it's been a long time...

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A.N.// this is the shortest chapter ever, cause I was lazy, so bear with me...

The next morning, The vks happily started the day, they believed that they had lots of 'catching up' to do, like the gold old days. When Evie went to therapy Mal went with her and just like the last time she was getting better and the doctor said she could be released soon

When the therapy was done, the vks ate snack together, sharing stories of what they missed the last 5 years in there lives. When Carlos mentioned their other friends she noticed how they helped a lot and it made her miss them

"Do they know?" Evie suddenly asked in the middle of Jay's story about their failed attempt of going camping trip on their own

"Do they know what? who?" Mal asked, confused

"Our friends, do they know I'm alive?" Evie asked with a hopeful eyes

The other vks smiled "Yes, they knew~ we wanted to keep it a secret until you get your memories back but I guess they somewhat found out" Mal said

"Oof, I miss them so much" Evie pouted and Mal chuckled

"Tell you what, why don't we surprise them, let's video call them" Evie nodded with enthusiasm making everyone chuckle

In, Auradon.

The others were busy, they hadn't heard from Mal yet and they were anxious. Everyone's phone suddenly rang signifying they got a message. When they opened it, Mal had messaged them.

Mal: Video call in 5.

They showed each other her message, and they were confused and worried at the same time, Mal only told them to call her and nothing else. It could be bad news or good, but judging by the message it could be anything.

They all settled in Ben's room and called the Mal, after only 2 rings she answered

"Mal?" Uma's voice was the first one heard

Mal just smiled and Carlos and Jay came into view

"Someone wants to say Hi" Jay said as they all looked at him confused and in a seconds their hearts started pounding fast when Evie came in view

"Hi" She greeted as everyone gasped and started to tear at view of Evie

"Oh my, Evie. You're safe" Ben cried as Evie nodded

"Yeah, indeed I am" Evie said as she also started to sob

"How are you dear?" Belle asked as she came in view

"I'm fine, queen Belle. Just missing you guys" Evie cried

"When are you coming home?" Audrey asked

"Mal said it was a secret" Evie winked and poke her tongue out

"We missed you Evie" Jane smiled

"I missed you guys too" Evie said as they all continued to catch up

The video call lasted for 2 hours since they had lots of catching up, when they ended up the call Evie had realized how much she really missed her other friends, they're like her ride or die

"Are you okay?" Mal asked as Evie turned to her and smiled

"Yeah, I just realized how much I missed our friends" Evie said as Mal hugged her

"I wish I didn't get into that accident or went away at all" Evie said as Mal shake her head

"I know but if you didn't you wouldn't have met your 2 other amazing friends anyways" Mal said as Evie sighed and nodded

"Maybe you're right" Evie smiled

They all spent the day together, Evie, Mal and Blue bonding and Carlos and Jay joining them. Evie sighed, she was now whole, again.

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