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Asuka sighed as the transport landed. She stood up with Padme, Yumi, and Captain Typho. Their friends were already on Naboo for training more warriors.

"Be safe, milday."

"Thank you, Captain. Take good care of Padme and Yumi. The threat could possibly make its way to you." Padme and Yumi both smiled and pull Asuka into a tight hug. Both Jedi's and Homura watch as the trio said goodbye to each other. Padme and Yumi stood next to Homura, who was already a blushing idiot.

Yomi, Hikage, Mirai, and Haruka convinces Obi-Wan to take Homura with him as he goes searching for the bounty hunter. More like setting them up.

"It's time to go." Anakin said as he walks past the group with R2 rolling close by. "I know."

"Are you afraid?" Anakin asks Asuka.

"For everyone's safety, yes, yes I am. Are you?"

"This is my first assignment on my own. I am too." Asuka giggled as she looks at him.

"Of course, they stuck me with the newbie." Both of them laughed out together as they walk away.

"I do hope he doesn't try anything foolish." Obi-Wan speaks as he, Homura, Padme, and Yumi watch them.

"Oh, please, I'd be more concerned about Asuka more than him." Homura rolled her eyes.

Padme and Yumi looked at each other with the same thought, "And we should be concerned about you two too."


Asuka lets out a wide grin display on her face as she breathed in the exotic air of Naboo. She was home. Anakin smiled once he notice how happy she was, it made his heart beat faster.

The palace had changed quite a bit but it was still very beautiful. Asuka grabs her dress before walking up the stairs. This way, she won't fall down like the last time she did.

"My sister wasn't the youngest queen elected, but I was the youngest shinobi princess and the very first. Our friends later follow suit. It was terrifying when they decided it was gonna be me, but all we wanted is to protect our people. Even though as I look back at it, I don't know if I was truly ready."

"The people you protected thought you did a good job. I heard they wanted to you to stay and continue being their shinobi princess. They said the same about your friends." Asuka chuckled.

"I was relieved the second I was picked my champion. But when the queen asked me to be the Senator, I was more than happy to oblige. My friends decided on being my handmaidens so we won't be apart."

"I agree with her. The Republic needs you and your sister. Plus your friends. I'm glad that you choose to oblige."

They both stared at each other and the wind blows, making their hair blow gently in the breeze as they were sharing a moment.


"If the Senate votes to create an army, I'm pretty sure it's going to push us into a civil war." Asuka explained to the queen.

"Do you see anyway though negotiations to bring the separatists back into the Republic?" the queen asked. "Not if they feel threatened. My guess is they'll turn to the trade federations if they haven't already."

"We must keep our faith in the Republic."

"The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lost it."

"Then let's hope that day never comes."

"In the meantime, we must discuss your own safety." the queen said.

"I was thinking I could stay in the lake country, there are places out there very isoated, like my family's vacation home."

"Wait a minute." Asuka's glare at Anakin, softly. "Excuse me, but I'm in charge of security here, Milady."

Asuka pulls Anakin aside, "I'm sorry, Padawan Skywalker, but I know my home very well and that is why we are here. I think it would be wise if you took my knowledge here into consideration." Asuka whispers, harshly.

"Sorry, Milady." Anakin sighs in defeat.

"Perfect. It's settled, then." Queen Jamilia said.

Asuka changes into her floral sundress as she decided to go on a boat ride. Everything was still the same as she remembered as a little girl.  Anakin was shocked by the beauty of the country side. Everything looked like it came out of a dream. He watched as Asuka stood and hops out of the boat, giggling as she spins around. She was glowing, like an angel he remembered all those years ago.

She raced up the sand stones stairs that leads up to a balcony overlooking the lake. Anakin chuckled as he walks up and finds her sitting on the edge of the balcony.

"Padmé and I would bring our friends and come here on retreats, when we wasn't training our bodies, we would train our minds. After that, we would swim to that island everyday, I would always bear them but sometimes I would let them win." Asuka explained as she looks at the view. Anakin let a ghost of a smile as he heard about her childhood.

"I love the water. But I also enjoyed the sand, the way it's warmth would spread through you and would dry your body naturally."

"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." Anakin looks at her as he has a half-hearted smile.

"Not like here. Here, everything is soft..." His eyes trailed down towards Asuka's exposed skin. She has scars here and there but overall, her skin was silky smooth. Anakin couldn't help himself as his hands came to life and begin tracing shapes on her thighs. "And smooth."

Asuka blushed as she felt sharp tingled going through her body but surprisingly her heart was calm enough. Her heart is saying everything felt so right when her mind is saying  it is so wrong. She pulled herself together and looked at his bright blue eyes.

Anakin stared into her hazel eyes that he wished it has haunted his dreams so bad. There were a bit of brown that almost looked like chocolate. She was worth so much more than just a shinobi princess and a Senator. She was his beloved Asuka. Ever since he was little, he knew that she will be his and yet it was so wrong for him to act on it.

Asuka was shocked when she was so much emotions in his eyes, mainly love. "Why would he want me?" She thought as she wonders. She was just a warrior and a Senator. But it felt so good to be loved by someone.

The two couldn't help it but start leaning towards each other...and kissed. Asuka placed her hands on his shoulders as he placed one hand on her waist and the another one on her thighs.

"Asuka!" A voice snaps them back to reality.

They turned around and saw Ikargua, Katsu, Yagyū, and Hibari smirking at them.

"What is it?" Asuka asked in embarrassment.

"Your grandfather is waiting for you. Should we tell him you're busy?" Ikargua asked with a wicked smirk on her face.

"I'm coming."

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