Chapter 24

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Kate woke up at 2 in the afternoon and looked around, trying to figure out why she had woke up. Then she realized she was wet and noticed a puddle on the bed between her legs. "Castle wake up!" shouted Kate as she shoved him trying to wake him up. "Go back to sleep," he groaned. "Rick! The baby is coming!" Kate yelled panicking. Castle sat up and noticed the growing puddle between his wife's legs. "Oh my gosh," he yelled as he got up and started changing out of his pajamas and putting on jeans and a tee shirt. "Ahhhhhhh," yelled Kate as a contraction came. After hearing the scream, Alexis ran down the stairs and yelled, "If you guys are having sex can you please do it a little bit quieter. " "Alexis," said Castle as he opened the bedroom door. "Kate's in labor. Can you call the hospital and tell them we are coming?" he asked. "Yeah," she replied as she pulled out her phone. Then Castle grabbed the baby bag and toiletry bag they had pack two days ago, along with a pair of yoga pants and tee shirt for Kate. "Can you take these to the car?" He asked Alexis as soon as she hung up. "Yes," she quickly replied as her dad handed the stuff to her. Then he went into the bedroom and picked up Kate just as she felt another contraction come on. "Ahhhhh," screamed Kate. Once they were in the car, Castle drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Some how they managed to not hit any red lights. On the way there, Alexis called everyone and told them what was going on and which hospital they were going to. When they got to the hospital, Castle hopped out of the car and ran inside yelling, "My wife's in labor!" They quickly got Kate into a wheel chair and brought her into the delivery room. Then they asked Castle to change her out of her pajamas and into a hospital gown. This was very difficult because Kate doubling over and screaming in pain. Once they got her on the bed, she started crying due to the level of pain. The doctor brought her some pain meds and told her she needed to wait a little bit before it was time to push. Castle, Alexis, Martha, and Jim all tried to comfort her while they waited. Finally it was time to push. The doctor asked everyone to leave except Castle. "Okay, next time you feel a contraction, you need to push," said the doctor and Kate nodded, the tears still streaming down her face. Right after the doctor said this, the delivery room door burst open and Lanie was wheeled in with Espo at her side. Lanie was also screaming and crying, but both women quieted down for a second when they saw each other. The doctor quickly checked Lanie and told her that she also needed to push when she felt the next contraction. "Ahhhhh," screamed Kate as she felt the next contraction and began to push. "Push," yelled the doctor. Kate continued to push as Castle rubbed her back. "One more push," the doctor shouted. She pushed as hard as she could and the room was silent for a second, before cries filled the room. "It's a girl," said the doctor as she handed the infant off to a nurse. Then Lanie began to scream and the doctor walked over and instructed her to push. "Mrs. Castle," said the doctor. "When you feel the next contraction, I need you to push, so we can get the second baby out." The doctor looked down at Lanie and told her to push one more time. As she pushed she yelled, "Javi, I am never letting you touch me again!" Then cries filled the room as the doctor yelled, "It's a girl." As Lanie and Espo's baby was being handed to a nurse, Kate started feel another contraction and began to push. After a few more pushes, the doctor said, "You need to push with all of your strength, because the shoulders are stuck." "Kate nodded and used all her left over energy to push baby Cosmo out. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" said the doctor as she handed off the baby. Kate and Lanie were both taken to different rooms to relax after the tiring task of giving birth.

In Kate's room.....

Shortly after Kate was transferred to the new room, a nurse came in and delivered the two babies. "What would you like to name them?" she asked. "Johanna Lanie Castle and Cosmo Roy Castle," responded Kate and Rick in sync. "Alright," she replied. "You will need to stay here for two days, but you can receive visitors." "Okay," replied Kate as she looked down at the two beautiful children in her arms. Just after the nurse left, the babies started to open their eyes. "Oh Castle," said Kate. "She has your eyes." "And he has yours," replied Castle smiling. "I better go open the door, because I am sure that there are some eager people waiting to come visit." He said as he went to open the door. Alexis, Martha, and Jim rushed in to see the newborns. "They are so beautiful," said Martha. "Wow, I have two new siblings," said Alexis smiling. "Congratulations Katie," said Jim. "Your mother would be very proud." Kate started to get sleepy, so they went home so she could get some rest. After about an hour, Kate woke up and heard a knock on the door. She looked over at the crib next to the bed and saw her children. Smiling, she picked them up and held them in her arms as Castle went to open the door. At the door were Jenny and Ryan who had just been released from the hospital, and desperately wanted to see the twins. "They are so cute," said Jenny. Ryan was holding baby Connor, and he started to cry. "We should get going," said Jenny. "I need to feed him." "Congratulations you two," said Ryan as they left. Then the door opened and Captain Gates entered. "Sir?" asked Beckett. "What you didn't think I would drop by to see my favorite detective's twins?" asked Gates. "No, I was just suprised," replied Kate. "Can I hold them?" she asked. "Sure," replied Kate as she handed over baby Johanna. "What is her name?" Gates asked. "Johanna Lanie Castle," replied Castle and Beckett in sync. After holding Johanna for a minute, she gave her back to Kate and held Cosmo. "And what is his name?" she asked. "Cosmo Roy Castle," they replied in sync once again. "Well congratulations," said Gates as she handed Cosmo back. Kate then passed him to Rick so he could hold his son again. Gates soon left and the couple was left in peace to admire their perfect children.

In Lanie's room.....

Soon after being wheeled into a new all white room, baby Silvia was delivered in a hot pink blanket. "What would you like to name her?" asked the nurse. "Silvia Katherine Perish," replied Lanie as she looked at the adorable infant in her arms. After the nurse left, she handed Silvia off to Javier. "She is so beautiful just like her mother," said Espo. He passed the baby back to Lanie and walked around to the other side of the bed. He then knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small box. He opened it and inside was a gorgeous diamond ring. He then spoke and asked, "Lanie Perish, I love you and our daughter with all my heart. Will you made me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" "Yes, yes!" replied Lanie as she pulled him in for a kiss. After a few minutes, Ryan, Jenny, baby Connor, Gates, Alexis, and Martha came in to say hello and see the baby. They congratulated them both on the engagement and the birth of Silvia. Once they all left, Lanie called Kate and told her Javi proposed. Then she slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming about her upcoming wedding.

In Kate's room.....

About five minutes after Lanie called, the nurse came in to check on the babies. Johanna had just started to fuss, so they were glad when the nurse entered. "The babies are probably hungry," explained the nurse. "Are you going to breastfeed them?" she asked. "Yeah, I am going to try to," replied Kate. Her eyes were still fixed on her precious daughter who was stretching on her lap. "Alright," said the nurse as she exited the room. "I will be back to check on them in about an hour." After the nurse left, Kate took a deep breath to settle her nerves and began unbuttoning her gown. She then pushed up her bra and lifted baby Johanna. "How am I supposed to do this?" Kate wondered aloud. "I read online that you are supposed to rub your nipple against her lips until she latches on," replied Castle. So Kate brought Johanna to her right breast and tried to get her to latch on. After about five minutes without success, Kate decided to try to get her to latch on to her left breast. After about thirty seconds, Johanna latched on and started to drink her mother's milk. Kate smiled as she looked down at Johanna. It felt amazing to feel her daughter drinking her milk and to know that she was giving her the nutrients to grow big and strong. "Wow," whispered Castle. "What?" asked Kate. "It's cool to see the connection between the two of you when you feed her. It is something really special," he replied smiling. "Didn't you ever watch Meredith feed Alexis?" Kate asked after a few seconds. "No she wouldn't let me," said Castle. Kate looked down and continued to smile. She was so overjoyed that her two new children were perfectly healthy. After about ten minutes more minutes, baby Jo (short for Johanna) released from her mother's breast and began to fall asleep. Kate handed Jo over to Castle and he handed her the hungry Cosmo. Kate lifted him to her right breast and he immediately latched on, sucking the milk from her nipple. Castle laughed when he saw this. "He is just like me. He can't get enough of you," said Castle with a smirk. After feeding Cosmo and placing both babies in the crib, Rick and Kate both drifted off to sleep and prepared themselves for the next few days.

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