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Vader's POV (Anakin)

"What do you mean you lost the signal on this ship?!" I yelled at the officer, slamming my hands on the counter next to the control panel.

"I'm so sorry, sir, it just disappeared." He stutters out. I glared at him, deciding I didn't have time for this. I wasted no energy, lifting my hand up, killing him.

"Do you have the signal?" I asked another officer. I was getting desperate; I need to be with Asuka again. I need her!

"Yes sir, it seems the Millennium Falcon is stationed on the ice planet, Hoth." He answered, showing me the coordinates.

"Very good, at least there's someone reliable around her." I snarled. "Change our course, we're going to Hoth." Commander." I called to the leading officer in the room.

"Yes, Lord Vader?"

"Prepare the fighters for battle."

Kazama's POV (Asuka)

After I changed into a black and white dress, I meet up with the others as we decided to stationed here on Hoth

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After I changed into a black and white dress, I meet up with the others as we decided to stationed here on Hoth. After the attack in the Death Star, the rebels abandoned their base back on Yavin Four. This planet has been abandoned due to its cold weather and now, we make it a station here.

"Did Han or Luke came back yet?" I asked Leia.

"No, not yet." She sighed.

I sighed as I looked at the doors before heading back inside.

"Asuka, can I ask you something?" Leia asked as we walked to the control room to stay warm.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I have been having dreams....about a woman claiming to be my mother. She has two swords and was really strong. And I dreamt that I want to be like her." Leia stated.

She's talking about me! I was getting a little nervous but I let out a sigh. "Well, it sounds like she is showing you your purpose. But I don't know what to say about that." I said.

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