17) Unbelievable

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As we made our way through the boarding gates we stared in disbelief. Everything was so pretty, and big. The cold crisp air hit us and we did up our coats. It was so much colder than England, but I loved cold weather so this definitely was a good start. We hauled a taxi and jumped into it. My dad asked for him to take us to our destination. We weren't exactly moving to Toronto. But I had heard of that area so thats what my dad had told me. We were going to live in Ontario, in a town called Mount Albert, which is a couple miles from Toronto. In the taxi I looked out of the window in disbelief. We drove past dozens of gigantic blue houses, autumn trees, big buildings, the town centre. Everything was perfect. I couldn't wait to live here. I saw the local school, it was called 'Mount Albert High School' boring, I sighed. It looked deserted, everyone had obviously broken up from school. I would be attending that school. If I was back in England, I would be at college, but here you stay at High School until you're 18. Fab. I saw a bunch of girls walking past the school, they seemed around my age and were fantastically pretty. I sighed again, I was going to be so ugly compared to everyone. I had no chance of moving on from Matthew.

We had been travelling for around an hour, the taxi man had got ridiculously lost. I was still staring out of the window as if I was in a film. I stared at my new surroundings, I was sad to be leaving my lovely london town but seeing the gorgeous trees and autumn leaves was brilliant. I loved a change to my scenery. But moving to Ontario was just going to be a constant reminder of Matthew. Stupid Matthew. Well, stupid me for falling for him, I knew he didn't want me. He just used me. I'm so stupid. My constant texts must of just annoyed him, I didn't bother telling him I was moving over here. Maybe he knew anyway, Cameron could of mentioned something if his dad had told him. But all of a sudden we had arrived, I recognised the house from the photos I had been shown. The front garden was covered in brown leaves and slowly dying plants. The house was big, bigger than I had expected and was a bright white colour. We opened the doors to the taxi, paid the man and thanked him very much. He smiled at our annoying british accents. We walked warily up to the house and opened the big mahogany door. I rushed inside to see my new bedroom, I couldn't wait to decorate it! The inside of the house was nicer than the outside, it had come almost fully furnished downstairs and I couldn't wait to start my life there. My family had arrived earlier than the moving truck so we just sat inside and explored the new scenery. My room was larger than my last, and was a bright white colour, alike to the outside of the house. I planned where I was going to put my bed, wardrobe and new jewellery stand. Not forgetting my fashion mannequin to hold my coats in the corner. There was a white ornate mirror hung onto the wall, I took a look at myself. I looked disgusting. I had always looked after myself, but going through this 'break up' I guess I could call it, had turned me upside down. I was wearing a plain grey t-shirt, that I usually wear to bed. Grey jeans and my favourite boots to try and tempt some happiness out of me. I wasn't wearing any makeup, and my face looked drained of any source of happiness. I looked dead. I fished out my favourite NARS red lipstick and applied some. It made me feel better, but I doubt I looked any nicer, even my hair was greasy and pulled off my face. Suddenly I heard a croaky manly voice from downstairs. It must of been the man with our truck full of furniture or the truck full of boxes. I peeped outside to see the gigantic truck unloading our stuff. I noticed 3 adult men unloading the furniture, my mum and dad helping and also a younger boy. He looked slightly older than me, but I could only see the back of him. He had floppy brown hair from what I could see. The back of his t-shirt was black, and he was wearing loose jeans with converse trainers. I decided to go and check on my sister and then start unpacking things. My sister was sat downstairs on the kitchen sides and I spoke to her, she told me she was fine to sit there so I went out to meet the men unloading the trucks. I spoke to my mum who was handing out biscuits and tea to them. She asked me to go and grab a few boxes from the the truck full of them and put them into each of our rooms. As I walked towards the car the younger boy who was about my age walked towards the truck full of furniture which was opposite to me. He grabbed a sofa with the other mens help. One of the men must of cracked a joke, as the younger boy laughed. That laugh. It sounded so familiar. As if I knew the laugh. The boy suddenly turned round and looked at me. I grabbed onto the side of the car as I felt the area spinning, I thought I was going to drop down any second. I couldn't believe it.


Matthews Point Of View


I hadn't replied to Cassie's texts in a few weeks. I couldn't face it. I was never going to see her again, I was so busy with schooling and working that I'd have no time in the next few years to go all the way to England. My father had told me I had to ignore her, as much as it hurt. Atticus and Cam thought it was horrible, but even my boss told me to do it. They said I would never have time to see her, and she would just get upset. This hurt me more than ever, but I decided it probably was for the best to just break contact with her. Hoping she'd forget about me, I'm sure she would. But I wouldn't be able to forget her easily, I was pretty sure I was in love with her. Her piercing blue eyes made my legs feel like jelly. I pictured our happy memories together, her falling asleep on my chest. Those multiple nights at Florence's. Each night was different and they couldn't of been more perfect. I laid on my bed and couldn't stop fighting myself in my head. Should I just call her to explain? No! It would just make matters worse. I grabbed my phone to text her, and chucked it across the room. I've been doing this for days, weeks. I couldn't just ignore her. Everytime I saw her face pop up on my phone screen I was reduced to tears. Suddenly I heard a roar from a car or truck outside. I looked outside my window and across the street, opposite my house there was a family moving in. That house had been up for sale for a while, I was surprised that someone was actually moving in. I saw a tall, slim red haired woman walking into the house and some men unpacking the truck. I had to do something today, otherwise I would be upset all day about Cassie. I decided to help the people moving in, maybe then they'd ask me to do odd jobs or something, or I could even be paid for my help. I bolted downstairs and shouted 'byeee' to my dad. I  ran across the road to the father of the family moving in, or atleast that's who I thought he must be. I went up to the man carrying a small chair and asked if he needed any help. He replied in a  broad american accent that he was just a moving truck man. But the family would probably appreciate the help. I took that as a yes. I turned around to see the back of a tall brown haired man, he spoke to someone in the house. I couldn't see who he was speaking to. He spoke in a fantastically british accent. I recognised his voice and clothing from somewhere. But the voice probably just reminded me of Cassie, and my heart began to ache. I began taking boxes from one of their trucks and placing them inside. I made my way to the big delivery truck again and started helping the guys lift out a sofa. I could feel someone's eyes burning into my back. I hate that feeling, like someone was watching me? I quickly turned around in the direction I thought the stare was coming from. Suddenly I noticed someone with piercing blue eyes unpacking boxes from the car. Our eyes met for a split second and I couldn't grasp what was happening. I dropped my area of the sofa in shock. The men grabbed it and moaned that I was annoying. I didn't care, this was unbelievable. I walked over to the girl, she was wearing grey skinny jeans, a plain grey t-shirt and low heeled boots. She had her hair scraped back and wasn't wearing any makeup except from red lipstick. She looked tired, and full of sorrow and upset, as if she had been through so much. Her bright red lips invited me in. They looked perfect to kiss, to cheer her up. Because I had made her this upset. I had caused it. Cassie was stood in front of me and I couldn't believe it.

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