❝Our Pride.❞

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The sun rising is indeed a breathtaking view.

But watching it rise with you, makes it even more breathtaking.
The way your eyes shines,
Your curly, brown hair bouncing because of the cold breeze,

You were even more breathtaking than the sunrise.


People around us always ridicules us,
saying that, "We're not suppose to be in love",
Who are they to say we can't be in love with each other!

Is because we're both males?

Tsk, to Hell with that.

I don't care what gender, race, face, if it's love- it's love.
I was close to giving up, but you held me up.
You held me up so high, that I realized..

Love transcends all.

It doesn't matter if a girl loves another girl, it also doesn't matter if a guy loves another guy.

Love, is a feeling of comfort.
Love, is a feeling of a warmth.

Being able to be yourself, with no acts or whatsoever is what makes it special.

You are loved, no matter who or what you are.

If I, a fictional character can find love, then you can as well.

Love is not about forcing someone to love you or someone forcing you to love them,
Love is a mutual feeling- a mutual understanding between two sides.

I love him, and he loves me.

People might try to tear you down,
But remember that no matter how hard they try,

You are strong.

They might use harsh words but remember,

Their words are only fuel to your burning determination.

They'll try to hurt you, to make you give up but remember this,
Again and again,

They are only people, things, that makes you stronger.

No matter who, what, or where you are,

You are loved.

When everyone else turns their back to you,

We hold your hands.

When everyone else ridicules you,

We support you.

When everyone else uses harsh words on you,

We will beat their ass.

Remember that you are loved by not everyone, but by the whole world.

So get up, slap a smile on that face and prove them wrong.

Put on those colourful makeup, flags, outfits and shine like a bright star in the dark sky!

You are not alone.

You were never alone, and you'll never be.

You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are,

Our pride.

Homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, Asesexual, Aromantic, Transgender/sexual, queer, and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community,

You are not alone and you'll never be.

Because you are, our pride.

Stand tall LGBTQ+ ♡

(HAPPY PRIDES DAY PEOPLE! It's not the same when you can't go outside because of the pandemic- but nonetheless, pride day is special outdoors, and indoors~ Stay safe and I hope you'll have a lovely day/afternoon/evening/night!)


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