Chapter 18

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One month later.....

"Yo Beckett," called Esposito as he put some images up on a murder board and rolled it towards her. "We got a new murder." "It appears that the victim, Amanda Knox, was trying to find her kidnapped baby when she was repeatedly struck in the head with a baseball bat," said Ryan. "Are the Feds trying to find the baby?" Beckett asked. "Yeah. They have been," replied Esposito. "I am going to go talk to Gates and see if we can get together with the FBI," stated Beckett.

In Gates' office.....

"Sir," started Beckett. "It appears our victim was killed because she knew too much about who took her baby. I was wondering if we could talk to the feds and see what they have found relating to the kidnapping." "No," replied Gates. "Why not?" Beckett suddenly screamed. Realizing that she screamed, Kate began to cry. Castle, who was sitting next to Kate, hugged her and tried to get her to calm down. "I'm sorry sir," whispered Beckett once she stopped crying. "I am sending you home until this case is resolved," said Gates. "You are too emotionally compromised and the stress of solving a kidnapping is not good for your babies." Beckett nodded and walked out of Gates' office. "Thank you sir," said Castle as he followed his wife out the door.

Back at their loft.....

"So what would you like to do?" asked Castle. "I want to read," said Kate as she got up and walked into Castle's office to choose a book. Choosing his first book, Kate curled up in bed and started to read. Then, Castle walked into the kitchen and called Kate's father. "Hello," answered Jim. "Hello Jim. This is Richard Castle," said Castle. "Oh hi Rick," Jim said concerned. "Is Katie alright?" "Yeah, she is curled up in bed with a book." Castle replied. "I was calling to ask you if Johanna was very emotional and moody while pregnant with Kate." "Yeah she was, but it was mainly during the middle months. I just figured it was her body adjusting to having a growing baby inside. I would say by month 7 or 8 she was a little better," answered Jim. "Okay, thanks." Castle replied. "No problem," replied Jim. "I have to go now. Thanks for taking care of my daughter." "Your welcome and good bye." replied Castle. "Bye," said Jim as he hung up. Then Castle walked back into the bedroom to lay with Kate.

5 hours later.....

"Ring ring....ring ring..." went Beckett's phone. "Beckett," she answered. "We solved the case," said Ryan. "So you can come back tomorrow if you want." "Who did it?" asked Beckett. "The father of the baby," said Ryan. "Oh," responded Kate. "Did you find the baby?" "Yes, the feds did and it was still alive." "Thanks for calling," said Beckett "Yup," replied Ryan as he hung up.

At Lanie's apartment.....

"Knock, knock, knock" "Coming," said Lanie as she walked over and opened the door. "Oh hey Javi," she said giving him a kiss and pulling him to her couch to sit down. "How is my daughter doing?" Javi asked as he stroked her belly. "She's doing good," Lanie replied. "Is there anything you really want to name her?" "No, I thought I would let you pick the name," said Javi. "Okay," replied Lanie happily. "Her name is going to Silvia Katherine Perish." "I love it," said Javi as he gave her a kiss.

At Kevin and Jenny's apartment.....

"What should we name the baby?" asked Kevin. He was sitting on the couch watching a movie with his wife, Jenny, when he asked this. "Well, when Sarah was about to be born we decided on Javier for a boy. I think Javier should be the baby's middle name," said Jenny. "I think that is a great idea," said Kevin excitedly. "What the baby boy name?" asked Sarah as she walked over to the couch. Sarah had just turned four last month and already understood so much about what her parents talk about. "We don't know yet sweetie," said Jenny. "Do you have any ideas?" her dad asked. "Connor," replied Sarah. Jenny and Kevin both looked at each other, shrugged, and then smiled. "The baby's name is going to be Connor Javier Ryan," they said in sync.

At Castle and Beckett's loft.....

"Hey," said Castle. "Hey," replied Kate looking up from her book. "What are we going to name the twins?" asked Castle suddenly. "Well, I figured you would want to name the boy, and I would name the girl," said Kate. "Okay," said Rick. "Have you thought about what you want her name to be?" he asked. "Yeah," replied Kate. "Do you know what you want to name the boy?" "Actually I do," Castle responded smiling. "What?" asked Kate. "Cosmo Roy Castle," Rick said proudly. "Like Roy as in Montgomery?" asked Kate. "Yeah," replied Rick. "I think it's perfect," said Kate as she started to kiss her husband. "What (kiss) is (kiss) the (kiss) girl's (kiss) name (kiss) going (kiss) to (kiss) be (kiss)?" asked Rick between kisses. Kate smiled and responded, "Johanna Lanie Castle." "It's beautiful," replied Castle giving her another kiss. Just as they were about to go into the bedroom for some fun (if you know what I mean) Kate's phone rang. "Beckett," she answered. "Hey Kate," said a familiar voice. "This is Alexis." "Oh hey. What's up," asked Kate. "Can you come to my dorm tomorrow? I want to talk to you." said Alexis. "Sure," replied Kate. "What time?" "Could you come at noon?" Alexis asked. "Yeah," replied Kate. "Do me a favor though, don't bring my dad," said Alexis. "Alright I won't. See you tomorrow." replied Kate as she hung up the phone. "Who had to call at 10:00 at night, and ruin our moment?" asked Castle. "Alexis," replied Kate. "What did she want?" asked Castle confused. "She wants me to meet with her tomorrow," replied Kate not giving him any more details. "Why?" he asked concerned. "She didn't say. Now let's go to bed," replied Kate pulling him under the covers with her. Kate laid her head up against Rick's chest, smelling his cologne, falling into a deep sleep.

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