Chapter 11

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Linh's POV:

"It's 12:56," Dex announced.

Tam yawned. "Can we sleep now?" he whined.

"Yeah, Bangs Boy needs his beauty rest," Keefe teased. Tam rolled his eyes.

Biana sighed, "Fine. Anybody need to do anything before we fall asleep?"

We all shook our heads no and climbed into our sleeping bags.

Sophie, Keefe, and Tam fell asleep immediately.

"Hey, did you hear the Council's holding a gala in our honor in 4 days?" Biana whispered to the rest of us.

"Why?" Dex wondered.

"I think it's for defeating the Neverseen," Fitz replied.

"Cool," Marella said. 

I let out a laugh. "Sophie's gonna hate dressing up."

We laughed. "I'll probably have to tie her onto another chair to do her makeup," Biana chuckled.

Wylie yawned. "Night, guys."

We all fell silent, and soon my eyelids fell shut. 

Sophie's POV:

"Sophie, run!" Keefe said, pushing me out of the way, and a white dome surrounded him. I pounded the force field, desperate to reach him. 

"I'm serious, Sophie! You're more important than I'll ever be, just go!" Keefe met my gaze. 

Tears streaming down my face, I said, "No, I'm not leaving without you!"

A dome surrounded me. "Game over, Sophie," Lady Gisela sneered. I finally turned around to see the Neverseen. 

Keefe moaned beside me and crumpled to the ground. "What did you do to him?" I screamed.

I sat up with a gasp. A blue breeze ran through my head, and I looked to the side to see Keefe holding my hand.

"It was just a nightmare," Keefe assured me. This time, the breeze was green. "Wanna talk about it?"

I let out a shaky sigh and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I keep having nightmares over and over again."

I explain tonight's nightmare in detail. "I couldn't save you," I said, my voice breaking.

Keefe wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered the words I needed to hear the most. "I'm right here."

He rested his chin on my head, and I snuggled closer to him, too sleepy to be embarrassed. 

We stayed in that position for a long time. 

"Keefe?" I asked.

"Yeah, Foster?"

 I turned to look at him. "Thank you for always being there."

He leaned closer. "I will always be here for you," he whispered.

We were barely an inch apart now. Keefe closed the gap and pressed his lips to mine.

I sighed happily and wrapped my arms around him. After a few moments, he broke the kiss.

I was going to protest but a yawn slipped out instead.

He laid me down on my sleeping bag and kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep, Foster," he whispered.

I fell asleep before I thanked him.

#5 hours later#

Biana's POV:

I woke up holding Tam's hand. What the... I smiled against my will. 

I wonder when this happened. I sighed and sat up. I was the first one up.

Looking around, I saw Sophie's head on Keefe's chest and his arm wrapped around her. 

Crawling towards Marella, I nudged her awake. "Yeah, yeah, I'm up," she mumbled.

I pointed at Keefe and Sophie. "Our plan worked!" I squealed softly.

She grinned and pulled out the phone Sophie got her. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking a photo," she replied, snapping a photo of Keefe and Sophie as the others started to wake up.

A/N: Sorry this was a little late. Since this is my last week of school, all my teachers are throwing final exams and projects as me. Comment if you can relate - or don't, doesn't matter :)

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