Chapter 14

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"Beeeeep,Beeeeeep, Beeeeeep" went their alarm at 11:30 PM. Castle rolled over and shut off the alarm. He didn't want to wake up Kate, but he knew he had to since she needed to be at the precinct by 12:00. "Kate, time to wake up," Rick whispered while pulling the blankets off her. "Hey handsome," Kate replied sleepily. "Hey. Are you feeling better?" He asked concerned. "Yes," she replied. (Castle sighed) "No," Kate said jumping out of bed and running into their bathroom. As Kate threw up, Castle pulled her hair out of her face. "At least she isn't shaking," Castle thought to himself. "I am going to take a quick shower," said Kate once she finished throwing up. "You go make me some food." "Are you sure?" Castle asked not wanting to leave her side. "I am positive," she replied confidently.

As he was making pancakes, Castle heard a loud thud and a scream coming from the bathroom. He quickly turned off the stove and went to go see what was wrong. Castle opened the door to see his wife naked, dripping wet, puking in the toilet. Once she finished throwing up he asked, "What happened?" "I felt like I was going to throw up, so I tried to get out of the shower and get to the toilet, but ended up slipping, falling on my wrist, and sliding to the toilet," she replied. "Let me see your wrist," he said. "Does it hurt?" said Castle as he moved it gingerly. "No," Kate replied. Since there was no marks on it at all, he decided to believe it didn't hurt. "We need to go," said Kate as she stood up and grabbed a towel. Kate quickly got dressed as Castle finished making her pancakes. She didn't have time to eat before they left, so Castle drove to the precinct, and Beckett ate while he was driving. "Are you sure you are okay to be working?" Castle asked breaking the silence. "Yes," she replied. "I'm fine." "I am worried about you," Rick admitted. "You have been throwing up at ton, and last night you were violently shaking." "I am fine, it is just because of our baby inside me," Kate replied giving him a kiss on the cheek.

At the precinct.....

"You're late," stated Espo while raising an eyebrow. "Sorry," replied Castle. "Beckett was throwing up a lot," Then Kate send Castle her shut up look. "Are you okay to be working," asked Ryan. "Yes, I am just fine," she replied. "Okay then," Ryan reponded. "In five minutes we need to leave to go to the library and wait for our killer. He should be the only one arriving since the library is closed," said Esposito "Alright," Beckett replied "Is it just us four, or are other uniforms coming?" "There will be other uniforms surrounding the building in case he decides to rabbit, but there will be just us in the front," said Esposito. "Okay, well let's go," said Beckett.

At the library.....

After being in their positions for about forty-five minutes, a car pulled up, and a white guy got out. They couldn't make out his face, but they knew he was the guy they were after. "Wait until he gets to the stairs," Beckett whispered. Ryan and Esposito nodded in agreement. As soon as he reached the stairs, they tackled him to the ground and handcuffed him.

At the precinct.....

"His wallet says he is Daniel Ford," Ryan said. "Okay," Beckett replied as she walked in the room. "Hello Mr. Ford," she said calmly walking into the room. "My name is Detective Kate Beckett and this is Richard Castle. I don't suppose you could tell me what you were doing at the library at 2AM." "I was stopping to drop off my book in the slot," he replied with a smirk. "Then where was your book?" Asked Castle. "I must have left it in my car," he said. "We found this phone on you that had calls to all three of our murder victims. How do you explain that?" Beckett asked. "They were my friends. I was calling to see how they were doing," Daniel replied. In this moment, Kate felt a huge wave of nausea and dizziness roll over her. She looked at Castle and he could tell she was about to throw up. "Would you excuse me for a second?" She said to the suspect as she stood up to leave. In this second, Daniel punched Kate in the stomach. She threw up as she fell and laid passed out on the ground. Castle yelled," Call 911," as the suspect ran out the door. Then he noticed the blood around Kate's legs and screamed, "Call 911 NOW!" By this point Esposito had already caught the runaway suspect and Ryan was calling 911. In hearing all the commotion, Gates ran out of her office and into the interrogation room and yelled "What is going on here?" That was when she saw Beckett passed out on the floor with a pile of puke by her face, and a pool of blood by her legs. "What happened?" She asked confused. "The suspect punched her in the stomach and ran," said Castle panicked.

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