❝The Best.❞

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Her wavy, honey blonde hair sways gently in the breeze.
Her oversized pastel sweater slips down her shoulders slowly, as she bounced around.

Like a ball of sunshine, radiating warmth and joy around her.

Her light caramel eyes shines in the sunlight,
Her cheeks, a rosy shade.
A small gentle smile adorns her face as she slows down a bit.

As if she's waiting for someone to catch up to her.

The chattering of the locals fills the streets.
The warm breeze flows by,
Making the leaves and flowers rustle.

The clouds were drifting,
And the sun radiates it's light and warmth.

The birds chirps,
Flying around in freedom.

It was a lovely day for a walk.
A lovely day to calm yourself.
A lovely day to enjoy a picnic in the park.

She stops.
And suddenly,

The noises also stopped.

She turns her head around.
She looks behind her,

And stares at a girl.

She smiles,
Ever so gently.
She was smiling.
But her eyes were frowning.

She wasn't happy.
She never was.

She wasn't cheerful.
She never was.

They said it was a phase, and that it'll go away.
They said she'll get over it, and said "Stop being dramatic."

They saw her as a cheerful and optimistic girl.
But have they ever asked her how she really felt deep inside?

She smiles, and keeps on smiling.
She smiles till the tears,
The sadness,
The sorrow and the pain in her bursts out.

Now she's crying.
Crying with a smile on her face.

"I'm happy."
"I'm happy that you were there for me."
"I promised you."

The breeze flows by, her hair sways in it gently.

"But I broke it."

Her tears falls down her cheeks,
And lands onto the hard cement ground.
She looks down.

"Don't be mad.."

She slowly lifts her head up.

"You did your best."

She said as she smiles and stares into the girl's blue eyes,
Her smile was cold.
Her eyes were empty.

"It was me,"

Her voice starts to fade,
Her body and face gets a little blurry.

"who didn't do her best."

And bouquet of Hyacinth was all that was left, in the spot she once stood.

[367 words]

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