kill me slowly...

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⚠❗Warning❕⚠: This chapter contains abuse... If you're sensitive just skip to the next chapter, thank you!!!....

6 chapters left😶

Time lapse: 2 days later

2 days passed, 2 days of torture for Ava. The other day, Jackson came in and was drunk~ he tried to rape her but Ava wouldn't give in so he beat her. Punched him in her lower abdomen until she couldn't stand up. The next day he apologized but wasn't sincere at all~ when Ava didn't forgive him she pulled her by her hair but Ava was too weak and couldn't fight him. She just let him torture her, she knew if she fought it would only make things worse

The only thing that's keeping her strong was Blue and Mal. Her happiness and love.

"Good afternoon, love" Jackson greeted with a smirk, Ava turned to the other side of the bed, facing the wall

She was pulled by Jackson who was mad

"I said good morning" Jackson yelled as yank her hands, Ava started to sob

"Crying isn't gonna get you anywhere" Jackson yelled as he slapped her hard

"No food for you" Was the last thing he yelled before leaving her alone, locking the door.

Ava started to feel sleepy, she wanted to fight it but seeing her current state she couldn't see hope on getting out. She slowly drifted off to sleep

It was pitch black, Ava couldn't see anything except a big bright light in front of her. Was this it? Is it her time to go?

She smiled as approached the light, she was about to go in but she heard a voice

"Don't go" She turned to see her daughter, sobbing

"Blue" Ava whispered

"You promise we'd be a family. Why are you leaving?" Her daughter asked through her tears "Promise me you'd be strong" Blue continued as Ava thought for a moment

If she was going to give up then what about Blue? What about Mal? They are her family and she should be stronger than whatever the strongest thing in the world. Mal never gave up on her, and she should return the favor.

"I promise I will be" Ava promised her daughter as she back away from the light

Blue ran and hugged her

"I love you momma"

"Blue" Ava whispered as she opened her eyes, she smiled.

She wasn't going to give up, and she promised Blue she wouldn't.

Throughout the afternoon till the night even if she was still recovering, Ava scanned the room thinking of a way on how to escape. She came up with lots of them so, If plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters - 204 if you're in Japan.

Caitlyn walked through the town, there were still no news about Ava and it saddened everyone. She walked through Mifflin street when she saw Jackson's car. She rolled her eyes. She was about to leave it be but something caught her attention. She saw Ava's necklace hanging in the trunk on is car, but not just it. She also saw a little droplets of blood

It was disturbing. Really disturbing. She took a photo of it and then also got a toilet paper and wiped the blood, carefully. Ava's necklace fell off and Caitlyn picked it up

"Caitlyn?" She turned to Jackson

"Oh, you" Caitlyn groaned as she quickly stood up hiding Ava's necklace in her pocket

"What are you doing here?" She asked Jackson

"Nothing just buying a gun, you know~ for safety" Caitlyn nodded but she was skeptical, she just had this gut feeling that he had something to do with Evie's disappearance.

"Listen, were you checking out my car?" Jackson asked

"Yeah, Ryan and I were thinking of buying one, and I just found yours cool, it's kinda my type" Caitlyn lied as she left

Jackson can see right through Caitlyn and he knows she was suspecting on him so she had to transfer Ava to another place, the one where everyone won't find out. He heard his phone rang and answered it

Meanwhile, Caitlyn ran to the police station. She showed her the evidence she got and also gave them Evie's necklace and the toilet paper where she wiped the blood on. They did a DNA on the blood and later on they found out it was a match, they had matched Ava's fingerprints on the blood

They told Mal the news and she was angered, no one owns Evie than her. The police signaled them that they were going to raid Jackson's house.

When Jackson arrived at home, he went straight to Ava, she was peacefully sleeping when he yanked her arms. She jolted up

"Come on let's go" Jackson said, his voice was firm, as she pulled Ava

"Where are we going?" Ava asked

"We're moving" He said as he shoved her in his car. It was already dark out considering it was already 10 pm

"Jackson, please. Just let me go" Ava plead, crying.

Jackson ignored her and started to driving. They fought and fought

Whereas, the police was raiding Jackson's house. There were no signs of him or Ava but they confirmed that he was the one who got Ava. Mal didn't lose hope, she knew she was close to having Evie. The police decided to search on the nearby are in the hopes that they will find Ava and Jackson

10 minutes on the drive Ava gathered up all her strength and fought Jackson, it shocked him causing the car to wiggle on the highway. Jackson tried to yell at her but it was no use. The next thing they knew they crashed on a tree.

Ava woke up minutes later, coughing. She was already exhausted, her body was starting to shut down but this was the only opportunity to escape Jackson so she tried her best and opened the door. She was about to leave when a hand pulled her

"You're not going anywhere" Jackson said but Ava knocked him out

She got out of the car and tried to ran even with her weak jelly legs. She yelled for help and she bumped someone

"Evie" she heard the voice before she blacked out

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