American style of Tankery vs Gopnik Style Tankery

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Ooarai's successful ambush of a Saunders tank. After the shock of the ambush, Saunders forces regroup, and Alisa, still wiretapping into Ooarai radio communications advises Kay to advance to a distant plateau to attack Ooarai tanks who are supposedly there. Kay is revealed to be unaware of Alisa's radio tapping.

Iosif has idea he tell his team about it, and he's plan is to distract the enemy tanks to fight with them, while the rest of them attacked the enemy tank, if the commander is a miss she decides to asked her team to pull back, and they also pull back to regroup. Anzu and Momo agreed to this plan, and yuzu send the text to miho. And she agreed. Afterward their in position to attack them.

Arisa: Head to high point 128.

Kei: What's going on?

Arisa: It looks like all enemy tanks are going to head there.

Kei: Hey, Arisa, are you sure about that? How do you know that's what's going on?Arisa: Trust me, this is a slam dunk.

30 minutes later

Iosif: Wait for it Wait for it now!

Kei: No one's here!

He opened fire at the Sherman tanks and one the tanks is been shot, kay noticed it a Hertz tanks and battle ensued between Hertz and Sherman tanks. And Hertz easily dodged it.

Kei: Your Intel is spot on but there's one problem with that, we are being shot down other two tanks are out, where's the rest of them. Arisa!

Arisa: That can be. Wait, did they have only one Hertz? Attack them and. Where are Oarai's tanks then?

[one of Oarai's tanks appears next to her]

Duck Team flees from the more heavily armed Sherman, which pursues. Noriko Isobe serves smoke charges onto the Saunders tank, blinding it, and the M4A1 is lured into a trap. All five Ooarai tanks attack it from three directions. In desperation, Alisa admits to Kay that she has been tapping into Ooarai radio channels. Kay berates her, believing that a key element of sensha-dō is fair play; she subsequently chooses to only pursue with four of her own tanks, forfeiting Saunders' numerical advantage.

Arisa: Stop, stop! [they avoid a direct hit] Reverse, reverse! Oarai's tanks are all coming for us.

Kei: Wait, that doesn't match what you told me earlier. What happened?

Arisa: Well, I think they must have realized that we were intercepting their...

Kei: You fool!

Arisa: I'm sorry.

Kei: Haven't I always told you to fight fair, Arisa?

5 minutes earlier

Iosif: Don't worry I am good shot

Momo: really you shoot a mile way.

[Sarcasm tone in her voice]

Momo: Anzu are sure about it?

Anzu: Yes he's already taken one down!

Both: Wait? What?

Yazu: How come you are a good shot.

Iosif: Simple I play video games and I am experts marksman.

Momo: What about the other one?

Iosif: What other one? Oh that one I have taken one of them, have only two tanks.

5 minutes later

Iosif the Gopnik in Ooarai Where stories live. Discover now