Chapter 46: Regina O'Dare

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(Back to Cammie!)
Zach and I got called into the CIA early in the morning. We called in a special agent sitter and left for the CIA. We went through a secret under water entrance.
"Zachary Goode, CIA," Zach said.
"Cameron Goode, CIA," I said after him. The underwater entrance was revealed. We made our way up the long steps. We entered Edward Townsend's office. Zach and I both furrowed our brows. His office had been set up like a classroom. There were desks set out.
"What are you doing here?" Zach asked. I looked at the desks. I saw that my friends sat in them. Bex, Liz, Macey, Grant, Jonas, Preston, Matthew, and Morgan all looked like children sitting in their desks.
"What is this?" I asked turning to Townsend.
"Have a seat, Ms. Morgan," was his reply.
"Ms. Morgan?" I asked. I hadn't been Ms. Morgan for 18 years.
"Welcome to Covert Operations," Abby said, cocking her hip.
"What the bloody hell is this?" Bex asked.
"It's a history lesson, Ms. Baxter," Townsend said. "I'm afraid this chapter has not yet been explored."
"Can we speed it up? I have a class to teach," Liz said. Matthew's hand shot into the air.
"Yes, Mr. Townsend?" Abby asked, enjoying her role.
"Do we get recess?" He asked excitedly. Morgan shook her head in disappointment. Ed looked at Matthew as if he were a disgrace to the family name. Matt backed down. "Never mind."
"Are we going to start this lesson or not?" Macey asked impatiently.
"You know the story of Gillian Gallagher and Ioseph Cavan," Townsend began. "But do you know the story of Regina O'Dare?" Everyone shook their head no. I looked at Zach, his face was white.
"You've heard of her, haven't you Zach?" Abby asked. Zach nodded.
"Do share with the class, Zachary," Townsend said looking a bit evil.
"My mother used to tell me stories about her. She said that Regina O'Dare was notorious for taking sleeping children from their beds. She'd drag them away in the middle of the night screaming and she'd break them. She turned them into monsters. Catherine told me it at night so that I wouldn't get out of bed," Zach said. He looked at his father. "It's just an old wives tale."
"Wrong," Ed replied.
"You think the Circle of Cavan is bad? Their work is child's play in comparison," Abby said.
"Why are you telling us this now?" Bex asked.
"Because until recently, we thought that they were an old wive's tale," Abby answered.
"See Ioseph Cavan was a terrible man. Evil isn't born, it's made. And he made Regina O'Dare evil," Townsend said.
"Get on with the bloody lecture," Bex said.
"Before the defeat of Ioseph he met a girl named Regina. Regina was Gillian Gallagher's best friend. Ioseph and Regina became romantically involved. Gillian told Regina that she didn't trust Cavan, but Regina didn't listen. Cavan wanted to marry Regina, but her father said no," Townsend began.
"Tragic," Macey said with the roll of her eyes.
"When he said no Ioseph retaliated and killed him in cold blood," Townsend said, ignoring her.
"Wicked," Bex said.
"Regina had a mental break and turned to Gillian for help. Gilly trained her so that Regina would always be able to defend herself. Regina didn't stop there, she trained harder than anyone ever had before. She didn't stop, even when she was strong enough to beat Gillian. There was 1 flaw," Townsend picked up.
"What was it?" Liz asked. Cam smiled as she noticed that Liz was taking notes.
"Regina was pregnant," Abby said.
"She was pregnant and alone. She had broken up with Ioseph and was in hiding with Gillian. Regina had no money, her rich father was dead. When Regina thought that she was strong enough she went to meet Ioseph. She put up a good fight, but when Ioseph learned she was pregnant he beat Regina until the child was dead," Ed continued. Cammie looked around and saw the same shock on her friends faces. Zach grabbed her hand. They heard someone blow their nose.
"How awful," Matthew said as he dabbed at his eyes. Morgan rolled her eyes.
"Cavan left her beaten and alone. That day, he made a monster. Regina vowed her revenge. Did you know that Cavan had a child?" Townsend asked. The group shook their heads.
"He did," Abby said. "He had a son. He's never heard of because he was murdered. When he was 8 Regina snuck into his home and drug him out of his bed screaming. When Cavan's wife came to check on her son Regina slit her throat. Regina poured gasoline all over Cavan's son and burned him alive."
"She got her revenge. What does that have to do with us?" Morgan asked. Townsend shook his head.
"Regina didn't stop there. She drug more and more children out of their beds. She didn't kill all of them. She made some of them her helpers. It was said that if you talked back to her she would cut out your tongue. Regina made her stone cold warriors for years. Then she died," Townsend said. "But her legacy lived on. It happens around the world to this day. We thought it could have been a copycat group. Then we learned the truth."
"What is it?" Zach asked. I looked at Townsend. I could have sworn I saw terror cross his face.
"The baby that Cavan tried to kill lived," he said. "Mentally and physically destroyed, but the child lived. And the child had descendants."
"What are you saying?" I asked.
"We're saying that Regina O'Dare's group is alive and well. We know that her organization isn't being ran by her descendant. It's being run by Catherine," Abby said. Zach's face was pale white.
"She's dragging children out of their beds and torturing them?" Zach asked his father. Townsend nodded.
"We think she's searching for the last descendant. And we think..." Townsend made eye contact with me and trailed off.
"Tell me," I said.
"We think Catherine has been trying to take Anna to train her to become the next leader," Abby said. I put my hand to my mouth. Catherine was crazy. She wanted to do the same to my daughter.
"How do you know this?" Zach asked.
"We caught one of Catherine's goons. He finally started talking," Abby said. "That's not all, it was rumored that Regina had the key to destroying the world. Regina hid it in a place that was sealed with a blood lock. Only a direct descendant can unlock it. If Catherine gets the descendant we think she will get the key and destroy us all."
"Why are you telling us?" Grant asked.
"Because this is Catherine we are dealing with. We know that there are moles everywhere. You are the only people that we trust with this mission. We need you to snuff out the darkness," Townsend answered. "If Catherine gets her hands on the last descendant or Annalise it's game over."
"Well I'm going to help," Preston said. "My dad was killed because of all of this. I'm not going to see anyone else get hurt." Macey nodded.
"Us against the bad guys? I'm in," she said.
"All of us working together to keep the peace. It's just like old times!" Liz exclaimed Jonas and Grant nodded their agreements.
"Let's kick some bloody kidnappers," Bex said with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Anyone who tries to kidnap our niece is dead," Matt said. Morgan agreed.
"Catherine needs to be stopped. For good this time," Zach said. I nodded.
"Who is the last descendant?" I asked. Abby and Ed shrugged.
"That's the problem, we know that Regina's baby was a girl, but we don't know who. We also know that only the women are recruited into the organization. About 200 years ago the CIA wiped out most of her descendants. Whichever ones are left are in hiding. We don't know who they are," Abby said.
A chill ran up my body as I felt myself go back in time to a different place. I felt Zach's words on my lips as I whispered, "somebody knows."

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