Girls und panzer movie revenge of MEXT.

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The midst of a celebratory exhibition match in Ooarai. Darjeeling, in her Churchill flag tank, is hunkered down with four St. Gloriana Matilda tanks in a sandpit on a golf course. The vehicles of Ooarai Girls Academy close in from all sides. Supporting Ooarai are numerous tanks from Chi-Ha-Tan Academy, under their commander Kinuyo Nishi. The overall commander, Miho Nishizumi, observes the situation from atop her Panzer IV then orders everyone to advance. Amongst the spectators are several students from Jatkosota High School.

Having surrounded the isolated St. Gloriana force, the main bulk of the Ooarai/Chi-Ha-Tan forces move into firing range and bombard the entrenched tanks. Hana Isuzu immobilizes one Matilda with a well-placed shot. A second Matilda is immobilised by Chi-Ha-Tan Tank Number Two, which sends the Chi-Ha-Tan Sensha-dō members into wild celebrations.

Having hyped themselves up, the Chi-Ha-Tan girls elect to initiate their school's signature maneuver, namely a reckless - almost suicidal - frontal charge. Abandoning their firing positions, the Chi-Ha-Tan tanks crest the ridge and rush headlong at the St. Gloriana tanks, much to the surprise of all the other participants.

Kinuyo: I've considered multiple possibilities...and I feel like charging is the best option!

Iosif: yeah...

Kinuyo: What's wrong Iosif-dono?

Kinuyo is worried about Iosif, about something when she ask it said "it's okay but my sister is here in Japan Japan studying in pravda."

And so she salute him and take her leave.

Without a moment's hesitation, Assam levels her sights onto the approaching tanks, and St. Gloriana's barrage blows the attack to smithereens. All but one of the exposed tanks is knocked out: Only Nishi's vehicle manages to evade the enemy shots. No St. Gloriana tanks are lost, and the Ooarai/Chi-Ha-Tan force not only loses half of its vehicles, but has its lines of fire obstructed by the wrecked Chi-Ha tanks.

At this point, the defensive detachment is on the retreat, and St. Gloriana reinforcements, in the form of Mk. VI Crusader cruiser tanks, come rushing in from the other direction, threatening to catch the remaining Ooarai/Chi-Ha-Tan forces in a pincer. Having missed the chance at taking out the flag tank, Miho Nishizumi orders a retreat to the city.

Heading into an urban environment, Ooarai vehicles begin splitting off from the pack, repeating the tactics they used to scatter Kuromorimine forces in the Sensha-dō tournament finals match. However, the St. Gloriana/Pravda tanks stubbornly refuse to follow, and send their entire force chasing only after Anglerfish Team, who are acting as the flag tank for the Ooarai/Chi-Ha-Tan Compound Team.

Whilst Katyusha stays close on the tail of the Panzer IV, Darjeeling hangs back, and the more nimble cruiser tanks sweep around the front to cut them off. Miho sends her remaining escorts on ahead. The Char B1 bis at the vanguard rams the lightweight Crusaders out of the way. Anglerfish Team peels off on its own, and St. Gloriana/Pravda forces wheel around and follow, ignoring the other Ooarai teams.

Rabbit Team, hidden inside an alleyway, gains permission to attack the rear of the enemy file. Anglerfish Team drives past, as do the pursuing forces. Rabbit Team pulls out right in front of the last tank, an IS-2 commanded by Nonna. Positioning the M3 Lee underneath the gun arc of the larger tank to prevent return fire, Rabbit Team engage the heavy tank at point blank range.

However, the powerful IS-2 proves to be a formidable opponent. The front plate is too thick for the M3's weapons to penetrate. By accelerating and then quickly braking, Nonna's tank pushes the lighter M3 Lee away. Before they can return to close range, the IS-2's gun is depressed, pinning the Ooarai vehicle on the end of the barrel.

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