friends of friends

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A.N.// Stay tuned in the end for an announcement🙃....

While Ava was working on some new designs at her office, Blue watch her intently and sometimes suggest things to her. But sometimes later something caught Blue's attention

"Wow" she said as Ava turned to her confused, she follow the little girl's line of sight and saw the most recent sketch she drew. Ava pulled the sketch giving it to Blue

"Do you love it?" Ava asked as Blue nodded as she stared at the drawing

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"Do you love it?" Ava asked as Blue nodded as she stared at the drawing

Ava thought that it would be a good idea to make one dress for the little girl, with same design that she sketched

She smiled at the little girl kissing the top of her head

"Hey, wanna help me" Ava said as she showed Blue the dress she was sketching

"Okay" Blue said as she smiled "A dragon would fit" she said as Ava nodded putting some dragon prints on the dress

While, Ava and Blue were busy at Ava's office Mal and the others were at Caitlyn's office. Mal had introduced the boys and girls to each other. They all had been sharing stories about their lives.

"Anyways, how did you guys meet Evie?" Carlos asked

"Well, we met at a fashion show" Georgia answered


Ava paced back and forth as she check at her models getting ready~ this was her second fashion show that she was in and she was still nervous

She took a deep breathe as she left the models to get ready. If she knew better, she was in a verge of breaking at this point. She sat at one of the chairs outside trying to catch her breathe

"Hey, are you alright?" A voice asked as Ava looked up and saw a woman, she smiled and nodded

"Yeah, I'm fine just nervous that's all" Ava said nervously as the woman chuckled

"Is it your first time?" The woman asked

"No, second but still nervous~ I'm so close to backing out" Ava breathed out as Georgia sat beside her

"Are you one of the designers?" Georgia asked as Ava nodded

"I'm Ava" She introduced as she extended her arms, the woman smiled

"My name's Georgiana" she said as she shake Ava's hands

*End of Flashbacks*

"And from that day on we became great friends" Georgia said smiling at the memory "We didn't meet in a grand way if ever someone was expecting that but yeah, it was still memorable"

They all turned to Caitlyn

"What about you, Caitlyn? How did you meet Evie?" Asked Carlos

"Georgia introduced her to me, thought she was her girlfriend" Caitlyn said as Georgia playfully glared at her

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