9) Wonderful Week

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As soon as I got back to my house I slept. I hadn't got a great deal of sleep over the past weekend, it was all too hectic. I woke up to the sound of one of my dad's annoying business meetings going on in the kitchen. Our house was pretty nice, pretty spacious and big but that was annoying. It meant all the meetings were held here! My dad worked for the same company as Flo's dad, which was actually owned by Cameron's dad... but I'd only just found that out. Cameron's dad was the big boss of the company in Canada, whereas my dad was the big boss out here in England. Florence's dad worked just below mine, so he was always sent away on the business trips, where my dad got to work from home. I tip toed downstairs in my oversized bed t-shirt and found my sister. I begged her to go grab me some breakfast and she willingly got me my favourite cereal. I ran back up to my room and started sorting my weekender bag out, unpacking everything from Flo's. I carefully placed my favourite bracelet from Matthew on my night stand. It sat there proudly, it was gorgeous. I placed the ring in my wardrobe, I had a pull out jewellery holder. I also put my gorgeous clutch bag, and my large weekender bag in my large hamper at the bottom of my ornate white bed.  

I noticed my phone was lighting up, I obviously had a text. I checked the screen to see I had a few messages.

Text Message: From Florence Kennedy

CASSSS, I miss you already (ok It's been 2 days) But yeah I miss you, it's crazy being in a house full of  3 boys omg!!!! Hope you can come round after your nan has gone back!!! Love yous x

Text Message: From Matthew Knight

Cassie, I told you to text me, YOU HAVEN'T! Jokes, but how are you, missing you xxx

It's strange, having a boyfriend. I'm just not used to it, the constant texts? Weird. I told Florence my nan wasn't even here yet and was arriving tomorrow. For 5 short days (hopefully) and after that I'm gladly staying at Florence's for the rest of the school holidays. I text Matthew back first though, mentioning that I was sorry for not texting him, but I've literally slept for two days straight. I added on an extra kiss too, just to be cheeky.

I carried on tidying my room and sorting things out when I found my diary. I had forgotten all about it, with the whirl of the crazy things that have been going on this past week I hadn't had a chance to  come home and write in it. I decided to write a little 'life update' shall we say?

Dear Diary,

I don't know where to start. This is for you, future me. When I read this I want to remember everything, so here goes. I'm going to try and make this short and sweet, a short life update.


I hope to read this in the future and remember all these crazily amazing memories.


Tuesday arrived pretty quickly, and my nan had finally turned up at our house! With a few 'umms and ahhs' at the new house. She had always been my favourite relative. She wasn't a very old gran, and her clothes were always gorgeously vintage. She had come bearing gifts, which was always a good sign! She handed me over one of her vintage blouses. Most people wouldn't appreciate a hand-me-down gift, but this was the best thing I could of recieved. I thanked her greatly and stared in awe at the khaki blouse with white gold embellishments. It would go so perfectly with my bracelet from Matthew. I had always got along with my nan very easily, so we had a lovely sit down chat about boys. I mentioned Matthew, and showed her one of the photos of us together. She told me he was a 'dashing young man' and he was 'lucky to have me'. It really did make me feel happy. Throughout the day I was texting Matthew, mostly about how much we missed eachother or mentioning how annoying Flo could be! The day whizzed by and I couldn't believe my nan only had another 4 days with us. I loved her, but I was counting down the days until I could see my boyfriend again!! That night I sat up in bed, grabbed my laptop and put in the babysitter's a vampire disc. I couldn't wait to watch all the episodes. As I pressed play, my phone suddenly rang. 'We So Fly' from one of my favourite disney films came on. Suddenly before answering the voice became almost, recognisable. I never ignored calls, but I had to. I brought up a google page and googled 'Radio Rebel' which is what the song was from. I had only seen the film once, and if I'm honest I hadn't paid too much attention. But I really loved that song, it was one of those that you couldn't get out of your head. Another shock arose. I had typed the song into youtube, and the first that came up was called - 'We So Fly - Radio Rebel - sang by Atticus Mitchell' What? My Atticus? As in one of my best friends Atticus? This couldn't be? I went to the movie page to check out the cast, and there it was. Atticus was in the film, and had sang that song. This is crazy? That had been my ringtone for months on end! Suddenly it rang again and shocked me, It was strange. I picked up and to my surprised heard Matthews Voice.

'Hey, erm go onto your balcony quickly!!!' He whispered

'Err why?' I said, confused. Whilst walking towards my large balcony overlooking the front of our secluded house.

There he was. Stood outside the front of my house. I stared down, almost shocked!

'You'll get caught!!!!! Climb up or something!' I tried to whisper.

Matthew nodded in response, to be sure not to be heard. He jumped onto our bin, and up to my balcony, which was pretty low, not too high off the ground. He jumped right next to me and smiled. 

'Surprise!!!' He said, not whispering anymore.

'What are you doing?! This feels like a Romeo and Juliet moment!' I said, laughing.

He laughed, and kissed me, again and again. We shared these intimate moments, they were always so special. We walked into my room, being sure not to get caught. I ran downstairs, acting so tired and told everyone I was going to bed, so I didn't want to be disturbed. I ran back up to find Matthew looking around my room. He smiled at the Babysitter's  a Vampire episode up on my laptop and continued watching it. We both sat together in bed for hours. Sharing stories and memories. It was nice just to see each other. Although I couldn't really believe I had just snuck a boy into my house!! We shared a few kisses, but that was all. I really enjoyed his company. He left just after 12, when the house was beginning to go silent and I was beginning to fall asleep in his perfect arms.

The next day I couldn't stop thinking of my perfect boyfriend. He was so fantastic, it bewildered me how I could of met someone that amazing, who would like me back.


My nan was now leaving tomorrow, and the time had literally flown by. Matthew hadn't visited any more but we had frequent phone calls most nights. Today I was going to a theme park with my family, it was nice I guess. My mum works for a top london salon, so I hardly see her. It really is nice spending time together. The theme park was gigantic, living near london we didn't have to travel far to get to it, but having such busy parents we never had time together. I went on all the rides and got such a thrill. I thought about Matthew for most of the day, how amazing would it be to come here as a couple! 

My nan had left us earlier, she made her way back up home in a taxi. I really had enjoyed seeing her, we shared a few great chats about boys and things. I felt closer to her than ever. But what I was most excited for was spending more time with the boys and Flo! Tomorrow I am moving in for 3 weeks! Let the fun begin.

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