13) Kisses, Luggage and Goodbyes

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Over the next few days I couldn't help but feel that slowly, but surely my heart was being shredded. I loved Matthew. I was convinced and completely sure that I was in love with him. He was leaving today. I no longer had any time with him, well any of the boys left. Their flight back to Canada was booked at 2pm, so they would be arriving at Toronto airport at 3pm our time, 11am in Canada. They were planning on sleeping, unpacking and more sleeping for the rest of that day. After that they would be busy again, back to filming and studying. It was horrible thinking that it would even be hard to talk because of the different time zones. But i'm sure we would make it work. 

The day had finally arrived. I was counting down the hours. We all awoke reasonably early, to spend as much of the day together as possible. It was 9am and we were all sat at the table eagerly awaiting a ravishing breakfast made by Atticus. He demanded that he made breakfast on the last morning, which he did a great job of doing. We each loved what Atticus has given us but none of us really ate. We moved our food around our plates or bowls, took a few mouthfulls then sat there. All of us felt strange, these boys had been part of our lives for 6 weeks. Now nothing. They're gone. We couldn't really believe it. The boys cleared the table, making sure they left Florence's house tidy. They climbed upstairs to pack the last of their stuff and bring it downstairs. Me and Florence took this opportuning to discuss things, once again.

'Have you spoken to Matt about the relationship thing? Will it be long distance?' She asked me.

'He hasn't said anything, I really don't know what to do or say, I can't believe they're going' I told her.

We continued to speak about the matter until we heard the boys starting to bring their luggage down into the hallway. 

'Well I best go and help them' I said, speeding up stairs.

I helped them bring down their surprisingly heavy cases and hand luggage before attempting to speak to Matthew. Just as I was approaching him he took me aside and led me into the hallway which contained all their suitcases. All packed and ready to go. He didn't speak, he just grabbed my hips and brought them closer, moving his lips towards mine. We kissed passionately for so long, I longed to have him forever. Not just now. We continued to kiss and our hands moved over eachothers bodies. Cameron awkwardly tip toed past us, causing us to break apart. Matt kissed my forehead and rubbed my back and began to bring up the dreaded subject.

'So, us.. Cassie, I know you might not want this. But I'm just saying what I want..' He began to say.

I knew what he wanted. He was going to break it off wasn't he. He didn't feel the same way.

He continued to speak, 'Well it's just, erm.. I think I love you Cass. I want to try this long distance thing. I will text and call whenever I can. I love you so much' He said, through kisses.

I was astounded. I really didn't think he felt this way.

I kissed him gently, and whispered in his ear 'I feel exactly the same'

I felt him smile and breath a sigh of relief. We kissed more, wanting each others touch, knowing we wouldn't have it for much longer. We made our way into the kitchen, hand in hand. The others looked up and smiled, glad that we had sorted things out. 

'Hey, we gotta go soon' Said Atticus, looking genuinely upset.

'I can't leave you guys, this is insane. It's one so quick!' Said Cameron, also looking upset.

Their taxi was arriving in just half an hour. So we took all of that time to say our goodbyes. First I made my way up to Atticus.

'Atticus, thank you for all the wonderful things you've done, my birthday presents, my birthday meal and so on! You're incredible, so talented and wonderful. I love you like a brother and we must stay in touch.' I leant forward to hug him but he kissed me on the cheek.

'You're a great couple of girls, you stay cool' He said, whilst kissing Flo too.

I next went up to Cameron.

'Cam, I'm going to miss your hilarious antics, you're the funny one of the group and I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you aswell for all the wonderful things you've done. I really appreciate it, and if it wasn't for you coming over here I would never of been this happy, meeting Matthew. Thanks Cam' I leaned in and kissed him, with tears pricking my eyes. The next goodbye would be the hardest.

'You're an amazing girl Cass, I'm glad you're my cousin's bestfriend. Matt is only allowed to date the best!' He smiled, and hugged me tight.

Flo said her goodbyes straight after me. I helped take the luggage outside and looked at the parked taxi. Ten minutes early, waiting for the boys. I headed back inside and passed everyone else some bags. I took Matthew to one side.

'Matthew, this is going to be the hardest goodbye I will ever have to encounter. You're amazing, you have changed my life. I love you. The first time I saw your beautiful eyes I got butterflies, and I still get them now. You have this crazy effect on me, and I love it. We've shared so many intimate moments that I will never be able to do with anyone else. I've told you my life stories, and you've shared yours too. You have seriously made my life so much better.' At this moment I noticed his eyes began to shine, the liquid glazing over them, I carried on.

'You've made me have the best birthday I will ever have. You've bought me the most incredible gifts, and made my life so seriously amazing I can't even describe. I love you so much and I'm not losing you just because of 3,559 miles between us. We will keep in touch and as soon as you can come back here you will, same with me to Canada. But I can't see my parents allowing that! Thank you for everything, I love you' I fell into his chest and sobbed. He stroked my hair as it tumbled down my back. He kissed the top of my head and muttered

'I can't believe I'm leaving you. But I have to go home. I will come back, I promise. I love you so much' He kissed me for the last time and made his way out of the door, holding my hand. The boys got into the black taxi and waved, each looking upset. We had an obvious effect on them. The taxi's engine started and they pulled away, drove up the street, straight to the airport, straight back to Toronto. I collapsed onto the floor. He was gone.

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