Childhood love

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Why did it end like this?

She still remember the first time they met. One day her Grandpa went out for a heist and then appeared with a hyperactive boy. He will always be jumping, making mischief, and laughing around.

At the begining she hated him, how couldn't she? He was always making fun of her and cry. She wished to get her old life back. Time passed by and her hate slowered. Yes, he was annoying, but he showed his fidelity to his family. Everytime he made her cry, he tried his best to make her smile again.

When she finally get habituate to him, King appeared. He wasn't too annoying like Jack, he was more interested in fight with him than pay attention to her. Even so, she preferred Jack. Isn't it strange?

She preferred to be with the same boy who cut his hair to make himself a beard, instead of King who joked only to Jack and let her be.

Why doesn't she hate him?

Why does she want his attention?

Why does he look so.... cute?

They growed up and her feeling too. There wasn't a moment she wasn't thinking on him. His heart singing everytime they spent together, their adventures, and pranks. Beautiful memories.

Then, he and King left to enter in the Academy. She was still young, and needed more training, so when they were saying goodbye she made Jack promise her something

"Promise me you'll wait for me. We'll be together for ever, and never say goodbye again".

He stared at her confused. What was she saying? Of course they'll be together for ever. They are a family!

"You doubt it? I promise!"

Queen blushed at what she thought was a confession of his love.

Jack smiled at what he thought was a worried sister.

There's nothing like the innocence of children.


Many things happened after that. Grandpa, Professor Clover, Cyan, Rose... Too many things that she forgot his love in favor of her revenge. When she met up again with him her hate was bigger than any other emotion.

If she had continued loving him, things would be different?

Professor Clover's lie fell down, and she remebered her feelings. The family was complete again, but she couldn't be alone with Jack. She was ashame of her acts, believing in the first strange she saw, and almost breaking her family. 

Her insecurities separated them. And when she tried to fix it, it was too late.

While she was busy with her negatives emotions, a boy arrived and took Jack's attention. His mystery attracted Jack into an adventure to win the ancient treasure. He won, but lost at the same time.

He lost his heart before that guy from other world. 

And she didn't do anything to stop it.

The Messenger of the Southern Cross took her place in Jack's life. Now, they aren 't longer Jack and Queen. Now they are Joker and Phoenix. 

Now they all are reunited under the night to say goodbye to his silver heared friend. Ready to discover and steal new treasures, he and his partner decided to travel around the galaxy over the alien's space ship, together.

If she hadn't met Professor Clover.

If she hadn't listened to him.

If she hadn't left her feelings behind.

But now she must leave the past behind, and see her present. Smiling with her eyes covered in tears, she hugged who once was her childhood love.

"I'm sorry for breaking our promise"

"It's Ok as longer as you're happy" He smiled at her, eyes full of affection. But it wasn't the kind of affection she wanted...

"Joker, are you ready?" 

...'cause the one she wanted was already taken by someone else.

"By your side, I'm always ready".

Never get carried away by hate, it only brings pain to your life.

"I hope you're happy, my childhood love"

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