call it a day! We made it back to Florence's house and all slowly walked up the stairs and dived into bed. We were all so tired out that we couldn't possibly stay up any longer. I collapsed into bed in my clothes from the day, Matt told me to get changed or he'd do it for me. I thought I'd be cheeky and refuse to change, but If im honest I was far too tired to even move. Matt climbed over me and pulled off my tights and skirt. He lifted up my t shirt and I felt far too exposed. I sat ontop of him and giggled. Putting my embarassed face onto his bare chest. He laughed too, he obviously felt a little awkward, both of us sat there casually in underwear. It was a hot day for the summer, so I felt most comfortable sleeping in just my underwear. I proceeded in doing so! I climbed into our thin sheets and curled myself into a ball. Just like that, I fell into a much needed, deep sleep.

The next day we decided to spend in doors, it was so hot for the summer so me and Florence started sunbathing in the afternoon. Quickly the sun hid behind the clouds so we went inside to greet the boys, who were, once again, playing video games. At dinner we ordered pizza and ate so much we all had stomach aches. That night we decided against watching a film, as we'd watched far too many. We thought to be fun and spontaneous so we decided to play truth or dare. Okay, I'd always kinda liked this game. But I hated being given dares I wouldn't do, and then being called a chicken! We proceeded to play the game and span the bottle to see who went first. It landed right on Flo. 

'Truth or Dare Flo?' I asked.

'Errrr, dare!!' she said, excitedly.

'We dare you to change tops with Atticus!!!' Said Cameron.

We all laughed and turned away. Before we knew it, Florence was wearing a very manly striped v neck top and Atticus was looking dashing in a low cut floral crop top. I remembered why I had loved this game. We were all in stiches!!! The next spin landed on Matthew, he picked dare too.

'I dare you to kiss Cassie as passionately as you can!' Said Atticus. With a funny, but menacingly embarrassing look in his eyes!

Matthew leaned forward and whispered 'sorry!' in my ear. He then lifted me up, placed me on his lap and initiated the kiss. His lips were so tender and warm, he took great care when exploring my lips too, our bodies entwined within each other and for a split second I forgot where we were, and that this was a dare. It felt so intimate. Everyone laughed and chortled, 'dont get too carried away guys!!!' So we broke off the kiss, both smiling like crazy. I buried my head in his chest with embarrassment. I just wanted to stop the game now, and head upstairs and do more of that passionate kissing... with no one else about to stop us. We encountered a few more dares, Cameron did a celebrity impression, Atticus did a headstand with his trousers off, I had to walk around with underwear over my jeans and Matt had to kiss Cameron's cheek! We also had a few truths, asking the boys if they'd ever do sex scenes, pose for a naked magazine, ever had a crush on a work friend etc. It was a load of fun, I'd never laughed so much in my life. After our ever lasting game we all shuffled upstairs to our bedrooms. Me and Matt had a few laughs reminiscing funny moments of the night and we quickly fell asleep in each others arms, once again. 

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