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Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

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Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones.....

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic.

This separatist movement, under the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku, has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.

Governor Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, and her little sister, Asuka, the Senator of Naboo, the lady shinobi of Naboo, are returning to the Galactic Senate to vote on the critical issue of creating an army of the Republic to assist the overwhelmed Jedi...


Asuka sighs as she feels the ship landing on Coruscant. The latest attempts on her life and the life of her sister, Padme Amidala, who was the former Queen of Naboo and now, the Governor, are making her feel edgy. She is letting her sister's handmaiden, Corde, go first just in case.

"Asuka, calm down." Ikaruga assures her.

"I know but I keep having this bad feeling that something isn't right." Asuka told her.

"Senator Asuka, we're making our final approach into Coruscant."

"Very good, Lieutenant." Asuka said.

"Don't worry, we got our weapons ready." Yomi giggled.

Asuka smiled at her friends. She didn't want them to go with her and Padme but they went anyway to throw their lives for them. That's what friendships is all about.

"We made it. I guess I was wrong there isn't any danger after all." Captain Typho said as he and Padme waited for the Senator and her friends to walk out.

Asuka's friends went out to check if there isn't any blaster fires rings out of nowhere. Once Ikaruga gives the signal for Asuka and Corde to come out, Asuka felt it. Asuka pushes Corde down with her as the ship exploded. The blast flings her friends several feet away.

Padme rips her helmet off as she races to her sister. Asuka was laying face down as Corde lays a few feet away, luckly, didn't suffer any injuries as she and Captain Typho checks on their friends.

"Asuka!" Padme shakes her but all Asuka did is moan in pain. Padme felt a pulse on Asuka and she has a weak one.

"The girls need to get to a hospital, fast, Governor!" Corde reports.

"So does Asuka. We need to get them all to a hospital now!" Padme yells as the guards create circles around the unconscious Senator and her friends.

Milday, I'm so sorry. I've failed the Senator." Corde sobs as Padme hugs her.

"You didn't, Corde. You did your job well." Padme assures her.

"Milady, you could be in danger as well." Captain Typho said.

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