Sick Day

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They are just friends :( sadly I know you want something other then fluff so I might write smut idk
Nico's POV
It started off as a normal day at CHB (or as Normal you can get as a Demi god) which meant I had training with Percy. On my way to the arena I started to feel lightheaded but brushed it off as a dizzy spell. I got to the arena and got the feeling as if I was about to puke all over the sword racks. Percy was standing there one hand on the grip of his sword/leaning on it,and the point of the sword on the ground so it was sort of like a Cain. "Your 5 minutes late" Percy grumbled. "I know I'm sorry I got dizzy for a second" I muttered even though he only heard the first 4 words. We started to spar and my stomach just got worse and worse and I knew I was sick but there is not fucking way I'm going to admit that so I just carried on. Eventually it got almost unbearable so I slowed down. Percy looked at me curiously but continued in trying to knock me down. I stopped suddenly cause I could feel the bile in my throat and I was obviously sweating but Percy probably thought that was from sparing even though I don't sweat. I ran outside to the rose bushes on the side of the arena and regurgitated my breakfast and lunch but unlucky me Leo was walking to the Hephaestus cabin and noticed me and saw the whole thing. He ran over to me as I was wiping my mouth on the sleeve of my new jacket. "Hey.....Nico are you okay,man?" Leo asked, grabbing my shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine" "You most definitely are not fine" I groaned from the dead serious look on Leo's face. "It's either you go to the infirmary or come to bunker 9 and let me help you!" At that moment Percy ran out of the arena and asked me what was wrong. I told him I was fine and Leo just glared at me then started dragging me to bunker 9. I waved a bye to Percy and he nodded and walked to the Athena cabin to probably "talk" with Annabeth. One we got to bunker 9 I could feel the bile trying to come up again but i fought it until Leo could give me something. Leo sat me down on a couch and gave me a blanket,and the tv remote so I could start to find something to watch as he went to the bathroom looking for something. He came out with a bucket that you would put wet concrete in before it completely dries and a water bottle from his mini fridge. He went back to the bathroom and this time was looking in the cabinet's. He came out this time with to pills. "Drink and swallow" he demanded and when I looked at him with an eyebrow raised from the demanding tone he just rolled his eyes and smirked. I did as he said and I could feel the bile going down with out me fighting it. Leo snatched the remote from the couch and picked a show called 'Criminal Minds'. We started watching and I realizing Leo was scooting closer every time he got scared by something. He eventually was right next to me so I picked up the other side of the blanket and layer it on him and pulled him closer. He just looked at me eyebrow raised but laid his head in my lap and curled his legs and feet to his chest. My hand started playing with his curly hair. He smiled his contagious smile so I smiled as well. After binge watching the firsts 5 episodes it has been like 6 hours so that's means it's already past curfew. Leo had fallen asleep the episode before this one so I turned off the tv and squirmed around so Leo's head was on my chest and and i was laying down. I fell asleep not to long after.
I awoke to a loud thump and thought it was a monster so I jumped up immediately regretting it and ran to the bathroom not looking back cause of the bile in my throat. I puked in the toilet completely forgetting about Leo. "Oh so puking in the morning means you fine?" Leo said sarcastically. I realized I was sorta delirious at the moment and Leo noticed that too. He grabbed a wet cloth and wiped my mouth and then burnt the cloth with his fire. He dragged me back to the couch and made me drink water and gave me some of Sally's blue cookies (let's pretend Sally gives the seven and Nico a batch of blue cookies every week) but was careful to hide the rest afterwards cause all hell would go lose if I ate to many. He pressed play on the tv so we could continue watching the show. I pulled his head down to lay on my lap like I did last time and he just looked at me them looked back to the tv. I played with his curls again. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. He started at me, eyes wide with shock, tv still playing, and I just looked at him with a smirk on my face. I rested my hand on his cheeks and stated to caressing them. He started to relax to the touch and leaned into my hand and closed his eyes. He looked so beautiful. I might have a really huge crush on him but he doesn't know. I leaned down and my lips touched his and his eyes opened. We were face to face. He sat there for a second and I was about to pull back scared for my life but he began to kiss back and grabbed my hips. We both pulled back breathless and looked into each others eyes. "I love you, Nico" Leo whispered. I smiled and whispered that I love him too.

Hey people this is long cause I'm still mad at myself for making the last chapter shorter then the others! It's currently 1116 words long! That's crazy if you really like these just read and I already have an idea for the next one! Here's a hint. Babies. That's it's so have fun trying to figure that out! Honestly it should be pretty easy but don't try to hard cause then you will already know and what the fun in that right! Anyways byeeeeee -Serenity/Spencer

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