❝You Want It, You'll Get It.❞

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Screams, were heard.
Blood, was splattered.
Village, burning down.

People, getting slaughtered.

The burning fire grows bigger, and bigger.
Swallowing everything that came in it's way.
The villagers, screaming and running for their lives.

Some got burned, some got trampled, some got pushed.

All morality is thrown away.

So tell him,

What is, this justice you speak of?

Why even bother playing the good guy when you only cower, in fear.
Why even bother going against the innocents, when you only bark?

Why even bother getting justice against a dead man?

A figure, floating over the burning village.
It's eye, was calm and no wrinkles could be seen in it.

It's as calm as an undisturbed water.

But deep inside,

He was as chaotic as a brewing storm.

Is this what he wanted?
To see them run around like headless chickens.

Is seeing them all suffer what he truly wants?
Seeing the ones,
Who betrayed him,
Who turned a blind eye to his execution,
Who turned a deaf ear to his pleadings and beggings,

Is this what he really wanted?

They asked for a bad guy.
They wanted someone to blame for their suffering,
They wanted someone to be the sacrifice.

If that's what they want,

Then that's what they'll get.

[213 words] (Double chapter and continuation of "Xían"!)

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