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Kazama's POV (Asuka)

I sighed as I stared at the ceiling on the top of my bunk. I laid there, thinking about what I just saw. Anakin is alive. He was alive, safe, healthy, and....merciless. That thought alone scared me. Those eyes...those blue eyes were the same eyes I fell in love with when he looked at me. They were filled with sadness and hatred when they went from blue to gold. He was now broken. Seduced by the idea of power. The way he stare and watched me as I stood there in disbelief. 

And now, the girl I thought had died long ago...Asuka is coming back when we lay eyes on another one. To Asuka, he was still the most beautiful and passionate being she has ever seen. I still loved him with every little piece of my heart. I still wanted him to hold me and mend my own broken heart; I craved him. 

While Kazama only saw Vader and hated him with every fiber in her own body. And she wants to destroy him because he destroyed her. Now, my brain and my heart are at war with each other. 

"Asuka, are you alright? We should be approaching Yavin Four in about ten minutes." Leia said as she and Sora enter my room. 

"I'm fine, just tired, that's all." I told her. 

"Mom, are you sure? Why did Vader stared at you like that? Did you and him have a history together?" Sora asked. 

"You can say that. I'll be there soon." I assured my daughters. They both looked so beautiful.

"Okay." They both said in unison. 

We all smiled at each other as I stood up and fixed my hair. Then, after I was cleaned up, I walked out with my two little girls. I will do everything in my power to protect my children. 

Vader's POV (Anakin)

"Find that ship and either bring me to them or allow me to get them myself!" I yelled out anxiously. 

Ever since I saw my Asuka and felt her presence surge through my veins, I've been a complete mess. It was like she was my drug, my addiction. I need to find her so this horrible withdraw I was feeling can end. This can't go on any longer. 

With that, I also need to find those two kids who called her 'mom'. I need to find out if those two are my kids. But either way, I will get them to join me with their mother and together, we can rule the galaxy as a family. 

"Y-yes, my Lord. We will try our hardest to track down their coordinates. When we find them, I will personally alert you." the acting commander assures me. 

"I'd expect nothing less, commander." I seethed. 

He nodded, shrinking down from his arrogant state. Next order of business; my so called master. The thought that he lied to me about Asuka being dead makes my skin crawled. How dare he betray me like this to something that was damn well very important to me? I hope he had an exclamation as why he did it. 

I walked in his chamber, not bothering to knock. I was enraged at that moment; I didn't have time for pleasantries. 

"You lied to me, master!" I snapped angrily. 

"Why I have no idea what you are talking about. What nonsense are you on about?" He asked as he turned his chair to face me. He seemed as though he already knew what I was talking about which fueled me even more. 

"Asuka! She's alive and well! I saw her, she was onboard!" I yelled out in anger. 

"Asuka's alive?" He gasped, placing a hand on his chest. "Why I had no idea!" He spoke with clear mock in his voice. 

"You knew all along! I could've had her by my side!" I yelled, feeling the muscles in my body tense up. 

"I promise you, my apprentice, she was dead when I went to check on her during the funeral on Naboo. She was dead after you killed her. You succeeded, at least for a while." He sighed. "My guess is the remaining three Jedi, her grandfather, her sister, and her lesbian lover did something to bring her back." 

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