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Author's POV

Jungkook made a decision on that morning that he would never forget. He decided to never seem vulnerable in front of his hyung. He didn't sleep at all last night but it didn't affect him, considering he slept the pain off yesterday.

He saw the time, it was 6:30 AM he got out of bed and took a nice warm shower. He didn't cut today. He finally understood he didn't deserve it.

He changed into a casual outfit and made his way downstairs while shoving his wallet and phone in his pocket. He knew he would get in trouble if he ate at the dorm and he didn't want to beg for some leftovers.

So he went to the nearest ramen place. He ate his favourite ramen whole heartedly, without any sensation of puking. He was happy. Happy that he could eat without getting beaten or electrocuted or burnt.

While eating, he felt something he hadn't felt in years. It was confidence. He was confident that no one would stop him from eating. He was confident about rebelling against his hyungs.

But some part inside him was still afraid that he would be thrashed any second for even thinking about food. Ignoring this part, Jungkook continued his meal.

After he was done, he paid for the ramen and thanked the lady. He then made his way to the company, on foot. It wasn't that far away but it was still a 30 minutes walk for which Jungkook was ready for. He really appreciated the weather. It wasn't stormy and the sky was clear. He could feel the cool yet dry breeze on his body.

He reached the company and saw that he made it there a lot earlier than the members. It was still 7:05 and the members would arrive at 9:30. He had a lot of time so he decided to practice. He walked to the practice room and danced to all the songs that they were going to perform for the next tour.

He danced for quite a while after doing the stretches. But he still made sure not to overwork himself. After at least an hour of dancing non stop, he paused for a little water break. He was wiping away sweat from his forehead when he felt something bulging from his skin.

He turned his palm to see what it was. It was his crystal!! He finally got his own crystal!! At Least now the members would treat him like a human. He grinned widely at the thought.

But it soon turned into a frown when he noticed that the crystal had a huge crack running through its center and it was colour less. "W-what? H-how?" He thought. He was interrupted by manager Sejin who entered the room with a worried expression.

"Where were you kook-ah? I went to the dorm but they said that you left early. Did something happen?" Sejin asked. Jungkook's eyes were on the brink of tears both because of how much Sejin cared for him as well as the fact that his crystal had a crack.

"H-hyung, my c-crystal, it f-finally appeared." Jungkook said in a cracked and broken voice. The oldest's face lit up. "Really? Then why do you look so sad?" He asked worried again. Jungkook didn't say anything. He just showed him his hand.

Sejin's eyes widened at the sight. "Why is it like that?" He asked with a confused expression as he looked up at jungkook. "I-i don't k-know h-hyung." Jungkook barely whispered. And started sobbing.

Sejin hugged him as he rubbed soothing circles on the younger's back. "Shh don't worry kookie. I will look up what it means and tell you. Ok?" He said low enough for him to hear. Jungkook just nodded.

He soon calmed down and Sejin left to pick up the rest of the band. Jungkook also went to buy a few pairs of gloves from a store nearby. Knowing his hyungs would bully him more if they saw his deformed crystal.

The sudden appearance of this long awaited crystal was supposed to make Jungkook happy but instead, it made him sader and more insecure about himself. He hadn't obviously forgotten about the promise he made to himself though. He decided to be strong and more careful.

He decided to hide his crystal from everybody except his manager and keep it hidden until BTS disbanded.

Yoongi's POV

I woke up today only to find that my crystal had darkened in color. It wasn't the regular red. Instead it was a deep maroon. I was really worried about this because when the colour of one's crystal darkens, it usually means that their partner is in a bad condition or feeling bad.

I freshened up, still thinking if Hobi was ok. He looked perfectly fine but maybe he has been hiding something from us. When I walked downstairs, I saw him already sitting on the dining table, looking through social media.

"Good morning hyung." He greeted when he saw me. "Morning sunshine." I said as I sat besides him. "Hey...I wanted to know if you were alright?" I asked directly without beating around the bush. To which he chuckled and replied, "I'm perfect, hyung. Why did you ask all of a sudden?"

"It's my crystal, it's darkening in colour. That's why I was worried." I said. Jin also jumped into our conversation. "Mine too. But namjoon's ok." he yelled from the kitchen.

"Let me ask vmin." Hoseok said getting up. After a while, he came back with a frown expression. "Jimin's crystal is darkening too." He announced. "Looks like all the bottom crystals are darkening." Namjoon said, laughing at his own joke while sitting at his seat. Soon vmin also joined us at the table.

We came to a conclusion that it is probably nothing and that it's just because of the weather or something. But I had a feeling that something was up.


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