needed you

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With all the avoiding and silent treatments from Ava, Blue had just gotten more upset than she usually does. She didn't have the energy to play with her toys anymore and it worries mal, Blue just wanted ava to talk to her again and maybe she gets her energy again.

Blue and mal are at the café today and just had a nice little breakfast and currently mal was ordering some snacks that they could eat later

"Is that all? little donut and cake pops baby? We could get some more?" mal asked her daughter

"No, that's all" the little girl insisted as mal just nodded

As they were waiting for there order someone came in and ordered

"Mal?" mal turned to the person and saw Georgia

"Georgia? It's been awhile, what's up?" mal asked

"I was just having a breakfast before heading to the office" mal nodded as they continue their conversation, as for Blue she was looking around the café she saw someone familiar and waved at her

The person then motioned Blue to go with her. Blue turned to her mother before following the person on the rest room of the café

"Hi" the person said

"Annie, what you doing here? where is your mama and papa?" Blue asked

"I ran away" annie mumbled as blue gasped and frown

"Why?" blue asked

"Because mama and papa are fighting, so I ran away" annie shrugged as blue continue to frown

"What are you doing here then?" blue asked softly

"This café is my mama and papa's special place, if we have a bad day we always go here" blue listened carefully "So if they love me they would know I'm here"

"So this is the only way you thought?' blue asked

"It's the only way" blue nodded as she heard mal's voice

"Well I don't want to leave you here, but mommy is calling me" annie grabbed something in her pocket and gave it to blue

"Here, you can call me. That is my number, call me" annie smiled as she hugged blue the last time and waved goodbye

Blue was sitting at her bedroom thinking about what Annie did and thinking if she should do the same, she sighed and got up getting her mom's phone and started calling the number, thanks to her tech-smarty uncle, Carlos, she learned how to use phone at a young age. After few rings someone had finally answered her

(Blue= normal, Annie= bold)

A: Hello?

B: Hey annie, it's blue

(Blue heard annie gasps which made her giggle)

A: You called, that's so cool

(Annie squealed)

B: I kinda your help

A: What is it? what is it?

B: How do you get people to talk to you

A: What?

B: My favorite person is not talking to me, I don't think she loves me anymore

(Blue said as her voice was cracking and had tears in her eyes)

A: Ohh, I can surely help you with that

B: What am I going to do?

A: Lots, but you know you can also do what I did

B: Why?

A: Well if she looks for you that means she still love you but if she doesn't then you know what it means

B: Okay

As annie ended the call. Blue let out a small sigh before opening the door and looking around to see if her mother was insight, being mal's daughter she is like her~ good at sneaking out. As she successfully got out of their apartment building without getting caught she thought of where to hide, 'That's it' blue thought as she headed her way on the place

Mal on the other hand, unaware her daughter left was busy sketching when she felt like there is something wrong, she had the urge to check on her daughter's room

"Blue" as mal opened the door she saw no one so she started to panic and searched the entire room for her daughter, but she was out of sight, mal started checking everywhere in the apartment but found none

Ava was taking a nap when her phone rang, she groaned as she checked who was calling her but then mal's name and ignored it. Not a good choice I might say since her phone kept ringing as she just gave up and answered the phone

(ava- normal, mal- bold)

A: Ughh yes mal?

(ava said annoyed)

M: HI, sorry ava uhm but is blue with you?

(Ava raised her eyebrows)

A: If she was here with me mal, I would've call you

(Mal cursed under her breathe as Ava started to worry)

A: M, blue's not missing right?

(Ava stood up as she started to pace)

M: Don't worry i'll find her. Just calm down

(Ava took a deep breathe, she knew how worried mal is and it is worrying her more)

A: Is she not there? inside your apartment?

M: I've looked everywhere, I'm going to look for her around the town

A: I'll help you

Ava ended the call and ran out of her apartment building and started to look around town (she used her car ofcourse), but the little girl was nowhere to be found, ava started thinking about places where she could go but then she ran out of idea. Ava was about to take a break first but then she remembered the children park near the mall, she rushed in the park

As she got into the park she saw lots of children but then a little girl in one of the swings caught her attention, she sighed in relief as she approached the little girl

"There you are" blue turned around as she heard a familiar voice, she gasped and threw herself to ava

"You found me" Blue mumbled as she hugged ava tighter

"Of course, I will always find a way" ava smiled as she breaks the hug "Why did you run away?"

"Nothing" Blue mumbled

"I thought there is serious reason why"

"There is something wrong with me" Blue yelled as she started to cry "You were ignoring me" she continued, ava felt guilty. She wanted to bury herself in the ground

"I was not" ava said softly as she hugged Blue as the little girl continue to cry, after a few minutes she felt soft snores against her chest, she chuckled and kissed the girls temple before texting mal that she had found the little girl

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