Chapter 7: The Truth

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    The doctor confirmed it- I was definitely pregnant. I told my mom, but only when I got her to promise not to utter a word, even to Joe.

     I didn't tell anyone else. I didn't say a word. Not when I walked into Townsend and Abby's loft. Not when the twins hugged me. Not when Abby asked me if I was okay. And definitely not when Townsend grabbed my arm and gave me the same questioning look that Zach always did.

     "Happy birthday, Cam," Abby said squeezing me. I smiled. "Why the long face?"

    "He missed it," I said with a chuckle. "Again." Abby acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. I knew that she did.

     "Did he?" Townsend asked, raising his eyebrows to me. "Does that sound like Zachary? I personally don't think it does." I furrowed my brow at him.

     "Surprise, Gallagher Girl," Zach said, as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I froze, scared he would feel the small bump. "Happy birthday." He spun me around to kiss him. He had been gone for a couple of weeks on his op. I was happy to have him back.

     "We hope you like your gift!" Abby said, clinging to Edward's arm. I chuckled

     "I love it."

     "Are you feeling okay? You're looking a bit pale," Zach said scanning me. I nodded.

     "I'm fine," I replied. He didn't look so sure.

     "We got you a present, Cammie," Matthew and Morgan said coming up to me. I smiled at them. I opened it up. It was a pair of beautiful diamond earrings.

"I love it," I said hugging my cousins/in laws. I turned to Abby and Edward, knowing they were the ones that truly bought it. "Thank you." They smiled at me.

"It's going to come in handy, Cameron," Ed said to me. I gave him a look, so he continued. "It's a comms unit. A high tech kind. You'll need it for your mission at MI6. It goes great with your cover. I was given the all clear, you leave in a week." I gasped. Zach shook me in
congratulations. Abby beamed.

"Go get the glasses, squirt!" Abby said. "It's time to celebrate." I nodded. I felt numb. I went to grab the fancy glasses that they only used at parties. One of the glasses slipped out of my hand and shattered on the ground. I dropped down to pick it up.

"Easy, Gallagher Girl," Zach said. I continued to pick up the glass, I cut my finger.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down at the mess. "Sorry, I'm sorry." I mumbled it over and over.

"Cammie?" Zach said rushing to my side. I was crying now, picking up the glass. He grabbed my hand, some of my blood got on him. "Cammie stop. You're cut. I'll clean it, just calm down. What's wrong?" He was concerned. I couldn't stop crying.

"It's okay, Cameron," Townsend said. "We have plenty of glasses."

"I'll clean it, squirt, it's okay," Abby added. I was still crying.

"I'm sorry, Ed," I began. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "I can't go on the mission." He gave me the strangest look.

"This could be the highlight of your career, Cameron," he stated.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I can't do it," I cried.

"Gallagher Girl?" Zach said next to me. He had me in his arms. "You've never doubted yourself. Don't start now, you can do this. I know you can."

"No, Zachary, I really can't," I snapped. He backed up.

"What's the matter, squirt? You've never backed down," Abby said softly.

"I'm sorry Zach. I'm pregnant. I can't, Townsend. I'm so sorry," I rushed. Zach had completely let me go by then. Abby held a hand to her mouth. Townsend was impossible to read. After what felt like forever Zach finally whispered behind me.


"I'm sorry."

"How long have you known, Cammie?"

"A couple weeks."

"How long have you- how long have you been?"

"4 months."

Zach stood up. He looked pained as he said, "Why didn't you tell me?" He wiped the tears from my eyes.

      "First you were gone, but I just thought you'd be mad. Please don't be mad," I pleaded. He looked like my words had slapped him in the face.

      "Mad?" He repeated. "You think I'd be mad? Cammie this is the best news I've ever heard!" He started laughing. He scooped me up and spun me around. He kissed me hard. I started laughing too. I smiled.

      The twins ran and hugged me. "There's a baby in you, Cammie," Morgan said. I laughed and held them close. Abby ran and hugged me. She was squealing.

    Townsend stood next to Zach. He slapped him on the back. I thought Zach might cry when Townsend said, "I'm so proud of you."

* * *

I woke up on a cold and hard floor. My head was bleeding. I looked around.

"Zach?" I asked. Then I remembered Zach was on a mission. He was taking all of the missions that I was supposed to go on. I heard a chuckle echo through the stone hall.

"Afraid not, Gallagher Girl," the unmistakable voice came. I tried to move. I tried to army crawl out of there. I finally looked up and my fears came true.

"Catherine," I gasped. She laughed, then she put her hand on my stomach. I jerked back.

"Hello Cammie dear, did you miss me?" She said.

"What do you want?" I snapped. I was scared, but not for my life. I was scared for the life of my child. She must have sensed it.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I can't, you have something that I want," she said. She moved her hand to my stomach again. I pulled back again. I looked around, was I in a hospital?

Just then one of her henchmen whispered something in her ear. Catherine looked raged.

"No!" She screamed. She turned to me. "Don't worry, Cammie. I won't take anything from you, not yet. I will be back, Cammie. Tell him hi when he comes out for me." She was pointing to my stomach. He? Then Catherine put her hands on my stomach. I screamed. I didn't stop screaming.

"Gallagher Girl!" The voice shouted. It was deep and I felt the strong arms hold me.

"Cammie wake up! It's me, it's Zach." I bolted awake. He was holding me.

"Zach she's alive. I saw her again. Catherine is alive!" I screamed. He shushed me, holding me tighter.

"It was just a nightmare, Gallagher Girl. I'm home now. I won't take anymore missions. I'm here, it was just a nightmare," he soothed. I nodded.

The next morning I gasped as I looked in the mirror. A giant scratch was across my face.

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