11) 20,160 Minutes

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Okay this one's pretty long, sorry guys but I've been writing this one for a while! 

I only had 336 hours left. 20,160 minutes left.1,209,600 seconds left with Matthew. Not that I was counting. That was it, he was leaving 2 weeks today. This time in 2 weeks I would be sat here in despair, missing him ever so much, whilst he was on a 13 hour flight. We've promised to stay in touch, via skype, email, facebook, twitter, texts, calls what ever. I just don't want to bring up the conversation of relationships. Will he end the relationship before going back? Was it just a holiday romance? Or will it be a long distance thing? My brain hurts even thinking of it. I had millions of questions racing through my baffled mind. I couldn't bare to waste time with him even asking those questions. Today we were going to visit a small quaint town, a couple miles from Florence's house. We were planning on just walking around the small village and popping into a few shops. Cameron was pretty interested in british history, so he wanted a look at the old buildings. 

After a few hours in the wonderfully historical town we decided to head back. Cameron was still in awe at all the history. Atticus was happy after buying a new video game that wasn't out in Canada yet, Florence was happy seeing Atticus happy (they weren't in a relationship.. yet... but they were still more than friends) And me and Matthew were just constantly happy if we were around each other. His brown eyes just made me melt. Everytime I saw him, his face, his body, everything, I just felt faint. I couldn't believe that I was holding hands with him, he was so perfect.

That evening we decided to go for a sit down meal at the local restaurant. I'd never actually been there, we usually go to the cheaper restaurants. But seeing as we loved the boys so much, we all got out some money to put towards the bill. I entered the posh restaurant hand in hand with Matthew, followed by Cam, Atticus and Florence, all laughing, joking and walking in. We had a reservation so we were quickly shown to our table. I sat down next to Matt, we chose not to be opposite each other as we would probably be in a world of our own. Cameron sat opposite me, Atticus next to him and then Flo sat on the end next to Matt. We took a look at the menus, I chose my favourite - lasagne.

Throughout the night we shared many funny stories and time really did fly by. We all adored what we had chosen to eat, and ate in silence that night because it was just so yummy. Me and Matthew shared our food a little, it was meant to be romantic but we both ended up with sauce all over our faces. We each sat there and spoke about future plans. How I wanted to move away, go to university to study journalism and hopefully become a fashion journalist in the future. How the boys were going to all go to university soon but hopefully carry on with acting. Florence mentioned her plans to study at college doing media studies and work as a tv producer in later life. We all really enjoyed ourselves that night, it was certainly a night to remember. We noticed the waitresses starting to pile the chairs on top of the tables and realised it was time to go. We asked for the bill and split it evenly. Leaving a generous tip for the gorgeous food. We decided to walk back to Florence's as it was only a short half an hour trip. It was a humid late summer night, but I was dressed in a short floral dress and a royal blue blazer, so I was slightly cold. Matt had his arm around my back, which had hitched up my dress. He bent over to pull down my dress, his hands touched my upper thigh and it sent sparks through my whole body. I just wanted to passionately kiss him, there and then. Even his touch sent me crazy. On our lovely walk home Cameron was making us all laugh by telling us his lines from My Babysitter's a Vampire. Also telling us the time he was dancing around Vanessa Morgans dressing room and totally fell over. It sounded so much fun over there in Canada. I could only wish that one day I might be able to visit!!!!


We couldn't believe the boys were leaving soon, so we decided to go to the theme park I visited with my parent's the other week. Florence's dad was staying in a hotel in London with her mother whilst on their business trip, so he came down and took us there. We packed enough food to feed a thousand people and each of us slept on the way there. It was only a forty-five minute journey but we all seemed to be tired. I rested my head on Matthews shoulder and listened to his steady breathing. That beautiful sound relaxed me. Before I knew it we were there. I was the only person who had been there before so I had the exciting task of showing everyone around (note the sarcasm!) We queued up to buy our tickets, which took forever, we had obviously come on a very busy day! We entered the rush of crowds and broke our way through.

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