Chapter 11

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The next morning while Castle was busy making coffee in the kitchen, Kate was busy puking in toilet. After she brushed her teeth, she went to go see her husband. "Here is your coffee," he said. "You drink it, I don't want coffee this morning." She told him. "Why not?" Castle asked suspiciously. "I just don't feel like it." Kate reponded. Then they left to go to the precinct.

"Ryan, Espo, you two interview all her teachers at Hudson. Castle and I will talk to all her friends." Beckett said. While talking to a group of Sean's friends, Beckett got a call from Jenny. She stepped away to take it while Castle continued to ask questions. "Hi Jenny, what's up?" Asked Kate. "Has Kevin been acting strange today?" She asked. "Not that I have noticed. Why?" Kate asked. "Well yesterday I found out I was pregnant, and I think his is worried about the cost of having another child," Jenny responded. "Your pregnant?" Kate questioned. "Yeah. Why?" Jenny asked. "No reason. I will keep an eye out and let you know if he seems stressed," said Kate. "Thanks," Jenny replied. "I've got to go, bye," Kate said. Wow thought Kate, the three of us found out we were pregnant on the same day! Just then, Ryan, Esposito, and Castle came towards her. "The teachers don't seem to know anything," Espo said. "Yeah, same with his friends," Castle replied. Right then, Beckett got a call from the precinct. "Hello," she answered. "Ok, thanks." "There has been another murder," she told the boys.

At the crime scene.....

Castle was busy talking with Ryan, and Esposito was back at the precinct, so Beckett went over to talk to Lanie. "How are you?" Kate asked. "I hate morning sickness already," replied Lanie. "I totally agree," said Kate. "Jenny called me this morning, and she said she found out yesterday she was pregnant. I didn't tell her either one of us were, but can you believe it, three of us on one day!" "Wow," said Lanie "Have you told Castle you're pregnant yet?" "No, I think I am going to wait a few more days." Kate said "How did Espo react?" "He was happy," she replied. "Good. Now what can you tell me about this victim?" Beckett asked. "She was the same age as Sean, and was killed the same way. Her name is Samantha Evans, and she also attended Hudson." Said Lanie. "Okay, thanks." Back at the precinct, Beckett informed Gates about the second victim, and then had to run to the bathroom to throw up again. "In the morning, Gates wants us to compare the victims' phone records and finacials, but she says we can leave now." Beckett said. "Okay, good night," said Ryan and Esposito as they walked to the elevator. "I have to go see my publisher, but I will be back home by 8:00," said Castle. "Okay, see you then," Kate replied.

At the loft.....

Kate was researching pregnancy information, when suddenly she felt the need to throw up again. She ran past Martha, who was on the couch watching tv, to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. Then she took a shower. In the shower, Kate massaged her tummy imagining the little baby growing inside her. When she emerged from the bathroom, Martha said, "Katherine, will you come here." So Kate walked over to the couch and sat down next to her mother-in-law. "Tell me something, are you pregnant?" Martha asked. "How did you know?" Kate asked suspiciously. "Incase you forgot, I was once pregnant with your husband. I've been noticing your symptoms. Have you told Richard yet?" She asked. "No, not yet," Kate replied. "What are you waiting for, he is going to be thrilled?" Martha asked. "I don't know, I just haven't found the right time to tell him." Kate responded. "Why don't you tell him when he gets home? I can make myself scarce." She said. "Okay...," replied Kate. I can do this, she though to herself.

One hour later.....

"Hey babe," said Kate as Castle walked through the door. "How did the meeting with your publisher go?" "She says I am not writing enough," Castle said sighing. "Come sit with me, there is something I want to tell you." Kate told her husband. "Okayyyyy?" He asked suspiciously. "Are you ready?" She asked Castle, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. "I guess..." He responded starting to get worried. "I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed. "Really? How fantastic!" He said pulling her in for a long, slow kiss. "I love you so much Kate," he said. "I love you too Rick," Kate responded.

"How did you find out? Castle asked. "Well, when I was at the morgue, I got very dizzy and felt like throwing up, so I ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. Then, I realized I could be pregnant, so Lanie gave me one of the tests at the morgue, so I went back in the bathroom, peed on the stick, and sure enough, it said I was pregnant." Kate replied. "So Lanie was the first to know?" Rick asked. "Yeah. The reason I didn't wait to take the test with you, was because if I wasn't pregnant, I didn't want you to be disappointed." "I understand," he replied. "So is she the only one who knows?" "Ummm no. I ran to the bathroom to throw up about an hour ago, and your mom figured out that I was pregnant." Kate reponded. "Well, when do you want to tell everyone else?" Castle asked. "How about we tell Alexis now, and have dinner with my Dad, Lanie, Esposito, Ryan, and Jenny tomorrow to tell them." Kate suggested. "That sounds like a great idea babe," said Castle kissing her softly on the forehead and stroking her belly.

"Alexis, can you come down here?" Called Castle. She walked downstairs and sat down on the couch next to Kate. "What?" She asked. "Guess what?" Started Kate. "I'm pregnant!" "Really?!?" Asked Alexis. "That is so great! Now I am going to have a brother or a sister!" "Yep," Kate replied smiling.

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