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No one was surprised when a mysterious guy appeared on the Sky Joker and proclaimed he will kill the Phantom thieves. But when his mask glowed in red and darkness surrounded them their relaxed postures changed.

Walking around was a difficult task, but Akai achieved to reach a wall. His bow was his only companion as he searched for his friends.

"Are you lost?"

A voice came from the darkness making him shiver, his mask glowed againg in differents places. Aiming as fast as he can he shot but it went through him and his glowing disappeared until it appeared again behind him.

"I heard you Iike games. Whay if we play a little" His laugh made his anger increase. Where are his friends?

The game started as the guy walked away through the hallways and Akai chased him. He took advantage of the darkness to hide. The alien was on alert all the time aiming his bow ready to shot. Arrows flew around destroying everything in its path. How does he manage to be everywhere?

His face was hit by fresh air once he reach the top deck. The moon made it easier but still can't see clearly, even his fire was useless.

"I need to recognize you are one of my favorites playmates. Most of them don't last that long but you even achieved to gaze me with that weapon of yours" Clapping enthusiastic he smirked "But it's time to end our game".

Aiming again, the bird waited until the red glow appeared at his side. He didn't doubt and shot right to him ready to celebrate his win.

He was so wrong.


His sight returned in the perfect moment to see how his arrow perfored the silver haired body making him walk backwards. The creepy guy laughed hiding behind his cape "What an incredible result we have here. We could keep playing brat, but looks like your friend needs some help" As soon as he finished his sentence the thief tripped over the deck .

"JOKER!!" The phoenix streched his hand triying to catch him, but he already fell in the ocean. He can not let Joker die. Akai prepared himself to jump after him but a green creature pushed him back to the floor. "Acrux?! What are you doing? I must help him!!".

Queen, Spade and Hachi arrived just in time to see the alien fighting against his navegator to jump off the blimp screaming his friend and mentor name. Getting near the edge the saw a blue hat floating in the waves.

"What the heck happened? Where's Joker?!" King was frightened. Taking a deep breath, th boy jumped after his friend. Akai fighted harder being stopped by the ninja too.

"I need to help too!!"

"Phoenix-san, please! You can not stay in the water, it's too dangerous!"

"Joker is in danger!!" Approaching the edge the trembling boy muttered "He c-can not die... he is the Miracle Maker...please...

...make just one more miracle"

Since that day no one was the same.

Queen spend days into his bedroom rejecting everyone. Roko tried to talk with her several times, even buying a strawberry cake, but she never opened the door. Silver heart let her, he had to deal with the death of not only his apprentice, but the child he took care and called his son.

Instead of  lock himself or drown in misery, Spade wrote a book. He impress in words all your aventures, moments together and thoughts so he will never forget it. He won't let your life disappear jsut like that. The book was never published, only the closest ones know about it existence.

Hachi went back home a week later. The death of his master and brother affected him at the point he didn't want to do anything, except cooking. Day and night he locked himself in the kitchen cooking many varieties of food until there wasn't nothing else in the cupboard and fridge, his garden already withered. I left Acrux under Hachi's care. They need each other to feel better and confort themselfs, something I can't give them.

As for me

I still can't forgive myself. Everyones says that it wasn't my fault, it was an accident. But whenever I close my eyes, your bleeding body is only thing I can see. Your eyes in shock while you lose balance. My dreams are similar, but you extend your hand for help. I run as fast as I can just to see you disappear in an ocean of darkness.

Soon I'll acompany you in the darkness.

There were many things I never told you. How much I enjoyed our games. How amazed I was with your miracles. How much I loved spending time together. How much I loved your smile and laugh. How my heart beated when you where around. 

Let's meet under The Southern Cross again.

Leaving the letter over the desk, he standed up ready to say good bye the place he could call home. In the top deck he prepared himself.

"What a beautiful night... It always accompanied me in the most important moments to me" raising his arms he took a step forwards"...and now it will be the only witness of my last breath" Letting his body relax, the Phoenix fell into the ocean feeling the cold water dissolve his body slowly. There was not pain, just cold.

Opening his eyes one last time, he swear he saw a familiar face with a bright smile, but eyes full of sadness.


I came back after 1 month :D I'm sorry for any spelling mistake.

This chapter was requested by RyokoWriter long time ago.

Hope you liked!!

See you next time!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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