Chapter 2: Packing Like CRAZY!

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Omigosh. They just called my name. I cannot believe they just called my name. I'm going to get to meet One Direction. I'm trying so hard to hold my happiness in, but I just can't. I let out a really high pitched squeal, whilst jumped up and down.

My phone started buzzing, signaling that I have a phone call. I looked at the screen, it was an unkown number.

"Hello, this is Grace. May I ask who is calling?"

"Hello, we know, Grace. This is Sweet FM, calling about the contest. You were listening, right? You won the One Direction contest! We will email you your plane ticket later, you'll be leaving tomorrow at noon. First class to London, England, and guess who will be picking you up at the airport? One Direction!"

"Are you serious!? Thank you so much!! And yes, I was listening, and I'm so excited! I can't wait!!"

"Your flight will leave at 12:15, and arive in London at 4:25. And guess where you'll be staying!? You're going to stay in One Direction's shared flat! We'll give you more details in a few minutes, after we're off air. Well, that's your winner for this week's contest! Good luck for next week! Here's the new hit from Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G, Oath!"

"Alright, we're off air. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. We'll be having Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis (and Paul) there to pick you up at 4:30. They will take you and your luggage to their shared flat, and you'll be staying there for 2 weeks. There will be 6 concerts during those couple weeks, and you'll be going to all of them and sitting front row in all 6. We only said 3 on air just for saftey's sake. They will also be having 5 interviews, meet and greets after every concert, maybe a party here and there, and you get to go to it all."

"You have to be kidding me. This is not happening to me! I can't believe this! I never thought that I, Grace Cruz, 14 year old teenager, would actually get to meet One Direction! Thank you so much!! Is there anything else I need to know?"

"No, not really. We'll have someone come pick you up tomorrow at 11:30 so you can be there on time. Have fun, and stay in touch with us! Call us after week one, and stay safe! Have a nice day!"

"Thank you guys soooo much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thanks!! Bye! Have a nice day!!"


And with that, the line was dead. Oh.My.God. This is not happening. I am fangirling so much right now!!! Ok, I know I have til tomorrow, but I need to pack. Hmm, what to bring, what to bring... I'll be there for two weeks, so I'm gonna need a lot of stuff. I got a lot of my stuff, and I'm like freaking out right now. Wow. I still can't get over this. Ahh! Louis William Tomlinson and Harold Edward Styles, oh how I love thee. I laughed at myself. I'm going crazy... Maybe that's because I'm going to meet One Direction... Omigoshhh AHH!!

Ok, ok. I'm done. Back to what I was doing. I packed a few undergarments, two bikinis, three pairs of pajamas, and so on. Now what to wear on the plane tomorrow... I have to be comfortable, but cute, because I want to make a good impression on Louis and Harry - and everyone else. How about jeans and a sweatshirt? No, to lazy. Skirt and a tanktop? Nah, to dressy. What about sweat pants and a jacket and a cute shirt? Better, what about a pair of comfy jeans and a really cute top? Perfect. I picked out a pair of my red jeans, and a white shirt with black stripes, with a cute pair of sparkly black TOMS. Yes, the female version of Louis! Oh, and can't forget the suspenders! Black and red striped suspenders. Perfection! I can't wait!!

I looked at the clock, it was only 10:37. Great. I still have a full day ahead of me. Wait, I know. I could just call my best friend Eleanor and tell her everything! I called her up and told her how I get to meet them and go to some of their concerts.

"Really!? No way!! You're soo lucky! I wish I could've won... Good luck!"

"Yeah, and maybe if I can, I can bring a friend later, and maybe you could meet them too! I'm soo excited!!! Wanna come over?"

"Sure! Be there in a few babe!"

I laughed at us. We weren't lesbian, or bi, we just like to have fun. We just have a good relationship like that. We're kind of like Larry Stylinson, but girls!

"Honey, I'm home!" she screamed as she walked in the door.

"Upstairs!" I heard her laugh as she made her way up the stairs.

"Hey babe. What's up?"

What is she, stupid? I mentally laughed at that, but put it aside. "What do you think? I just won a contest and I get to meet One Direction. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS UP!?" I danced my happy dance around the room, and she smiled and laughed and joined me. We sat there, dancing around my room, laughing and just having fun.

"Hey babe, wanna go watch a movie?"

"Sure babe. Which one?"

"Which ever one you want babe. I'm making the popcorn!"

"Ok! How does a Twilight marathon sound?"


So that's what we did. We watched every single Twilight movie, including Breaking Dawn Part Two. We stayed up until 11:55, and we both fell asleep.

Only a few more hours I get to meet One Direction.


-Author's note: Hey guys! So there's chapter 2! Whaddya think so far? Fan/vote and most definately comment and tell me what you think! I love you all! Mwuah! :)

P.S. The kitty in the corner is actually begging you this time! :)


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