нас есть матч между британской танковой команды сука

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The battle has begun, the Total Annihilation rules apply. This means that all of a team's tanks must be eliminated before victory can be declared. After surveying their opponent, Team A deploys, and prepares to fire. The first shot doesn't hit any of St. Gloriana's tanks, however, and they acquire the enemy position and give chase. Team A lures them into the other waiting Ooarai teams' ambush, but St. Gloriana expected this; the opposing tanks form a pincer maneuver. Team D panic under fire and abandon their tank, declaring tank defeat under the rules, whilst the student council team get their tracks blown off by a near miss. With only Teams B and C to provide support, Team A commandeers a retaliatory attack. They retreat through the town, use the buildings as cover and pull off a successful ambush on one of the enemy tanks.

Miho: I guess the operation can be, let's see, Operation Sneaky Sneak, because I want to sneakily see what the enemy is up to, then sneakily attack them.

Momo: Doesn't sound like much thought went into that.

Iosif: I think we should do like gopnik. We steal and kill what we want.

Everyone just stares at him with empty eyes. And ignore him, while just laugh and pay no attention to him.

Yukari: There are four Matilda IIs and a single Churchill, all advancing. They've got quite the tight formation there.

Miho: No kidding, it's amazing that they're able to move as a group without falling out of line at that speed.

Yukari: We won't be able to breach their frontal armor with the rounds we're carrying.

Miho: That's where tactics and skill come in.

However, Teams C and B are quickly defeated, leaving Team A to fend for themselves.

When Team A is cornered, the student council team arrives (after repairing their loose tread) to intercept; however, Momo misses all four tanks at point blank range and St. Gloriana makes short work of the Panzer 38(t).

This gives Team A time to retreat to an alley and take down one of St. Gloriana tank before doing so; Darjeeling commands a pursuit afterwards. Team A uses the blind corners to ambush the St. Gloriana's Matilda Mk.IIs taking another two tanks, but when they fire at the Churchill it takes minimal damage due to the heavy frontal armour.

Miho: New operation, now with more sneaky sneaks.

Iosif: Действительно операция подлый подлый. Сука, ты знаешь, что ты трахаешь, идя пить мою гребаную водку.

Everyone just said nothing, and the match has begun. And he drink his vodka, said nothing.

Darjeeling: Have you heard of this proverb before? The English have an old saying that goes like this: all is fair in love and war.

Miho orders the Panzer IV to turn around, drift and confront the Churchill. The two exchange fire and the Panzer IV waves the white flag after a smoke screen from the explosions. Thus, Ooarai Girls Academy loses the exhibition match. Because of this, the girls must perform the Angler Fish dance outlined as punishment from episode three.

After finishing the punishment, the girls of Team A decide to tour the city; they meet one of the male residents, and Takebe catches his eyes. Hana recognizes the man as Shinzaburou; when Shinzaburou meets the girls, he passes Sakebe ignoring her completely much to her surprise and speaks with Hana.

Yuri: The smell of oil and iron. Please tell me that you didn't take Tankery.

Hana: Well...

Iosif the Gopnik in Ooarai Where stories live. Discover now