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Kazama's POV (Asuka)

"Are you sure this will work and not just to anger him anymore than we already will be?"Rize asked, zipping up her leather jacket.

"Of course, it will, Rize." Leia assured her.

The plan Leia explained is that us girls will go in dressed like bounty hunters while Lando and Obi-Wan was inside disguised as guards. Me and Leia has Chewbacca beside us with handcuffs on, making it look like he was a prize or an item to be bartered. If that didn't work, she would threaten to use a thermal detonator on the palace. Even though it sounded reassuring , I couldn't help thinking it could actually work.

We landed the Millennium Falcon a good distance away from the palace to try and go unnoticed. Then, we got off and walked all the way to the palace.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

"I guess so." Leia answered.

"Let's get this over with." Imu said as she brushed her hair out of her face.

We knocked on the door and a big eye came down and met our eyes through our helmets. I sighed as I didn't break my character. We all agreed that we are a team with Leia as the leader so she'll be doing most of the talking.

The doors opened with a loud screech and we strolled in confidently. We were met with the most disgusting men you could think off who lead us to go speak with Jabba, about us wanting to sell Chewbacca to him for fifty thousand credits.

We walked in to see Jabba sitting on a throne watching and observing everyone who was in his chamber. He had a girl dressed in a skimpy outfit dancing in front of him with a chain around her neck, connecting her to him. The sight made me ache for the poor girl who looks like she is horrified to be here. At one point when she was forced to dance an Jabba start to tug at her chain pulling her in. She suddenly started to resist and pill back and scream and cry for help which angered Jabba for her disobedience. Jabba pulled a lever, sending her into the pit where every thug and creature gathered to watch her get eaten by some giant monster down there. We all looked at each other in horror.

"Yagyu!" Hibari whimpered.

"Don't watch. I promise that's not gonna be us next." Yagyu comforts her.

"Shit!" Katsu cussed.

"Come on." I sighed.

Leia walked up to his throne with me and Yumi following her while the others stayed below. She begins to speak in a different language to him as she started the whole act.

"The might Jabba bids you welcome and would gladly pay you twenty-five thousand credits for Chewbacca." 3PO translated. Leia speaks again. "Fifty thousand or no deal."

Jabba roared in anger, knocking 3PO off the pedestal before yelling at him once more. "Jabba wants to know why he has to pay fifty thousand."

Leia answered by saying something then taking out the thermal detonator. "Because he's got a thermal detonator!" 3PO yelled. Everyone around us yelled and gasped out in fear. Some even put their guns at us, ready to shoot. Jabba only laughed. He turned to 3PO and made one last bid with a smile on his slimy lips.

"Jabba offers a sum of thirty-five and I do suggest you take it." Leia considered her next move before she respond in the other language and shuts down the bomb. Everyone begin to cheer as 3PO informed Jabba that we agreed to his offer. Jabba ushered to some guards to take Chewbacca away. I stepped to the side as they took him away. We looked at Lando and Obi-Wan who nodded at us discreetly; it was going fine so far.

The next step is the risking one. We hide inside the palace until everybody is either passed our drunk, asleep, or gone. When the coast was clear, we made out move our of the throne room to where Han, Rex, Homura, Padme, and Miyabi are held. They were hung up against the wall. Leia, Yumi, Ikargua, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan walked over and analyzed the panel beside it before pressing a button which released the blocks sending it forward. They landed on the ground with a loud bang. We gasped and check to see someone was coming, thank god no one did. Then, they pressed the button, beginning to unfreeze them. It feels like forever until Han, Padme, Homura, Rex, and Miyabi are freed and gasping for air. On cue, we took off our helmets as we surrounded them.

"Hey, guys, it's us. We're going get out of here." Minori smiled happily.

"You guys actually came?" Padme asked as Yumi holds her and hugs her tightly.

"We did. Now, come on before we're caught." I said.

We're able to assist them as we made our out of there when we suddenly heard laughter. Our hearts have skipped a beat. It was Jabba's laughter as it got louder and louder until he and his little minions came into view.

"Jabba, I promise I have the money to pay you back!" Han yelled as Jabba ordered to grabbed him, Rex, and Obi-Wan. Me and the girls have gathered together as we were all terrified of what our fates will be. Then, the guards begin grabbing us.

"NO!" I yelled as I begin fighting them. We did as well.

"Mom!" Rize cried as she held Homura's hand.

"I'm here, baby." Homura said as she was force to let Obi-Wan's hand go.

"We have very powerful friends! You're going to regret this!" Padme yelled as she was dragged out of the room. Jabba laughed as he ordered his guards to take us to separate rooms. That's where the clothes are laying out. Oh fuck!

"No, this is even worse! I'm not wearing this shit!" Ashoka cussed out.

"We have no choice." I said as I was forced to slip on the skimpy shorts. It was red and black with straps. Then, I put on a red and white top that shows almost all of my breasts. These shorts literally show off most of my ass. I turned and saw Padme putting on blue and white polka dot bikini and short skirt and a white bow is placed on her head. Leia is forced to wear a brown bikini top and a long skirt that connected to the very top of her hip, covering a little more than what Ashoka had on. Yumi is wearing a blue and white tube top and matching bikini bottoms. Riku is wearing a white lace bikini top and a skirt that shows off most of her ass. Homura is wearing a black I don't even know I can call it a swimsuit with most of her body showing. Rize is wearing a red bikini top that has most of her breasts popped out and a string red bikini bottom.

When we were finished, we meet up with our friends who are also wearing revealing and skimpy bikini outfits. The guards came back to grab us. I felt violated when the looked at our bodies up and down, grabbing us and practically throwing us out of the room and into the throne room.

I sighed in defeat, forcing myself to walk out wearing this skimpy shit. I did not expect to see Jabba speaking to someone via comlink. The person had their back to us so we couldn't see his face but they wore some type of Jedi cloak with the hood up. I thought it was Luke or Sora, it has to be right. I mean, who else could it be?

We were pushed in forward to stand on different sides of Jabba and they placed a collar around our necks and cuff our wrists. I glanced up to see who was he talking to. Then, I heard the one voice I didn't expect to hear.

"Jabba, I believe we had a deal?"

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