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Vader's POV (Anakin)

I slowly walked towards him, ready. Today was the day I would get rid of my old master. He was the one who didn't stick up for me all those times in the council, he was jealous of my power, he even tried to come between Asuka and I. Asuka...the love of my life. She's here, somewhere on this ship. How could I forget the feeling of her soothing presence? I'll do anything to have her back.

"Hello Darth." Obi-Wan greeted. I was in disbelief. He looks exactly the same as I saw him on Mustafar. Homura has something to do with this.

"Today is the day you die, my old master. You taught me well but your training wasn't enough for me. I wasn't reaching my full potential. Now, I have done I vowed to do long ago; I've become much more powerful than any Jedi could've dreamed of." I stated, proudly, allowing a sly grin to grace my lips.

"Oh, I'm sure you are. Your new master must be very proud of you." Obi-Wan chuckled, coldly.

I growled before I start attacking him, signaling the beginning of the end for him.

Kazama's POV (Asuka)

We reached the ship and fought the troopers before we went inside the ship where the others are at.  "Did the kids made it back?" I asked.

"No, not yet." 3PO stated.

What are they doing? I was about to head back out when Luke's voice came on.

"Artoo! Artoo! Can you hear me?! Artoo, shut off all the trash compactors! I repeat, shut off all the trash compactos!"

"We're on it, Luke!" Ashoka yelled.

"Let's go!" I went out with the droids, Padme, Yumi, and Homura as the others engaged the troopers. We joined in on the battle until there is no more troopers.

"Did you save them?" Padme asked.

"We did indeed help Master Luke and his friends." 3PO informed us.

Then, more of them came out as they were shooting at something. We heard heavy breathing multiple footsteps as Luke, Rize, Sora, and Riku appeared with a very beautiful girl. Leia. My beautiful daughter.

"Han and Chewie are being chased by troopers. He lead them the opposite way we ran so we could get out." Luke spoke through heaving breaths.

"Good, I'm glad you five are safe. Let's hope the boys have the same fate." Yumi sighed.

"Who are these people?" Leia asked, politely.

We all introduce ourselves to Leia until we face each other. "I'm Asuka but call me Kazama. I used to be a senator like you." I said.

"Kamaza? As in the shinobi goddess of the galaxy?" Her eyes widened.


"It's a wonderful pleasure to finally meet you." Leia smiled, accepting my hand. I could tell that she is fangirling about me. My own daughter is a fan of me. I feel so pleased.

Vader's POV (Anakin)

Our lightsabers crashed together. I could feel the heat radiating off of them as we fought, taking turns attacking one another. As we fought it gave me memories of Mustafar. I thought about how me and Obi-Wan had a battle eerily similar to this one.

We moved into another hall where a door slid open. In my bones, I felt a surge of familiar energy. She was right there. My Asuka was right there. Dressing like Kazama, the shinobi goddess. That clinked inside me.

She was the one!

Kamaza's POV (Asuka)

I was in the middle of talking with Leia behind the Millennium Falcon when a door slid open and the sound of lightsabers filled our ears. We looked and my heart just dropped to my stomach. My eyes trailed to the one person I never thought I would see again. Anakin.

My heart sped up not only in fear but excitement. I missed him so much. I missed his gorgeous blue eyes, the way he would hold me at night, and the way we fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Tears filled my eyes as I watched him and Obi-Wan try and kill each other.

"Asuka? Are you alright?" Leia asked me in a hushed tone. I ignored her, steeping out from my hiding place and taking cautious steps forward. He can't be real. He looked just as he did on Mustafar; not aged a single day.

The second I saw them pause their fighting and I got nervous. Then, Obi-Wan used the force to shove against the wall, giving him enough time to escape and rushed towards us.

"Get on the ship!" He ordered.

Most of us did but I remained frozen. He got up and turned to face me. His eyes went wide as he stood there for a while. That's when he started walking towards me.

"Mom! Get on now! We can't let him take you again!" Luke cried.

Again, Anakin went frozen as Luke and Sora formed a protection wall between him and me.

"You won't have our mother again! Want her, you'll have to go through us!" Sora announced.

Leia, Rize, and Riku drags Luke and Sora back on the ship as Han and Chewie came running and dragging me along with them.

"Let's go, sweetheart!" Han yelled as they grabbed my arms.

I looked at him one last time. We both did. We literally broke each other.

Vader's POV (Anakin)
My mind went completely blank as the only thing I saw was those big, beautiful eyes I fell in love with all those years ago. Asuka looked the same as when I saw her; minus her pregnancy. When I looked over at her and saw how broken she looked, I felt like I had astroprojected. All I could see was her standing there, looking so sad as those two kids guard her. Our children. I wanted to drop everything and go hug her, apologize, and just mend the pieces I broke.

I needed her. I needed to fix our family.

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