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Ikargua's POV

After we grabbed everyone, including Obi-Wan and left Mustafar. He informed us that he couldn't kill Anakin. He only knocked him out and took his old lightsaber. We couldn't blame him. They were like brothers, a team. And now....they're sworn enemies. The droid came out of the room where Asuka is at. Homura appeared, holding her daughter, Rize. She was very beautiful with the same skin color as hers, black hair. But she has Obi-Wan's eye color.

"Medically, she's completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her." the medical droid told us.

"She's dying?" Obi-Wan asked, surprised as the rest of us are.

"We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies." the droid continued.

"Babies?" Padme asked in shock.

"She's carrying triplets." the droid answered.

"An idea, Hanzo and I have." Master Yoda said.

They went inside and they touched Asuka's head. They closed their eyes and we watched until Hanzo fell to the ground. What is going on? Master Yoda came back out as the droids place Hanzo on a bed.

"Switch places, Hanzo suggested. Young and strong, Asuka will remain. As for the rest of you, you should." He did the same to each one of us. Well, Homura kind of force her husband to do it as well. Then, Padme, Obi-Wan, and Homura went inside as I held onto Rize.

Asuka's POV

I cred out as I pushed out the baby. It hurts so bad. But it was done. I knew it! A boy!

"Luke!" I smiled.

Obi-Wan grabs Luke and held him to me. Luke cooed to my touch. "Hi, Luke." I smiled.

Then, I cried out again as I pushed out the second baby. It was a girl.

"It's a girl." Padme smiled at the baby as she was handed to her.

"Leia." I breathed.

Then, I cried out in pain as I pushed out one last time. It was another girl.

"You got another girl." Homura said as she takes the baby.

"Sora." Shmi would be happy that I named my baby after that name.

"Asuka, Padme." Grandpa! What's wrong with him?

"Grandpa? What's wrong?" I begged.

"You were gonna die so I switched places with the help of Yoda. And now, my time has come." Grandpa coughed.

"NO!" Padme and I screamed out as tears spilled from our eyes.

"Listen, I love you both so much. Tell Sola and her sweet little girls I love them too. I will be your guardian angel. Tell Luke, Leia, and Sora all about me and the memories we shared together. I know that boy is still alive. He may be gone....but there is still good in...him. I know....I know this galaxy still has..." Grandpa never finished that sentence because he closed his eyes and gasped out his last breath before....before he...he died right there.

Padme and I cried as the babies did too. My friends did too as Master Yoda lowered his eyes in sadness.

But Grandpa is right. This galaxy still has hope. And we will do whatever we can to get it back. As....as for Anakin, I know he is still alive. I know there is still good in him. And someday....I hope he realized that and come back....come back to me.



Darth Vader awoke from his hospital bed. He touched his face and glad he wasn't burned on that planet. He looked down and his lightsaber was gone. He sighed. He could always make another one. What he didn't know is that Darth Sidious use the dark side to make him young and strong forever too. As Yoda did for Asuka. Sidious was right next to him as he open his eyes.

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