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Kazama's POV (Asuka)

Today is the big day. I was talking to the pilots and busy walking around until I bumped into the one person I didn't expect to. 

"Ahhh, look who it is, Kazama the goddess!" Han announced. 

"Hahaha, nice to see you too." I said, sarcastically. "Anyway, how's everyone feeling?" 

"On edge." Padme said as she drinks her coffee. I bet it's her second cup. 

"Me too. Nervous, scared. I hope and pray that the pilots will be safe though I know the casualties are inevitable." Leia sighed. 

"Don't worry about us, we're fighting for what's right. The empire needs to be destroyed so we can rebuild the Republic and restore the Jedi Order once again. I heard the Temple is in ruins but still intact. So is the Senate building somewhere on Coruscant, at least that's what I was told." Luke stated. 

I remember working there as a Senator. Then, one day, Cad Bane and his bounty hunter friends held us hostage and Anakin was forced to save us from the inside. That was one of those days I don't want to imagine it would happen again. 

"Yeah, good luck to all of you." Han scoffed. 

"What exactly does that mean? Aren't you coming with us? I mean, you are one of the best pilots we've had ever seen. We could really use your knowledge and capabilities out there on the battle field." Sora tried to persuade but it was no use. 

"Listen, lady, I didn't come here to fight the empire. I came here because you guys paid me to give you a ride. The only reason I agreed to rescuing the princess was because I was expecting a reward. That's all I'm here for. The reward. Don't get me wrong, you are all great people but I'm no rebel star fighter pilot. I'm a smuggler, a bounty hunter. It was nice knowing you all but me and Chewie are leaving." Han stated. 

"Wow, that's it? You just gonna leave us and betray us after everything we did. You risked your life for all of us and now, you're just throwing all of us under the bus as the empire chased us down like rats. Isn't that just a waste of your time? In my opinion, I wouldn't have risked my life for the people I never wanted to see again or for people who just wanted to us me." I blurted out. 

"Look, Kazama, listen-" 

"Are you really going? I thought we were friends. I was counting on you to have my back today." Luke said, sounding more disappointed than mad. 

Han looks down, completely upset. I could see he was having a conflict but still choosing the selfish route. "Well, nice knowing you, Han." I said. 

"Nice to meet you too, Kazama." Han said, sadly. He went back to the Millennium Falcon with Chewie, not once turning back to look at us. 

"Don't worry, he'll be back." Obi-Wan scoffed. 

"We already know that." I smirked. 

"They're about to take off." Katsu told us as we went to the area and watched. 

"Pilots leave in 10....9....8....7.....6....5.....4.....3....2......1!" The sounds of hundreds of fighters takes off from the base. I closed my eyes as I thought about the events that are about to occur. 

Good luck, my beloved family

Vader's POV (Anakin)

After I instructed all the admirals and commanders what to do, we sent our first fleet out to fight. I could feel the confidence in the room and knew that no one feared the outcome of this battle. 

"Captain, get me a TIE fighter. I'm going to join them." I ordered. 

"My lord, are you sure? It can get very dangerous out there." He scolded. 

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