22) Seasons Greetings

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This is a kinda long and a PG-13 chapter, just warning you all!

It was finally here. I had only gotten to bed at 11pm but I woke at 6am. It was christmas! I didn't want to look too ugly in the christmas photos. I jumped out of bed, making sure not to make too much noise and make my parents grumpy. I popped on some leggins underneath my oversized tee, and wiped all my makeup off that I had left on last night. I moisturised my face and added a little makeup, whilst attempting to brush my hair into submission. It was crazily frizzy, all the time! I managed to make it look half decent and I pulled on my victoria's secret robe. I smiled at myself in the mirror and couldn't get that smile off my face. I carefully put on my charm bracelet, I can't spend a day without it on my wrist. I knew it was too early to go and open presents so I clambered back into bed and grabbed my iPad from it's stand beside my bed. I turned it on and began to play my favourite games, I had downloaded a new 'My Babysitter's a Vampire' game and I decided to have a go at that too, I played as 'Ethan' obviously. My winning streak was interrupted by an incoming FaceTime call. I automatically knew who it would be. I answered straight away, to find a just awoken, sexy but tired and oh so attractive Matthew on the screen. He smiled at me and looked as if he was going to fall asleep. I whispered to him,

'Merry Christmas, I have to be quiet, no one is up yet!' I whispered to him

'Merry Christmas beautiful, I hope you have a lovely day, same here, I'm the first up!' He also whispered to me.

We continued to whisper to each other about what we were going to do today with our families before I was interrupted, again! This time it was my little sister, Josie. She ran into my room with the biggest smile on her face. She jumped onto my bed and shoved her stocking at me.

'Look Cassie!!!! It's full! Santa has been! I was definitely on the nice list!!!' She squealed.

I was so glad she was excited about christmas, I couldn't wait to share gifts with everyone later. I kissed the camera goodbye and wished Matthew a merry christmas again, and put the iPad down. I pulled my sister into bed and hugged her, I felt like I had been so consumed with seeing Matthew recently that I hadn't spent any time with her, we had some quality sister time together before running excitedly into our parents room and demanding gifts!!!! I cuddled her like it was the end of the world and kissed the top of her head. She pulled away and chucked her stocking at me, 'what do you think these are?!' She said, emptying her presents onto my bed. I laughed and began feeling the presents, when my parents burst in the door. 

'MERRY CHRISTMAS', they both shouted


We had opened all of our presents and my mum and dad were now busy in the kitchen making christmas dinner. Here's a few lists of what we all got,


Dozens of clothes, shoes, money and makeup. My favourite bag I've wanted for ages, and a miu miu iPhone case.

My sister:

A furby, ridiculous child toys, magazines, and a kindle with loads of vouchers for books.

My dad:

Boring work things such as ties, hankies and cufflinks, as well as whisky and more alcohol.

My mum:

The new iPhone five, clothes, shoes and bags.

It had definitely been a fantastic, perfect christmas so far. My favourite present was definitely the jewellery box from Matthew. I walked up to my room, attempting to balance each of my presents in my hands and I kicked my door open, chucking my presents onto my bed. I glanced at all of them, constantly smiling. I began to sort through the presents, putting my clothes into my wardrobe etc. I was a clean freak, I hated having things messy in my room. As I clambered onto my bed I took a look out of my window, I had to look right out of the left side, as the majority of my little window was covered in hand made snow flakes. I looked at Matthews house, and saw their front room lights were shining, and I could see their christmas tree. I hope Matthew was having a good day. I decided to text him, to check on how he was. He rapidly replied telling me he was having a magical christmas, but needed to see me later. I wondered why. My thoughts were interrupted by the aroma of christmas dinner entering my room. I pushed my phone into my back pocket and raced down the stairs, almost knocking my dad off his feet at the bottom of the stairs.

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