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Alas, it couldn't be helped.

"You..what have you done to her?!" He yelled at me with a glare as he holds the body of the little girl. Questioning as if I've murdered her..

(Which I did not, by the way.)

"Come on now, that's not how you treat the son of an old friend..~" I said with a smile, ignoring the previous question.

"Old friend?" He scoffs. "When did he became a friend of mine? The both of you are nothing but my enemies!" He scowled, not backing down one bit.

(I guess it's to be expected when he's the one who made him suffer.)

"Tch. You're no fun~" I pick up a stalk of rose from one of the vases around me and fiddled with it for a bit. Helps me from dying of boredom.

"You know," He glares at me."It's not his fault that things turned ou-"

"What do you mean it's not his fault?" He interrupted me rudely. Tsk, such manners. Can you believe it?

I frowned at the rude interruption, but I let it slide.

(For now.)

"It's exactly what I mean." I look at him straight in the eye.

(He, should fear me. Not the other way around.)

"Everything that happened to you, all of the suffering and torment, none of it is my father's fault." I answered him with a firm tone.

"So you're saying he's not the one who made my family suffer?" He emphasised on the words 'not' and 'suffer'.

"Nope." I lied through my teeth.

"Liar!" He snarled at me with eyes filled with blood lust.

(At least you know I'm lying, unlike someone.)

"Honest!" I exclaimed with one of my hands raised up, and the other behind my back.

"Just because my father did some bad things doesn't mean he's a villain!" I exclaimed once again, trying to prove my father's innocence.

(As much I hated saying my father, out of all people "innocent", I had to. Unfortunately..)

He grits his teeth in frustration and looks at the little girl that's in his arms, looking at her with remorse.

The edge of my lips slowly curls up, but I quickly cover it with my hand. "If I recall,"

"You have a daughter, right?"

He looks towards me in a flash.

"You better have not done anyt-"

"Too late~" I cooed in mockery, interrupting him from finishing his sentence.

(Now it's my time to have fun.)

"Bastard- WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" He shouted at me, demanding an answer for his question. Good thing he didn't get up and slammed me against the wall-

"Ah- you think I did something? Well aren't you bold to assume.." I murmured the last part, saying it like I'm being accused of something that I didn't do.

"Bold to assume? Don't play dumb with me you motherfucker.." He gently puts the lifeless body down and stood up, hostility radiating from his body.

"Playing dumb? You should know that I don't like being the dumb one~" I said in mockery.

He grits his teeth once more and steps forward.

"I don't suggest you killing me." I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" He asks with a sneer.

"Because I can kill her with a snap of a finger..~"

He abruptly stops. Eyes and hands shaking, his mind was in a state of fear, and rage.

(She dies, or you die.)

"What are you trying to achieve Lynx.." He said with a fearful tone.

"Well, nothing of your concerns but since you've taken a lot of my time, I guess there's no harm telling." I put the rose back into it's vase and slowly walks towards him.

He takes a few steps back.

I stop beside him. Staring, at the corpse with a cat smile adorning my face.

"I just want to clean up the mess that he left behind."


He slowly turns his head towards me. Looking straight into my eyes as I stare back.

He falls down on his knees as he clutches his side in pain.

He looks up.

His eyes, were no longer filled with fear.

Instead, it was filled with pain and rage.

"*coughs blood* I- I'm going to kill you.." He said shakily.

"Oh please, you know you can't kill me unless Thanatos says so." I said as I touch the edges of the bloodied dagger.

He slowly tries to stand up. "Hng- hah..You're a- a demon!" He glares and grits his teeth in pain.

"Hm. Demon, ghost, sinner, call me whatever. The more nicknames I have, the more people will fear me."

I turn around and stepped on his back, making him fall onto the ground with a grunt.

"Fear? I-is that what you want?" He asks.

"Well of course. If no one fears you, why even bother doing any of these things?" I answer with an unamused voice as I lift my foot up to sit on his back.

"Heh..well that's dumb, ain't i-it?" He whines in pain.

"If you think it's dumb, it's up to you. Afterall, your opinions doesn't really matter when you're going to die anyway."

I said as I lean in, grabbing his chin forcefully and lifts it up. Putting the dagger near his throat.

"I'll make sure to take very good care of your little girl for you, Mr Yastreb~"


I never liked getting myself dirty.

And I don't think I'll ever will.

[927 words]

(Sorry if it seems off- I'm not one to do perspective when I'm making a story- so I'm sorry if it's kinda sloppy :')..anyways, Lynx is a character I play in a much more bigger story if you're wondering)

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