Chapter 12

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"Have you started comparing our victims' phones and financials?" Beckett asked Ryan and Esposito. "Yeah," said Ryan. "And...?" She asked. "Each victim was called once by the the number 212-7789, but it is a burner phone, so we don't know who owns it. Other than that, they have nothing in common." Ryan said. Right after he said this, Beckett's phone rang. "Yeah, okay," she said into the phone. "Thanks." "There has been another murder. It is outside the town library." Said Beckett to Castle, Ryan, and Esposito. "His name is John Richards and he attends Hudson. Castle and I will go to the crime scene, and I want you two to compare his phone records to the other vics'." She told Ryan and Esposito. "Come on Castle, let's go."

At the crime scene.....

"Hey Lanie," said Beckett. "Hey. (She tilted her head towards Castle, silently asking if she told him she was pregnant.)" Lanie replied. "Yes, I told him." Beckett said. "Was he excited?" She asked curiously. "Yes, he was very excited!" Kate replied happily. Then Castle walled over, so Lanie said, "Your vic was killed just like the others at around 2AM." "Be back in a second," said Kate running to the trash can. "Oh no, she is going to throw up again," said Castle as he went to help her. "Are you okay?" Asked Castle worried. "Yeah," replied Kate as she walked back towards Lanie. "It's just morning sickness."

"Sorry about that," Kate said to Lanie. "That's okay," she replied. "Do you have anything else to tell me about the victim?" asked Beckett "No," replied Lanie. "Okay see you tonight," said Beckett.

Back at the precinct.....

"Yo Beckett," said Esposito. "John was called by the same phone number as well." "Alright," said Beckett. "I am going to go update Gates and see if she thinks we can get a warrant for that number." "Sir?" Asked Beckett. "Yes," she replied. "All three of our victims received a phone call from the same burner phone shortly before they died. We think it was the killer luring them out. I was wondering if you though we could get a warrant to see who else he calls. If we can get to them right after, we can see what the call was about. If he told his planned victim where to meet we can be there waiting for him with an attack team." Asked Beckett. "I agree, you should try to get a warrant." Gates replied. "Okay, thank you sir," Beckett replied. Then she walked quickly to the bathroom to throw up again. When Beckett returned she wrote and submitted a warrant.

Later that night at the loft.....

"Ding dong" went the doorbell for the third time that night. "That must be Ryan and Jenny." First Kate's father showed up, then Lanie and Espo, and now Ryan and Jenny. Of course Martha and Alexis were also there. "So let's start with the reason we are all here," started Kate. "Castle and I have some news we would like to share with you, but so does Ryan and Jenny, and Lanie and Espo. But, I guess we will start." "I'm pregnant," said Kate. Everyone started cheering and getting very excited. "Congratulations Katie," said Jim as he gave his daughter a hug. "Your mother would be proud." Next it was Espo and Lanie's turn. "So...." Started Lanie. "I am also pregnant." There were more cheers and everyone was hugging. "So, Lanie and I have an interesting story," said Kate. "We were in the morgue, and she was telling me more information about the victim, when suddenly we both got dizzy and nauseous. " "So we both ran into the bathroom, and puked in the toilets." Continued Lanie. "Then, at the same exact time we said, 'I think I'm pregnant,'" continued Kate. "So we each grabbed a pregnancy test from the morgue and went back to the bathroom." "We peed on the sticks, and opened our eyes at the same time, to see the pregnant symbol." Continued Lanie. "Then we both screamed 'I'm pregnant,' simultaneously," finished Kate. "Wow," said Martha. "That is quite a story," said Esposito. "I think it is time for Ryan and Jenny to tell us their news," Castle said. "I am pregnant again," said Jenny. "Wow, we have three pregnant women in the same room," said Alexis amazed. They talked for about an hour, and then everyone went home.

The next morning.....

"Castle, wake up," shouted Kate. "What?" He replied sleepily. "We have my first ultrasound today." She said. "Oh yeah." He replied. Just as they were leaving, Kate ran back to the bathroom to throw up again. "Damn morning sickness!" She exclaimed.

"Katherine Castle," called the doctor. Kate stood up and walked holding hands with Castle into the room. Then the doctor lifted up Kate's shirt and applied aqua colored gel to her belly. Then put a tool on the gel, and we saw the little blob, our baby, on the screen. "Your baby looks perfectly healthy," said the doctor as she cleaned the gel off of Kate and put her shirt back down. Rick and Kate both got big smiles on their faces. "Our baby is healthy," said Kate smiling. "Yay," said Castle pulling her in for a kiss.

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