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Leo,Annabeth,Hazel,Frank are in duff classes. Sorry bout the last one shot! Okay so the OC is Mr. Agreste he is the history/ELA teacher so yeah and he and the whole class got to see a valdangelo/Leico moment so lucky them! Also the gods sent them to school after the second giant war and after Leo got back he had to go as well.

Mr. Agreste
There are the good students and the bad students. The Bad students are Nico di Angelo,emo,wears to much black,looks sleep deprived,doesn't talk much,adhd,dyslexia, and there's also Percy Jackson, out going,doesn't pay attention,dyslexia,adhd,wears random colors,healthy looking,talks too much. Then there are the good kids Piper McLean,pretty,happy,out going,doesn't talk during lessons,Healthy looking, and there's Jason Grace, good looking,healthy looking,talks only when he needs help. So yeah. I walked into the class room and everyone was in there seats Jason and Piper were talking quietly to each other,Nico was drawing a picture of a guy with curly hair and brown eyes in full color,Percy was playing some sort of game on his phone and there other students were just sitting there. "Okay class for the next two weeks we're going to be learning about geek mythology." They all groaned except Piper,Percy,Jason, and even Nico looked happy. Wow that kid had a small smile on his face. Jason raised his hand. "Guys c'mon why are you so upset it could be fun!" He says. Piper,Percy,and Nico nod. I smile gratefully at him as the other students seem to think about this. My class phone rings and I get up to get it. It's for Percy Jackson he has a dentist appointment. "Percy your being dismissed for  a dentist appointment." I said he looked disappointed but nodded he grabbed his bag then walked out the door. "Anyways today in our mythology lesson were going to be talking about one of the scariest places in mythology next to the underworld. Can anyone guess?" I looked up and Piper had her hand raised I nodded to her. "Umm Circes island?" Nico looked at he was if she was an idiot. She looked back and whispered something to him in a different language. He rolled his eyes and looked back to his drawing and stared at it longingly. Piper noticed this and smirked then nudged him as he closed his notebook with a blush on his face. Probably some stupid celebrity crush. Since nobody was answering correctly I answered. "No will be talking about Tartarus." Nico,Jason,and Piper started at me as the others kids looked intrigued. They started at me then looked at each other then looked back at me then each other and burst out laughing. Laughing hard. Piper was banging her fist  in her desk trying to get off the floor, Jason was on the floor rolling around, and Nico was still in his seat thankfully but was clutching his stomach and tears of laughter running down his cheeks. The whole class was strung at them like they had two heads as was I why are they laughing? They seemed to realize this and sat up straight with the occasional giggle. Nico still had tear marks on his cheeks which he wiped up so now his face was dry. Then he turned pale. If that was even possible with how pale he already was. His friends didn't notice him yet so I decided to continue with our lesson. "So Tartarus can be opened to about everybody. There has been 3 mortals who have been to Tartarus but nobody knows there names." I say Piper and Jason looked at Nico and seemed to see his skin tone and that now he was slightly shaking and gripping the sides of his desk. "I'm there are all types of monsters from mythology. Such as Cyclops,Giants,Titans,Ogres,Emposai,Drakons,and other monsters." I continue. At this point Nico looks like he is going to be sick and was breathing heavily. Piper was whispering words to him as Jason was rubbing his back. I brushed it off. "They say there are some gods that are stuck in there such as Ahklys,Nyx,and Others. Does anybody know any geek gods?" I ask a i got a few Poseidon,Zeus,Hades,Apollo, and Athena. "The main gods are Zeus,Poseidon,Aphrodite,Hades,Hestia,Apollo,Artemis,Ares,Dionysus,Athena,Hera,Hephaestus,Demeter,Persephone,Hermes." I say. The students nod as the main three as I call them weren't paying  attention, Nico was still freaking out,Piper was thinking something,and Jason was rubbing his back. "Some idiots aka the three people who went to Tartarus died mist definitely." I said the class nodded while Piper and Jason glared at me. Nico was now shaking badly. "When Kronos rose he set ugly monsters such as Cyclops,and hundred handed men to Tartarus as they were evil and deserved punishment."  Piper and Jason were glaring daggers at me. "Kronos later earned Zeus's forgiveness and became the ruler of Elysium were all good people from Mythology went when they died." Right when I finished Nico passed out and his head landed in Piper's lap. Both awake members of the main three halted at me. The whole class was staring at Nico's pases out body as Piper kicked the desk down so it was on the floor. Nico was facing up his mouth open slightly an eyes screwed shut. He was whimpering and Piper was trying to calm him down. Suddenly her head shot up. "Jason! Go get Leo!" She said Jason ran out before I could say anything. Piper continued to rub Nico's shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. Jason came in dragging a boy. Wait the boy from the picture Nico was drawing. The boy addressed as Leo took one look at Nico and pushed Jason out of the way and ran to Nico. Everyone watched silently. A girl with dark skin and really curly brown hair ran in. Jason told her to wait next to him and she did and crossed her arms and watched nervously. I turned back to Leo and Nico. Leo had Nico laying in his lap as he laid on the ground. He was talking in Spanish to Nico as Jason and the dark skinned girl were talking in Latin. "Shh Nico, todo va a estar bien, sólo respira." Leo told him. "Leo! Nico doesn't understand Spanish he understands English,Greek,and Italian!" Piper and Hazel yelled at him. "Chillax he understands part of it, Spanish and Italian are close." He says. They only nod unsure. "Alas de murciélago de bebé, por favor despierta." Leo pleads. Leo sat there shocked for a second before explaining why. "I think he can hear me I swear I heard a faint giggle."  The dark skinned girl looks hopeful and Piper smiled as Jason nodded his head for Leo to continue trying. I want to take him to the nurse but these students kinda scare me, I swear it's like there is power radiating off them. "Sé que puedes oírme, por favor, intenta despertarme, te amo el aliento de muerte." After a few minutes of waiting in silence Leo was going to try again but Nico shout up and turned around and faced Leo looking him dead in the eye and said. "Stupido ragazzo che ripara ti amo anch'io." Leo smiled and hugged the taller, back haired boy then pulled away and kissed him. The pale boy kissed back as the whole glass watched in shock. As the dark skinned girl,Jason, and Piper smiled. The two pulled away and walked out hand in hand. " hi I'm Hazel and Nico will be skipping the rest of this class due to his panico attack on the subject." The girl named Hazel said. I nod as she let and Jason and Piper took there seats as I continued and finished the lesson. On the way out Jason told me my facts were wrong and Tartarus is actually worse then the end of the world hell included. I noted that and left to go home all of a sudden shipping two students like I promised the rest of the staff I would not do. I am one of the biggest Leo x Nico shippers now.

Wow okay bye- Spencer/Serenity

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