7) Shopping Date

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Me, Atticus, Matt, Cam and Flo all boarded the train into central London at half past 11. The train journey would only last about 20 minutes or so. We sat down at the large areas, so we each had a seat.   I was sat closest to the window, facing Flo. Next to me was Matt, facing Cameron and right on the edge was Atticus, and opposite Atticus was our bags. We had about ten minutes of the journey left when the strangest experience happened. A mother walked down our aisle with her child, she was about 9 years old. She walked halfway past our group of friends and suddenly stopped. She turned around and looked at us all, blinking profusely. She gripped her mums hand tightly and pulled her back to our seating area quickly. 

'Come on Luella!' Her mum said.

Luella, the little girl whispered something in her mums ears. The mother then faced the boys and laughed.

'Oh goodness me, this is a little crazy but my daughter, Luella here seems to think you're off her television? She wants me to ask you all for a photo' Her mum said, whilst giggling with nerves possibly.

Cameron stood up and moved our bags, chucking them onto his chair whilst offering Luella a seat.  

'Hey, Luella. I'm Benny but you know that! Shall I take a photo with you and Rory first?' Said Atticus.

I thought it was sweet that he wasn't confusing the young girl by introducing himself with his real name, It was really sweet seeing her so excited. Her mother looked at her smiling, I don't think she really believed her daughter at first. Each boy had a go at having a photo with Luella. Her mother thanked us hundreds of times and we all left the train together and departed our separate ways. It was really nice seeing the boys act so kindly towards the little girl. It made my day a little.

Atticus wouldn't stop moaning about his headache so we sat down on a nearby bench after only going into one shop. Florence decided that she was hungry even though it was 12:15. We decided that Atticus was going to head home by himself, as he felt too ill to carry on and Cam and Flo were going to go for a cute cousin lunch. That left me and Matt to do some shopping. As much as I really like Matt, I really wanted to get some new clothes as I had a fair amount of money to spend. Luckily Matthew did too. We headed to Topshop first, which is my favourite store. I picked up a gorgeous new burgundy blouse, a pair of black heeled boots, a casual t shirt and a new bright blue blazer. Matt joined me as I was paying, as he was upstairs in the mens department. He smiled when he saw what I was buying. My bill came to £103 and I paid with four twenty pound notes, I embarrassed myself stood their hunting in my purse for the left over three pounds. Matthew lent over the till and handed the woman £3. It was only a little amount of money, but this meant a lot to me. I had plenty of money left to spend but he was kind enough to do that. We left the store and I thanked him by hugging him an awful lot. He returned the hug with a embracing kiss in the middle of central London. I didn't care who saw, I was so happy in that moment. Matt had bought a new pair of khaki trousers in Topman and an abstract t shirt, just like the one he wore when I first met him. We went into a few other stores but didn't buy a lot, I bought a new cheap cardigan and a scarf for the winter as it was on sale. Matthew bought his brother an Oxford University jumper and his father the same. We met up with Cameron and Flo at the chinese restaurant up the road from the main high street. I waited outside for them to finish their meal and Matt said he needed to go back and get this top he saw for his mum as a gift. He quickly returned with no other bags.

'Did you not get the top for your mum?' I asked him, worried.

'Yeah I did! I've just hidden it inside the other bags' he replied.

Phew. Everything was perfect. We headed back home on the train, with no interruptions by fans this time!! We walked in the door to find Atticus asleep on the sofa. Florence had bought a new film for us all to watch tonight so I hope he is well enough.  I raced up the stairs and put my new items of clothing into my large patent leather weekender bag. I walked down the stairs to find Atticus wide awake and laughing with Cameron. I felt kinda harsh, I hadn't really spent time with either of them yet so I decided to go over with a box of chocolates I had bought shopping.

'Hey guys, you want one?' I offered them both.

'Yeah, thanks Cass!' Atticus and Cam replied, simultaneously.

We sat on Florence's large cream sofa in the front room and chatted, whilst eating chocolates of course. It was my last night staying here before I had to go home as my Gran was staying with us for a week. After that my parents are happy for me to stay at Florence's as a mini holiday for the rest of the 5 weeks of holiday we had left. I couldn't believe I wouldn't be able to see Flo, Cam, Matt or Atticus for a whole week as my gran was coming down from Cornwall. I loved her, but my parents were always strict while she was around. No going out past 6pm. No seeing friends whilst she was there, etc. Although, it would give me time apart from Matt to clear my head of all the butterflies I had when I was around him.  It was about 10:10 pm so we all started to sit down to watch the film Florence had bought. She had bought 'bridesmaids' the hilarious american comedy. We all sat on the floor with hundreds of cushions, pillows, blankets and duvets surrounding us and we all snuggled. It felt strange when I thought about it, snuggling with a group of people I had only known for a week. But it was so right. My hand placed on Matt's chest, My head rested on his shoulder. Cameron laid his head onto my legs and faced the tv, Atticus and Flo snuggled just like me and Matt. But Atticus had laid his legs over Camerons. We all looked so funny, but we were comfy and warm surrounded by our best friends.

The movie had finished over an hour ago but none of us moved to our beds. We couldn't be bothered to drag the duvets back upstairs so we all sat and talked for a while. One by one we fell asleep all over eachother, comfy as ever. Me and Matt had slowly laid down and got comfy, he wrapped his arm around me and my arm placed on his chest. I laid my head onto his chest too, I could hear his heart beat. I felt so close to him, so safe with him. Matt kept kissing my forehead and the others would moan and tell us to get a room. It was so funny, I'd never been happier. We each fell asleep in her front room, without a care in the world and we couldn't of been more pleased.

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