Chapter 12: 50 Shades of Blood

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3rd Person's P.O.V

He lifted up his head when he heard howling outside the room, "It's not even full-moon yet, " he mumbled to himself.

"Werewolves can control their changing, you know. But it also depends," the girl stated, "When they smell blood and meat of their prey, allowing the bad side of them to take over, boom you got some wild turned-on werewolf," she continued blabbering about useless stuff and I didn't even bother to listen.

"Are you even listening?" she annoyingly asked, "Yes,"

"No," I sighed, "It's just taken me a while to process so much rubbish all at once,"

"Rubbish?" she scoffed, "More like survival stuff you need to know when you're going to die soon from being locked up in here for many shitty days,"

I rolled my eyes at her, continuing to make the set of keys move, it wouldn't even budge. I should've practiced more for the past decades. Telekinesis only subsists on our family, others possess various kinesis.  I believe that some of them are well-trained, to persist the inheritance of our own sorcery. Vampires are occasionally sensitive towards sunlight, herbs like garlic or onion. Probably that's our sort of weakness.

Werewolves should've known that our own majesty fell in love with their monarch. They had the most stunning and elegant daughter. She was never introduced to us publicly but rumors have formed that she was given to a foster family, in able to hide her true identity. Perhaps now, she's around my age, and I'll have a preference for marrying her one day. I can't do that when werewolves are trying to take her throne.

A loud clatter was heard outside the room, the boy was about to look upon the girl beside him, but it was already too late. New change-shifted werewolves entered the room biting the girl harshly as she screams loudly, crying out for help. I just stayed in the darkest corner of the room, watching her suffer to death. I was unable to do anything at the moment, I'd like to help her but if I did, I'll be risking my precious life for someone whom I don't know.

Two wolves were now savoring her body, and soon enough three, four, more wolves surrounded her and feasting her flesh. Her lifeless and torned-out body laid on the cold-hard floor, the wolves howled and continued to chew it's body parts. Once her body was just bones, they shifted their gaze towards the boy, growling, and snarling can be heard at the room.


The door was opened wide, revealing the person with a mask on it's face. She tightened her grasp towards the sword and swung it on circles. Does this always happen on fight scenes on movies and it ain't no joke holding that heavy sword?

Dead bodies of wolves are now all over the place. She headed towards me and pointed her sword, "Come with me,"

"First of all, I don't know who you are, lady"
I sighed and rolled my eyes, she scoffed at me and slammed the sword the wall beside me. "Look at me, Mister," she said, "I vowed to protect you. Come on, don't make it so fucking akward!"

"But are you sure you'll-"

"Because I'm a girl? Let's make this shit clear," she hissed and took off her mask, "I won't discuss this foolish things with you and be grateful that you are still all in one piece. And I'm not interested in your misogynist opinion so shut that mouth of yours up,"

Is that the person who I think it is? Is it really her? The girl whom I've been looking for in my whole life? But I don't remember her name though, don't mind me I'm nit good at remembering names. She just owe me and my brothers something.

"N-noona?" I muttered out, "What?" She freezes in her spot, staring at me for a long amount of time that will approximately be the case of my heart attack.

"I-uh, nevermind you look just like our foster parent. The one who raised me and my brothers into a fine looking young men,"
I said, "Well, whoever that is I hope you'll find her and get your ass moving. There's still plenty of them around the area,"


Hey guys~ Sorry for the delayed and long update! Hope you understand and please ignore the errors in the story hehe. 💤💜
Enjoy and have a nice day~ Stay safe and be healthy 😚💜

Your Lovely Author~



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