Chapter 10

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"Do you have pregnancy tests in the morgue?" Kate asked. "Yeah," Lanie replied. "Do you want to take the tests together now, or do you want to wait until you are with Javi?" Kate asked. "I will do it now, are you going to wait and do it with Castle?" Lanie asked. "No, I want to do it now." Kate replied. Then, both women exited the bathroom, grabbed a pregnancy test, and snuck back into the bathroom again. Locking the stall doors, both Kate and Lanie squatted down and peed on their sticks. "I am afraid to open my eyes," said Lanie. "Me too," agreed Kate. "Let's open our eyes on the count of three. One.... Two.... Three!" At that moment both Lanie and Kate shrieked and then shouted "I'm pregnant!"

"How far along do you think you are?" Asked Lanie as they exited the bathroom. "I am not sure," Beckett said. "Probably 1 week to 2 weeks. What about you?" "2 weeks and 1 day, I think. When are you going to tell Castle?" "I don't know. I know he will be thrilled, because we already discussed having children and he was fine with it, but I would kind of like to keep it a secret for a while. When are you going to tell Javi?" Kate asked. Right then, Lanie burst out crying. "What's wrong?" Kate asked hugging her friend. "Javi and I aren't even engaged much less married. What are people going to think when they find out I am pregnant? What is Javi going to think?" She asked still crying. "Javi loves you, you can see it by the way he looks at you. He will be happy that you are pregnant. Maybe this will bring you two closer together. Anyone who cares about you, will be happy, and those who aren't happy, are just jealous." Kate said trying to calm Lanie down. "You're right. I think I am going to call him right now and tell him. Can you promise not to tell anyone that I am pregnant?" Lanie asked. "Of course. Will you keep it a secret that I am pregnant too?" Kate asked. "Of course," said Lanie. "I should be getting back now, they will be wondering what is taking so long," Kate said giving her best friend a hug. "Bye," said Lanie.

Back at the precinct.....

"Oh thank goodness you are back," said Castle clearly worried. "Castle?" She asked. "I called your cell when I woke up like you said, but you didn't pick up, so I came here and the boys said you went to see Lanie, but that you had been gone a long time. What took so long?" He said. "I got stuck in traffic. I went a strange way, and there was a car accident slowing everything down." Beckett lied. "Well, at least you are okay." Just then Esposito's phone rang. Beckett looked over and saw it was Lanie. "Lanie needs me," Esposito said after he hung up. Then he ran out the door. "Okay, go ahead and go," Kate yelled, but he was already gone. "Our victim's name is Sean Brown, let's see what we can find," she said to Ryan and Castle

At the morgue.....

"What is wrong Lanie?" Javi asked rushing in the room. "Come out in the hall with me," she said whispering. Out in the hall Lanie paused and said slowly, "Javi....I'm pregnant." "Really?" He asked sounding suprised. "Yeah. Are you upset?" She asked cautiously. "Upset, how could I be upset when you are carrying around my son or daughter? This is amazing!" Said Espo pulling her in for a kiss. "I better get back before Gates realizes I left," said Esposito "We will talk more about this tonight." "Don't tell anyone," said Lanie as he was leaving. "I won't," Javi replied.

When Espo got back to the precinct Castle asked, "What was the emergency?" "It was nothing," said Espo. "Then why did you.." Castle started to say before Beckett cut him off. "Our victim was a college student at Hudson University. His next of kin is on the way in." Beckett said trying to keep Lanie's secret private. "A college student.... maybe he was dealing drugs in the park." Castle suggested. "That is actually surprisingly reasonable." Beckett said shocked.

"Mr. and Mrs. Brown, do you know of anyone who would want to hurt your son? Was there anything unusual going on in his life?" asked Detective Beckett. "No, not that we were aware of," they replied. "Did Sean have any money or drug problems?" Beckett asked. "No, Sean was a good kid, and he had plenty of money," they responded. "Do you have any idea why he would have been in Central Park at two o-clock in the morning?" Castle asked. "No," they replied in unison. "Well, thank you both for coming in, we are very sorry for your loss." said Beckett.

"Well, they didn't seem to know anything." Castle told Esposito and Ryan.
Then, Ryan's phone rang. "Ryan," he answered. "Okay, I'll be right there." "Jenny needs me, she says it is an emergency," Ryan said clearly stressed out. "Does it have something to do with Sarah Grace?" Beckett asked. "I don't know," he said as he ran to the elevator. "Well, in the morning we should go up to Hudson and talk to the vic's friends and teachers. Right now, how about we just go home?" Beckett asked. "Yeah, let's go home," agreed Castle.

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