family day

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A.N.// Early update😛

The next day, Blue woke up early remembering Mal's promise. They were gonna spend the day together with Ava. She took a shower on her own and was now trying to make her own breakfast. She reaches for the cereal box but couldn't since the cabinet was too high

She huffed in frustration and tried to pull the cereal box again knocking out everything that was in the cabinet. She smiled to herself as she grabbed the cereal that was now in the floor.

"What's going on?" Mal asked as she entered the kitchen, her eyes widened as she saw the mess

"I was trying to make my own breakfast" Blue pouted as Mal sighed and helped her daughter. She cleaned the mess, and after it she helped her daughter prepare breakfast

"What are you doing up so early anyways?" Mal asked as they sat on the dinner table

"You promised me we were going to spend the day together with miss Ava" Blue said as she took a spoonful of cereals and shoved it on her mouth.

"What time is it?" Mal asked, Blue pointed at the clock

It was '9:30' AM

"I'll go take a shower, don't do anything" Blue nodded as she continued to eat breakfast while Mal headed to the bathroom, taking a shower. After some minutes, Mal headed downstairs and saw her daughter watching TV, when she approached her daughter. A knock was heard. She sighed and opened the door

When Mal opened the door, she was greeted by Ava

"Hey" Ava smiled as she kissed Mal's cheeks, entering the loft. Blue ran to Ava hugging her

"You guys ready?" Ava asked as Blue nodded

"I'll just have to grab something" Mal said running upstairs,

She opened her closet and saw her purple leather, she quickly grabbed it and headed downstairs

"Let's go" Mal said as they head out

When they got in the car, They fasten their seatbelts and Mal started to drive

"So, what's the plan for today?" Mal asked

"Well, we got to the mall, do some shopping and eat lunch and maybe we can play in the arcades~ then in the evening we can watch a movie" Ava said as Mal nodded in agreement

When they arrived at the mall they went straight to one of the shops which was Bath and Body Works. It probably doesn't make sense but Ava and Mal loves to smell different scents of candle and moisturizer. After that they had went to the arcade by Blue's request.

"So, what game should we try first?" Ava asked as they arrived at the arcade

"There" Blue pointed at one of the racing games as Mal chuckled

"Come on, let's go" Ava said as they went to the racing games. Ava had volunteered to play with Blue while Mal played all by herself

"You guys are going down" Mal said as Blue stuck her tongue out

They started to play and Mal was leading the game with Blue followed by behind her, after a few seconds Mal thought she was going to win but Blue and Ava beat her to it. They cheered after winning the game as Mal whined

"That's not fair" Mal pouted as Ava chuckled

"You said 2 for 1" Ava said as Mal laughed

"What game shall we do next?" Mal asked as Blue think for a bit then smiled

"Basketball" She smiled as they all went through the basketball game. They played as a team, Mal and Ava helping Blue shoot and cheering whenever they score and whine a little when they missed. After some hours, they were done with the basketball games and also played almost all games in the arcade and now was playing 'Just Dance' before they leave the arcade

They were following the "dance instructor" in the screen, nailing every dance move while everyone in the arcade was watching them~ they didn't care though they were having wayyy too much fun to care.

After arcade, they ate lunch (well it was late already it was more like a snack time in the afternoon)at the food court and after it they got back at Mal's apartment. Blue thought of the idea of having a fort in the living room and sleepover so they brought some stuff for the fort and the movie night.

Mal and Blue built the fort whereas Ava snacks they needed. After Mal and Blue finished building the fort they blindfolded Ava to surprise her, they took her to the living room, leading her inside the blanket fort as Ava giggled at Mal and Blue's doings

 After Mal and Blue finished building the fort they blindfolded Ava to surprise her, they took her to the living room, leading her inside the blanket fort as Ava giggled at Mal and Blue's doings

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When they were inside the fort Mal, had removed Ava's blindfold.

"Surprise" Mal and Blue said in unison as Ava gasped and hugged both of them.

"This is so beautiful" Ava said smiling

"Now let's start our movie night" Mal said. Ava chuckled getting up

"Where are you going?" Blue asked as she stared at Ava

"Ohh, I'm just going to get our snack" Ava said as she left the fort, Mal followed her. Seconds later they came back with Ava holding a bowl of popcorn, and some candies~ while Mal was holding there drinks and a plate of cookies that Ava baked

"So, what are we watching?" Mal asked as she turned on the TV

"Let's watch the SpongeBob Movie" Blue said

"Again?" Mal whined a little and Ava chuckled a little

"It's fine, Mal. Besides I haven't watch it yet" Ava said

"Okay" Mal sighed in defeat and played the movie, then Blue suddenly gasped

"I forgot Mochi" she said as she left the fort, Mal paused the video. Ava stared at Mal as she straddled the girl kissing her softly

"Don't worry as soon as Blue sleeps, we can watch any movie you want" She whispered in Mal's ears making mal smile

As soon as Ava reassured Mal was okay, she sat beside her hugging her side, Blue then came in seconds later, with a bear on her arms

"Let's watch" Ava said as she played the movie.

They watch in peace, all snuggled together, Blue in the middle hugging her teddy bear tightly while Mal and Ava hold hands. Throughout the movie a few giggles, escaped their mouths. As the movie ended Blue had already fell asleep so just like Ava promised, they watched of Mal's choice.

Mal chose to watch Dragonheart: Vengeance. Mal was satisfied, and so did Ava. After the movie. Mal and Ava cleaned a bit, putting away all the stuff and Ava stored their untouched food in the covers

As Ava was done, there was light knock on the door

"I'll get it" Ava said as she ran to the door, opening it

She was greeted by 2 man, and when they saw Ava they dropped the presents they were holding, while Ava gasped....

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