nine // chat noir revealed

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Adrien's POV

"W-What?" I stutter, sweating profusely through my shirt. "Is... is this a joke?"

"Woah woah woah, you're confronting my own bro as Chat Noir?" Nino asks confused. "You told me this was about confronting Marinette's relationship with him!"

Alya ignores her boyfriend and just smirks while crossing her arms. "Don't even try to get out of this one, Agreste. You're caught."

I back into a table. "I'm not Chat Noir!"

Alya touches and pushes me back by my nose. I look at her with nervous eyes. She sits up tall on the table, looking down on me with fiery, confident eyes.

"How do you describe your mysterious absences, then?" She asks, leaning really close to my face. "You always seem to be gone when an akuma attacks."

I push her back by her shoulders. "You know my father wouldn't even let me leave the house. He has too much of a tight grip on me. You and I both know that!"

"Which is why you're practically begging to be let out of your shell," she explains, tilting her head and puffing out her chest.

I slowly shake my head. "No. You're wrong."

"Tsk tsk tsk," Alya exclaims shaking her head. "Still in denial that your friends have brains? Alright then, hand me your ring on your right hand and we'll see if its a miraculous or not."

I instinctively reach for my ring and hold it close to my chest to protect it.

Alya stares at me with confidence.

Nino stays silent, waiting for my response.

I take a deep breath, readying myself for how my life is going to change.

"Fine. You caught me," I mutter.

Nino looks at me with pure shocked eyes.

Alya pumps her fist in the air and jumps up high. "I knew it!"

"W-What?! You were Chat Noir this whole time?!" Nino shouts shaking me violently by my shoulders. "YOU?!"

"Uh, yeah?" I laugh, rubbing the back of my neck.

Nino lets go of me and shakes his head. I awkwardly smile while my best friend has an existential chris.

"YOU?! The awful cat puns, the constant flexing, the flirting with fucking Ladybug?!" Nino practically yells.

Alya rushes to me and grabs arm. "Where's your kwami?!"

"A-Alya, you're just... okay with Adrien being Chat Noir?!" Nino stutters.

"Come on!" She replies. "Look at his hair!"

Nino frowns. "I don't follow."

"Okay, maybe not now, but what about-" she ruffles and messes up my fluffy blond hair, "-now?"

"Hey!"  I shout, instinctively reaching for my hair.

Nino gasps. "Oh my god."

"I know right!" Alya squeaks, jumping up and down.

Nino's face goes white. "My best friend is a simp for Ladybug."

"What's a simp?" I ask, tilting my head.

"It's not important," Alya snickers. "Anyways, for the second time, where's you're kwami?!"

"You called?" Plagg exclaims flying out of my jacket.

"No way..." Alya and Nino mutter as they see him.

"You smell like cheese, Plagg. You could at least try and make a nice impression!" I bicker, crossing my arms.

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