Chapter 92: The Makeup

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("Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit." -Proverbs 12:17)

Chase Goode had been uneasy all week. His grandmother had let Dallin visit everyday (much to Chase's dismay). Anna had told Chase that she got very bad vibes from him. Chase agreed. He didn't know why Bree thought he was so amazing.
It was well past midnight. Chase went on his normal run across the academy grounds. He waved to all of the guards. He entered the academy with sweat dripping down his face. He navigated blindly through the dark. He ran into someone and heard a familiar "oof".
"I'm sorry," Chase mumbled.
"My fault," Bree said with a small smile. Chase froze. That's what she had said when they first met. He yearned for that Bree. He needed that Bree. He loved that Bree.
"I'm looking at you. I see you. I just don't know who's looking back at me," Chase admitted. He didn't use any attitude. He wasn't angry or mean at all. He was... pained. He needed her to see that he still cared.
"It's me," Bree said and she reached out to touch him. Chase didn't pull away anymore. For once in his life he was done fighting. She touched his face and Chase automatically felt the warmth. She ran her hand down his face as she squinted. Chase felt his confidence coming back.
"Do you like it?" He asked. He was referring to the stubble he had recently been letting grow out. He had planned on shaving soon. Bree smiled.
"You know the only reason I left was because of you?" Bree asked him. Chase gave her a questioning look. "I was happy there. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. I didn't ever want to leave. Then I heard the song."
"The song?" Chase asked. Bree nodded.
"I was with Dallin. We were shooting and he was telling me how good I've gotten. Then this music started playing. That song. 'Take me, to the magic of the moment,'" Bree sang.
"Wind of Change?" Chase asked. Bree nodded. It was the song that they always danced to. It was their song.
"I heard it and I dropped my gun. While I was there it was like I forgot everything. I forgot my family and the school. I even didn't remember you. When I heard it though... everything changed. I told Dallin I had to leave. He was upset. He didn't want me to go. I said I had to. There weren't any guards. I needed to see you. So I ran. I ran and didn't look back. Then I ran into you mom. The rest is history I guess," Bree explained. Chase was shocked. Bree never talked about what went on while she was there.
"I don't understand you," Chase said. Bree looked at him. "Sometimes, you're different. You keep saying things without even realizing you're speaking. You act like you hate me and you would do anything to get away from me. But sometimes it's like you're you again. Like right now. Now I'm with you and you tell me things and you act like the old you. Why do you change so much?"
"This is me, Chase. People grow and they change. I don't know why I talk without realizing it. I'm not changing back and forth on purpose. This is just me... now," Bree said.
"I don't like this you," Chase said softly. "She pushes me away." Chase put a hand on Bree's arm. She looked at his hand. Her eyes glazed over.
"Please stop!" She shouted. Chase quickly pulled his arm away. "My room isn't this way. You're going the wrong way. This isn't  right. This is the wrong way!"
"Bree," Chase said softly as he reached for her hand. She pulled her hand away and punched him in the eye. Chase groaned and held a hand to his eye. He knew he was going to have a black eye later.
"Please don't!" She squealed.
"Bree!" He said louder. She jumped and looked at him clutching his eye.
"What?" She asked as if nothing was wrong. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? You just punched me in the eye and you were yelling those things again. What do you mean what's wrong?"
"I did?" She asked. Her breathing picked up. Her eyes welled with tears and Chase's heart broke. "I'm sorry. I don't remember. I'm so sorry!" She turned and ran the other way.
"Bree stop!" Chase called after her. She threw open the doors and ran onto the grounds. Chase ran after her as he felt water dripping onto his face. He wondered when it started raining. He caught up to her and grabbed her hand. It was pouring rain. "Don't do that!"
"Why? I feel like I'm going crazy, Chase! I don't remember any of the things you say I do. I need to go back. I don't belong here. I've never belonged here!" She called back to him. Chase couldn't tell if she was crying or if it was the rain running down her face. Her hair was sopping wet. Chase felt a rain droplet get suck on his bottom lip.
"Don't you get it? You light up every single room you walk into. All eyes land on you. People are drawn to you. You don't just belong here, you belong everywhere," Chase admitted.
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been stupid enough to go with her. I lost you forever," Bree cried. Chase took a deep breath.
"You haven't lost me," he mumbled.
"I was never fit for this. You and I never made sense. I just need to go back with Dallin," she rambled on.
"No, just stay here with me," Chase said calmly. Bree was hyperventilating. She shook her head. She turned and tried to get away. Chase jumped ahead and wrapped his arms around her as Bree sobbed. She hit his chest.
"Let me go!" She screamed.
"No!" Chase shouted back. "I'm never letting go!"
"Why not!" Bree raged.
"Because I love you!" Chase shouted. Bree's mouth dropped open.
"What?" She whispered. Chase took a step towards her.
"I always have," he said. He took another stop towards her. "I'm so sorry. I missed every opportunity." He took one more step closer. The tension between them was unbearable. He couldn't stay away any longer. "I never said it back."
"You don't have to," Bree rushed. She must have felt the tension. She grabbed the collar of Chase's hoodie and pulled him into  her.
Without missing a beat Chase's hands found her hair and he pulled her as close to him as possible. He kissed her more passionately than he ever had before. She was what he had been craving for months. His deepest desire. She kissed him back. She seemed as hungry as he was. The rain poured over their heads, but it didn't matter. In that moment it was just them. Back where they were always meant to be. Bree pulled away for air and Chase began kissing her neck.
"No!" Bree gasped. Chase pulled away quickly.
"I'm sorry!" He said. All too soon he realized that her eyes were glazed. She wasn't looking at him.
"My drink. I think there was something in my drink. I'm too tired. Please help me get to my room. My room isn't this way. You're going the wrong way! Please don't! I don't want this! Stop! I can't breathe! Stop!" Bree cried.
"Bree!" Chase shouted. He grabbed her arms and pulled her close to him. "Wake up!" Bree's hand flew to her hair and she pulled it. She was bawling. She slowly fell to the ground. Chase stayed with her the whole way. He turned her to face him.
"It's a lie! It wasn't real. I remember," she cried. She bawled harder than Chase had ever seen her. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. "I remember everything."

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