Characters play Mystery Murder

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Fiorello, Karma, Eleanor, Edward, Ernest, Isaac, Phoenix, Enzo, Castiel, Oliver, Rhea and Prosperine were teleported in an odd place separately.

Thry suddenly heard a voice spoke up. "Welcome, tiny humans. I, Starlight has brought you all in an alternative space where you will be playing a game called Murder Mystery. The game is simple. You will be assigned different roles: murderer, sheriff, investigator, doctor, copycat and innocent. The murderer will have to kill everyone to win. The ones that weren't a murderer will have to find the murderer and kill them to win. Got it? Good, let's start the game! Also the location your in are the school compound. You should know the place. And your power will be sealed, you will have to rely on your skills, instinct and experience. Good luck my little starlings."


Fiorello is in a bedroom, his bedroom to be exact.

A screen appeared in front of him.

Your goal is to kill everyone and don't get killed by the sheriff.

Other roles: Sheriff, Investigator, Doctor, Medium, Copycat and Innocent

"Sissy would love to have this role." Fiorello murmured.


Oliver was dropped in the fountain.


A screen appear in front of him.

Shoot the murderer and save everyone. Be careful, you only have one shot if you shoot the wrong person you will die too.

Other roles: Murderer, Investigator, Doctor, Medium, Copycat and Innocent

"At least I'm the good guy."


Earnest was teleported in the school main garden.

A screen appear in front of him.

Only once during the game you can view one person's role to see what it is.

Other roles: Murderer, Sheriff, Doctor, Medium, Copycat and Innocent

Then 11 figure appear in front of him.

'So i have to choose one...' Ernest thought.

"Then I'll choose Fio."

Your goal is to kill everyone and don't get killed by the sheriff.

Other roles: Sheriff, Investigator, Doctor, Medium, Copycat and Innocent

"Dear god..."


Edward was at the outdoor training field of the school.

A screen appears.

Only once during the game you can view one person's role to see what it is.

Other roles: Murderer, Sheriff, Doctor, Medium, Copycat and Innocent

Then 11 figure appear in front of him.

"Ew, she's here too?" Edward said in disgust as he look at tiny Prosperine. "Imma avoid her and choose Karma."

You can look someone else's role and once you do you will become that role and do the action they do unless they are Innocent.

Other roles: Murderer, Sheriff, Investigator, Doctor, Medium and Innocent 

"A copycat? Wonder who she'll copy. Hope it's not the murderer."

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