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Okay so this takes place on the Argo II while they're on the way to The doors after they picked up Nico, and Leo is a trans man but he got his....yeah anyways they aren't even friends in this. Also i kinda forgot what happened in some parts so yeah it's edited. Also Piper knows of Leo being trans.

Nico's POV
I find Leo annoying as hell. But he can be the wrong times. But it would upset me if something happened to him. His existence is confusing. I was just trying to stop some stupid rock gods while Hazel was having just as much trouble. Short version she almost ate a rock. Yeah. Leo was having trouble steering the ship away from the rocks but trying to stay on course. "Stupid rock gods!" Leo yelled from the helm. "That's the third time I've had replaced that mast! You think they grow on trees?" I frowned. Is this guy just stupid or? "Mast are from trees!" I yelled back. "That's not the point!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and almost got decapitated by a flying rock. After we were somewhat safe from the rock gods Hazel saw her horse. Since when did she have a horse? She hopped on saying a goodbye before I could even saying anything about disagreeing. I sat against the side of the ship trying to get quiet so I could think but no. I heard groaning and moaning. What is Leo doing now. If he is "sky sick" like Hazel is sea sick I will not help him. I looked over and Leo is standing at the helm hunching over looking like he is going to puke. I scrunched my eyebrows together. He has been on this ship the longest and now he is sky sick from some turbulence. Is that what it's called? Idk I'm from the 40s. "Leo what's wrong?" I ask. He just looks at me and stand up straight kinda hunching on his back his hand slightly shaking holding to the steering wheel. "Nothing." He says a little to quick and puts in a strained smile. I look at him eyebrow raised, and not believing a word he says. Suddenly his eyes go wide and the smile disappears. I see him run for the door and run down the hall. I speed walk after him till I see him into the bathroom. I walk over to the bathroom but heard nothing  of puking just more groaning. But not in pain more like annoyed. I knock and ask "Leo, you good?" Before Leo can answer Piper walks down the hallway and heard me ask Leo if he's okay. Piper heard Leo moan and groan again and her eyes end wide. "Leo hang on let me go get something then I'm coming in." She says obviously panicked. She runs back into her room for a minute as I just stood there confused as hell. She came back out with a little bag. She noticed my confused face and put one finger up in saying "one second" and twirled it telling me to "turn around" I did as she said as she went in and said. "Aww poor thing." Then closed the door. Like I said earlier if Leo gets hurt I get upset so currently I'm upset. I realized Hazel might be back soon so I went to go get Frank. I told him about Hazel and he said he would go wait on deck. I sat in a chair in deck but lucky for me the bathroom is the first door in the hallway. "No no no no! PIPER! Your not! IM NOT DOING THAT!" I heard Leo yell. I immediately got up and when I got to the door I heard a high pitch scream. Then Leo yelling ow over and Over again. "Now we have to clean your mess." Piper said. I heard Leo gulp. "Pipes I made a big mess." He said. "I can see Leo, I'm not blind!" Piper said back to Leo's apparently stupid comment. I'm just gonna go back to my chair and sulk cause Leo is hurt. As I waited for Leo to come back Hazel jumped aboard and Frank helped her up.  They walked over to me and Frank nodded me a hello as Hazel asked me something else. "Where's Leo?" She asked. "In the bathroom." I say gibbing he a short answer. She nodded and walked back to her room with Frank obviously dizzy. She looked like she was about to pass out. Leo and Piper came out of the bathroom. Leo had new pants while Piper walked down the hall with...Leo's old pants, and they had A LOT of blood on them. I stood up so quickly the chair I was sitting in knocked over I grabbed Leo's hand and dragged him to my room aka Percy's room but we don't talk about that. I sat him in the bed and stood in front of him hand on my hips. "What is wrong with you Valdez? Piper just left the bathroom hands and your pants covered in blood." I asked. He looked at me hands shaking now violently. He patted the spot on the bed next to him with a shaking hand. I sat and looked at him confused and pained. My Leo- wait did I just say my? never mind. Leo is hurt and lying and I won't stand for it. "I have to tell you something and please keep and open mind about it, alright?" I nod an she continues. "Umm only Piper knows about it and umm yeah so I'm transgender I was born a female and my name was Leah Valdez, daughter of Esperanza Valdez I now identify as Leo Valdez son of Esperanza Valdez." Leo said obviously embarrassed. I sat there shocked as he was about to get up and run. I grab his hand and pull him into a hug he pauses for a second before sobbing into my shoulder. I could feel my jacket get wet from his tears but I didn't mind. I was still curious about the blood so I asked. "What about the blood?" He looked at me with a blush in his cheeks he seemed flustered. "Umm has Hazel ever said anything about 'that time of the month'?" He asked I nod my head no. And he cursed in Greek. "Well there is this thing called a period where females bleed for a whole week" my eyes go wide. Oh my gods. Bianca told me about that. Suddenly Leo was doing the same thing he was doing earlier he put his head on shoulder and his hands in his stomach and started groaning and moaning again. "Leo, what 'bout this part of your...period?" I asked. "C-cramps." He breathed out obviously in pain. I rubbed his back and laid him down on the bed his head buried into my chest and my head on Percy's pillow. I threw the blanket I've over   Us he continued to groan and moan, and hold his stomach. "Earlier you said something about Piper sticking something in you." I said. Leo groans and moans immediately stoped as his face became redder then his fire. "It's really weird." He said. I nodded for him to continue. "She stuck Umm a me to stop...the uh blood." I became pale and that's sayings nothing. He buried his head deeper in my chest in embarrassment. I chuckled and rubbed circles into his back and other Ryan's playing with his curls. All of a sudden he started growing and moaning again. He started whining about how much it hurt. I smiled and continued to rub His back and play with his curls. After a few minutes I could only hear a few whispers from cramps I looked down on him and found out he was asleep. I fell asleep a few minutes later into a sleep filled with Leo Valdez.

Hey guys! This was really awkward to right sense I don't know what an actual period is like so I hope it's accurate. Um yeah this is 1374 words long so yeah. Gtg bye! - Spencer/Serenity

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