❝We Were Friends.❞

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Everything is like a dream.

Meeting you, was like a dream.

The moment I saw you in the corner of my eyes,

There were tears, rolling down your cheeks.

Your hands, desperately and messily wiping them away.

The despair, that was seen in your eyes,

Made me feel, something.

Something, that I never thought I'd feel.

It was,

A feeling of comfort.

The warmth, of home.

It's weird, but that "comfort", was what made me feel drawn to you.

That feeling, was the reason why I walked up to you.

Gave you a shoulder to lean on, a place where you could stay.

A friend, that you never had all these years.

We've grown so much, from when we were kids.

You no longer became a crybaby, that only barks.

You're now brave, unafraid to bite the hands that'll try to abuse you.

Always so carefree that sometimes, I can't help but become your second 'mother'.

You've made friends, and enemies.

You enjoy the things, the memories that you've been creating after all these years.

All the people you've been meeting.

All the love, the gifts.

You're so much different, from the little, tangled boy that I met under the bridge.

I changed as well, but not much.

I didn't know what to do when the only light in my life, died out.

But then, the feeling, the light, got lit again.

When I saw you.

To tell the truth, it was and is still is confusing,

But I'm glad.

If it weren't for you, I would've never seen the world again in the light.

Without you, I would've been lost, 

Lost forever, in the dark.

Life, became more fun with the both of us together.

More enjoyable.

More, fun.

But I know it won't last for long.

Happiness, doesn't last forever.

One day, we'll separate from each other.

One day, we'll never meet again.

But I'm not worried.

Because you're not the one who'll be leaving.

I'm the one, who will leave you.

So, until then,

"Let's enjoy each other's company."

[299 Words]

(Ya boi's back with some milk bags.)

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